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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In a ''[[Ranma One Half]]'' flashback it's revealed that Ranma accidentally ruins Ukyo's special sauce that requires ten years of aging. He frantically makes some sauce of his own out of whatever he can find. One imagines it was inedible to begin with, but after ten years of aging... yuck!
** Another time, Ranma accidentally broke the traditional doll that gave a very famous inn its name. He hastily reassembled it into something of a frog-shape, incurring [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|the doll's]] ([[Demonic Possession|and Akane's]]) wrath.
* In ''[[FAKE (Manga)|FAKE]]'', Bikky saved up money to buy some expensive jewelery for Carol and even bought it, but on the way out met a kid crying because he'd just been mugged and couldn't buy something for his mother. So of course Bikky goes back into the shop, returns the gift, and gives the kid the money. Carol winds up with sunflowers Bikky cut from his foster dad's window sill (and since she was following Bikky and saw the whole thing, she's just as happy with that).
* ''[[Kiki's Delivery Service]]'' has another subversion. Kiki has lost the stuffed cat she's supposed to deliver, so her cat Jiji (who happens to look identical) is called in to play mime while Kiki finds the toy. A more dramatic use of this trope occurs later when Kiki is forced to borrow a streetsweeper's broom to fly to Tombo's rescue.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* In the [[Discworld]] novel ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Hogfather|Hogfather]]'', Albert kicks this trope in the nuts. ''Hard.'' He talks about how he wanted a rocking horse as a kid, but his parents could never afford it, so his dad carved him a little wooden horse instead. When Death asks him if that was more important because of the effort the dad put in, Albert snorts and says that's how ''adults'' think. You're a greedy little bastard at 7-years-old.
** Even more prevalent is the fact that {{spoiler|Death}} is acting as the {{spoiler|missing}} Santa. It is constantly emphasized that he can only copy, not create or understand the underlying concepts of life and living, he only understands that Santa must be. While going about these duties, he has to be warned not to greet any more children with "Cower, brief mortals."
* The story ''[[Ben And Me]]'' has Amos, Ben Franklin's mouse companion, doing a few of these:
** Ben Franklin has set up his electrical equipment for a demonstration. To Amos it doesn't look like the diagrams, so he "fixes" it, dumping the extra stuff into a chair. A very prominent citizen later gets zapped.
** Amos has taken it upon himself to "fix" the latest edition of Poor Richard's Almanac by adjusting the lists of maxims and the tides table. This doesn't end well, but he was certainly was good-natured in his intentions.
* In ''[[Alice in Wonderland (Literature)|Through the Looking Glass]]'' Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee are about to do battle (over a water-soaked rattle, LONG story...), but they don't have any real armor or weapons. Their strategy? Strap pots and pans to their bodies! Yeah, I'm sure that's the same...
* One of the ''[[Chicken Soup for Thethe Soul]]'' books depict a heartrending version of this. The child wants a bicycle, but the parents don't have the time to find a proper one, so the dad makes a small bike model. The child is told that the model can be exchanged for a real one, but then the [[Tastes Like Diabetes]] moment comes. Cue the tears. The child would never trade the bike made for them by Daddy!
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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** Chandler thinks he has lost the photos of his and Monica's wedding. With Ross's help, he crashes another wedding and takes a bunch of pictures of himself and Ross in an attempt to pass that wedding off as his own. For the finishing touch, he walks up to the bride (who fortunately happens to resemble Monica from the back), kisses her while Ross takes a picture, then runs. When Chandler later shows Monica the pictures, she informs him that she had their wedding photos all along... leaving Chandler to try to explain why he took a photo of himself kissing another woman.
* On ''[[Frasier]]'' Roz's daughter had started painting in school. Too bad she practiced on Frasier's new painting, too. So off Roz goes with the real painting to the art restorer's, leaving Alice's painting under the cover as a dummy. That night is the grand unveiling. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* Played with on ''[[Scrubs]]''. Carla has ruined Turk's stuffed dog Rowdy. Janitor (a known taxidermy freak) manages to get a replacement stuffed Golden Retriever, but it's not quite as big. Luckily Carla can "[[Distracted Byby the Sexy|distract]]" Turk before he can quite realize the discrepancy.
** In another episode, JD has been assigned to videotape the birth of a friend's child. Too bad JD used the tape that was already in the camcorder, which had the protection tab removed. Thus JD didn't tape anything. Efforts to videotape another baby's birth and swap the tapes fail miserably.
