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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei-sensei]]'' takes this one to its logical extreme. Half the cast, or more, suffers from some form of severe mental disorder, which is usually played for laughs (albeit intentionally dark and disturbing laughs).
* Alphonse and Edward from ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' display all signs of PTSD when confronted with their old teacher, who was a firm believer in [[Training From Hell]]. Naturally, we're supposed to laugh.
== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Mr. Jones (Film)|Mr. Jones]]''
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Ren from ''[[The Ren and Stimpy Show]]'' is probably the most famous example from Western animation. However, unlike most examples, his psychotic freak-outs weren't always played for laughter. While he did display [[Insane Equals Violent]] behaviour, it was always when he was being ''normal''; when his manic side was triggered, that's when he snapped into batshit terrifying, yet non-violent mode. Examples include "Stimpy's Fan Club", in which [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW3Roqmfr94 a quite long and elaborate scene] is dediacted to him considering killing Stimpy (complete with rambling that "his hands are dirty, the dirt won't come off" and that "with these hands, he holds the fate of millions"), but he doesn't lay a finger on him throughout all of it. There's also "Sven Hoek", in which he becomes furious with his cousin Sven and Stimpy, leading to another [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR6KjNmN2BA disturbing monologue]. It truly gives a twist to Ren's personality, at least before he was [[Flanderization|flanderized]] post-season 2.
* In [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]], the fandom seized onto a background character with 'derp' eyes, dubbed "Derpy Hooves". She became so popular that she made it into the show- with slurred speech, destructive tendencies and other traits, which combined with her eyes, made her seem to have a mental condition. People reacted badly to the portrayal as being offensive to people with genuine mental disorders as well as clashing with her fanon portrayal.
** One thing to point out is that there was mixed reaction. Many people reacted positively to Derpy's portrayal, and some reacted negatively (though it is believed by some to be the work of trolls). In any case, the episode that gave her the spotlight was quickly changed to take out the derp eyes, not call her by name, and have her speak in a more generic tone of voice. However, Derpy has continued to make background cameos with no such backlash, even after the incident.
** Read It and Weep has Screwloose, a clearly insane patient in a mental hospital, literally barking mad.
* The Ice King of ''[[Adventure Time (Animation)|Adventure Time]]'' was first viewed as a nutjob, until it was revealed that his crown warped his mind to a point of no return, resulting in his fiance leaving him.
** Lemongrab definitely qualifies. While he is clearly despised by everybody in the show for being a huge jerk to everybody who disagrees with him, viewer reaction ranges drastically from puzzlement to amusement to outright hatred to sympathy. While he is a mean, sour person, the cause of his bitter personality and anxiety is some kind of mental disorder that resulted from a failed experiment. He has anger management problems, an inability to read social cues, and doesn't think entirely logically, which isn't his fault. In-universe, he's treated like the jerk he is, but it's never taken into account that there is something seriously wrong with his brain.
** The Royal Tart Toter. Mother of [[Hold Your Hippogriffs|Glob]], the Tart Toter. It's outright stated that he's insane and has completely lost touch with reality, but this is quickly swept under the rug and never brought up again. Jesse Moynihan even drew parallels between the Candy Kingdom Society and America during the Regan/Ron Paul years, in which mental hospitals were shut down, resulting in "a bunch of tart toters running around today in the streets."
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