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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== All the chocolate Wonka's factory makes is laced with an ''addictive'' hallucinogen. ==
== Mr. Wonka is secretly [[Alice in Wonderland (Literature)|The Mad Hatter]]. ==
He is often seen wearing a top hat, and the sequel book shows that much of the factory is underground.
* Both films, while not showing it, imply it. The long hallway to the chocolate room heads ''down.''
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== Mr. Wonka is [[Girl Genius|a spark.]] ==
This might go some way toward explaining Britain's apparent world power status [[In -Universe]]. With all the stuff he makes in the books (including space capable lifts), the odd licorice-powered laser and hard boiled warship might just be on the agenda, too...
* He's got to make Wonka-style TV common first.
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This would explain why he can create candy that is impossible as defined by the laws of physics, because as long as he thinks it works, it does. He is obviously a VERY high power devisor at that, in fact, as his candy always works right and doesn't explode everyone who touches it (unless that's what it's supposed to do, of course.)
== Mr. Wonka is a [[Genius: The Transgression (Tabletop Game)|Genius]] ==
He has a special, higher than ordinarily possible, version of Beholden and Production Line that allows him to create huge amounts of wonders in Pill Form, allowing the strange effects. Pill Form prevents Havoc unless directly interfered with; eating it destroys it before it can be properly messed with. He is a rogue Staunen.
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It could be that Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka was next in line to Peter Ostrum's Charlie. The Willy Wonkas in both movies both gave their factories to the Charlie Buckets at the end of their respective movies. So it's possible that even before the book was written, a Willy Wonka has always given the Wonka factory to some nice bloke called Charlie Bucket when it's about time to retire.
* Sounds plausible. But Peter Ostrum's Charlie either had bad luck distributing ''his'' Golden Tickets or else chose to test for something ''other'' than moral character in the hopes that he could train that with the chocolatiering. (Wilder's Wonka tested for moral character; Depp's Wonka has a ''very'' shaky grasp on it.)
* And they all keep handing down the name? Makes sense; no one would surrender to the [[The Princess Bride (Filmfilm)|Dread Candyman Charlie]].
== Wonka designed the tour to try to tempt each child with a Karmic Fate, so as to better evaluate them. ==
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== In making his factory, Wonka inadvertently tunneled into [[Touhou Project|Gensokyo]] ==
Since phenomena in Gensokyo are caused by the active disbelief of people beyond the barrier, this explains how most of the factory can shamelessly [[It Runs Onon Nonsensoleum|run on Nonsensoleum]] yet still work. The geography might be a stretch, but Gensokyo is known to have a deep underground network of... well, hells; and Yukari is more than lazy enough to not bother with someone tunneling through a weak point of the Barrier into nothing but solid rock.
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== Wonka is some form of supernatural being with [[Reality Warping]] powers ==
Probably a relatively low-level trickster deity or one of [[The Fair Folk]]. In the 2005 film, he doesn't look quite...human. He's not just pale, he's kind of grey and translucent. Being magical in nature, he can make such things as everlasting gobstoppers and ice-cream that doesn't melt happen even if they're impossible, along with sheep that have candyfloss for wool and square sweets that look round and so on. The squirrels are under his control, as an elemental being. The television chocolate thing works because, although he has no idea how physics really works, he expects it to work the way he thinks it does and therefore it does. The Oompa Loompas are some kind of subordinate beings, or beings that he created or summoned up from elsewhere.
This is similar to the "Wonka is the Devil" WMG at the top of the page but different; in this interpretation he's not malevolent or trying to punish anyone, just mischievous and out to cause minor chaos and have fun. Normally he would channel those sorts of impulses by making crazy candy and occasionally by messing with the Oompa Loompas (say, by turning them into blueberries or making them float or sprout hair all over their bodies), but he became bored and decided to bring some humans into his factory to "play" with. Think of him like [[Star Trek: theThe Original Series|Trelane]]; just out to enjoy himself, but does it by messing around with less powerful beings than himself and isn't overly concerned about hurting them.
(There are problems like him having a father in the 2005 film, but [[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series (Web Video)|I'm pretty sure I could explain away any inconsistencies if you gave me about 10 minutes]]. Like maybe he came into the mortal world as a [[Changeling Tale|Changeling]].)
End essay.
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Hence her [[Hollow-Sounding Head|head sounding empty]] when the squirrels tap on it.
== Wonka is a [[Doctor Who (TV)|Time Lord.]] ==
Someone had to say it! He just built a regular-sized factory as a cover: the front door is really the door to his TARDIS. It's bigger on the inside, and he distracts his guests with songs and dances so they don't notice when they're traveling through the time vortex. Then, when they're good and distracted, he leads them out through another door (the TARDIS's door again) into an alien planet. Oompa Loompas are aliens. And all the chocolate trees are the planet's natural flora and fauna!
== Wonka Only Hates Mr. Salt. ==
At the beginning of the film, Wonka didn't really like anybody due to his own misanthropy, but he took an immediate, strong dislike to Mr. Salt for seemingly no reason at all. The rotten kids all got in trouble because they didn't listen to Wonka's warnings, but Salt was set up. Wonka wouldn't let him go after Veruca until she'd already gone down the garbage shoot, and counted on the squirrels to knock Salt down after her if he didn't fall. Wonka hated Mr. Salt because, as a tall, posh grey-haired Englishman, he reminded Wonka of his [[Fantasy -Forbidding Father|father]].
Now try watching the movie again and tell me you don't see it.
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