*** To convince Jordan perhaps. It seemed to fool the parents.
* In ''[[Everybody Loves Raymond]]'', the wife finds out that the husband had proposed using a cubic zirconium ring, (there was some extended story about how the original diamond had been lost and the guy had replace it with zirconium), so she went out and bought a diamond to replace. Only to discover that the man had purchased a replacement real diamond to secretly replace his original knockoff replacement. (Since he really felt guilty about the knockoff- it just took him a few years of saving his beer money to buy the real thing). Of course the new diamond wasn't nearly as expensive as the old diamond which the wife had discarded.
* ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]''. Holodoc has beamed himself halfway across the galaxy, leaving Tom Paris in charge of sickbay. He's bored out of his mind and going through withdrawal from not piloting the ship, so he asks Harry Kim to make a new emergency medical hologram. It's easy enough to duplicate the body, but reproducing the immense knowledge and skill base required for a ship's doctor only resulted in a sputtering, unresponsive hologram that recited Gray's Anatomy until it glitched itself out of existence.
* In ''[[Black Books]]'', Bernard and Manny accidentally drink a bottle of priceless, 100 year-old wine that was going to be presented to the pope. Going by a book that describes the taste "a hint of vanilla," "an oaky finish" etc - they try to make their own replacement with cheap wine, vanilla ice-cream and twigs, while a thunderstorm rages outside and they devolve into Hammer horror-style Dr. Frankenstein and Igor.
{{quote| '''Bernard''':They'd all laugh at me if they knew what was trying to do. To create a new superwine in half an hour with a fraction of nature's resources and a FOOL for an assistant. "Bernard Black - he's mad!" they'd say. "He's insane! He's dangerous!" WELL I'LL SHOW THEM! I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!}}
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* Oddly enough, it's actually successful in one episode of ''[[Northern Exposure]]''.
* In ''[[Hannah Montana]],'' Miley's brother accidentally destroys her childhood teddy bear. In revenge, she destroys his priceless, irreplaceable baseball that was signed by some retired (and embittered) pitcher. When her brother has her bear fixed, she has a [[Zany Scheme]] to replace his ball before he finds out about the damage. She was successful in getting a genuine signed ball, but the original was actually a forgery.
* In ''[[Black AdderBlackadder]] The Third'', Baldrick accidentally burns Dr. Johnson's dictionary and Blackadder tries to recreate it in one night. In the end, it turns out {{spoiler|the dictionary was fine, what Baldrick burned was in fact Blackadder's autobiography (written under a pseudonym) which took ten years to write and which Johnson loved, saying it would make both of them millionaires.}}
* ''[[The Red Green Show]]'' has Red do this once in awhile using nothing more than duct tape and the odd piece of junk.
* The Britcom ''[[To the Manor Born]]'' has this. Audrey is successfully selling her homemade honey to the droves of birdwatchers that have come to see a rare bird. Since her small beehive is capable of only minimal honey production, she buys jars of commercial honey from the supermarket and puts new labels on them.
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* In an episode of ''[[Hardcastle and McCormick]]'', Hardcastle's basketball that was autographed by Wilt Chamberlain is stolen in a break-in (that was McCormick's fault). When they are not able to recver the ball, McCormick attempts to replace it by getting another ball and forging Chamberlain's autograph. Unfortunately, not being a basketball fan, he signs it ''Walt'' Chamberlain.
* Something similar happens in ''[[That 70s Show]]'' when Hyde is left to watch his dad's house for a weekend and his dad's prized possession (an autographed guitar) is damaged. When they get the guitar repaired, someone cleaned the autograph from the guitar, thinking it was graffiti. In a panic, Hyde scribbles the autograph back on the guitar.
* [[The Chew Toy|Eternally unlucky protagonist]] Victor Meldrew from [[Britcom]] ''[[One Foot in The Grave (TV)|One Foot in Thethe Grave]]'' [[Ashes to Crashes|spills what he thinks is the ashes]] of his neighbours' mother, whereas it's actually herbal tea. He replaces it with burnt toilet paper, which later ends up being fed back to him when his wife makes him some of the tea.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
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** A running gag in ''[[Monkey Island]]'' games is that Guybrush has to use replacement items that are widely unsuited for the job like using a live monkey as a replacement for a monkey wrench. He also often uses subpar voodoo ingredients and the final product tends to backfire on him.
** Pick any adventure game; 9 times out of 10 you'll have to bodge together random objects to make a thing because the original thing is unavailable somehow.
* A running gag in ''[[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney]]'' is that the Kurain pot is never assembled the same way twice.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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