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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Cheza and the wolves in ''[[Wolfs Rain|Wolf's Rain]]'' are searching for the entrance to Paradise (Rakuen) on Earth, but none of them knows what it's really like. {{spoiler|And the audience never gets to find out.}}
* In ''[[Naruto]]'' this is called "The Pure World" (life is "The Impure World"), and is brought up mostly in reference to Edo Tensei, the jutsu whereby a dead ninja is brought back to life to serve as an enslaved, zombified summon. The last thing any of the ninja remember is the moment of their death, which seems to be part of the "pure" thing. The Pure World may or may not refer to both Heaven and Hell since Zabuza fully expected to arrive in the latter, though in his case thats probably because of [[Death Equals Redemption]].
** This could also imply that there is but one afterlife in the Narutoverse, much like Hades or an eternal purgatory.
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** The DVD has since revealed that Azrael was originally given a much more detailed rant about Hell, and would have proceeded to give Bethany (and the audience) a glimpse of it. However, the sequence was not quite completed, and instead, the following message appears:
{{quote| ''Azrael places his hands over Bethany's eyes. For about 10 seconds, we see some of the most fucked up and disturbing imagery that can be crammed into 240 frames of film.''}}
* Used, and [[Lampshaded]], in ''[[Star Trek IV: theThe Voyage Home (Film)|Star Trek IV the Voyage Home]]'', when the recently resurrected Spock tells McCoy that he can't describe death, since McCoy lacks a common frame of reference:
{{quote| '''McCoy:''' "You mean I have to ''die'' to discuss your insights on ''death''!?"}}
** This is doesn't really make much sense though, considering that McCoy '''did''' die in Shore Leave, an episode of the Original Series.
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== [[Radio]] ==
* ''[[Adventures in Odyssey (Radio)|Adventures in Odyssey]]'': In "The Mortal Coil," Whit designs an Imagination Station program that is supposed to be a virtual reality experience of death. It accidentally sends Whit into a coma where he ''really'' ends up on the edge, and we are treated to his experience of Heaven, albeit not nearly as wonderful as the real thing, or so he is told by his dead wife and son. But all we get is a secondhand account of Eugene's virtual experience of Hell: "I've never felt such loneliness or isolation. It was as though I was completely separated from everyone and everything -- completely and thoroughly ''alone''. Non-existent in a dark void of solitude. I was alone, Connie. Utterly alone in a burning blackness, and I've had nothing but nightmares since then..." Whit shelves the program permanently after all this.
== [[Real Life]] ==
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* Oh, and that time the [[Power Rangers Lost Galaxy|Pink Galaxy Ranger]] died. She showed up again translucent blabbing about being in "a beautiful place", so move on and find the next Pink Ranger. And then she comes back to life with no explanation in the finale when they find the new colony planet.
** Which is in stark contrast to Mike's earier death, (yes, he did indeed ''die'') where he can't remember anything, although that may be a side-effect of being possessed by the [[Sixth Ranger|Magna Defender]] (yup, in this show the Sixth Ranger actually [[Black and Grey Morality|stole another person's body]])
* Though not quite ''death,'' the realm of the [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence|ascended]] in the [[Stargate Verse]] is never shown, except for the time it was represented as a restaurant for Daniel's mind to comprehend. No details of what it's like are ever given. Also, even though at least three members of SG-1 have all died and come back (and more than once), they are never asked what it felt like before the resurrection -- the one thing that's not even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]], unlike nearly everything else in the show.
* In the ''[[Outer Limits]]'' episode "White Light Fever", an old man has been doing everything he can to stave off death, including putting himself ahead of a sweet young woman to have a heart transplant. He remarks during the episode that "death is cold". As he is finally dying, he sees the ghost of the sweet young woman approach him. "Take me with you," he pleads. She tells him this is not possible, and that where she is going, it is always warm. Just before she leaves, she turns to face him, saying, "It's funny. I always thought it was the other way 'round."
* In ''[[Dead Like Me]]'', the viewers never get to see what happens to people's souls after they cross over, and it's never really given much detail. They usually just have some kind of happy vision and then vanish. You only see the souls that stick around, either as [[Psychopomp|Reapers]] or {{spoiler|as Gravelings}}.
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