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** Although that was mostly because the [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped|anvil needed to be dropped]].
** And then there's ''[[The Day After]]'', and (urg) ''[[Threads]]''...
* ''[[Alien (Filmfranchise)|Alien]] 3'' starts out by killing off the characters that Ripley saved (including a little girl), stranding her on a prison colony, and showing that for all the pyrotechnics of the second film, the alien menace is still at large. Needless to say, [[Fanon Discontinuity|a lot of fans consider the series to have ended with the previous film]].
** This also extends to the comic adaptation, ''Newt's Tale'', which tells ''Aliens''' events from the perspective of the titular girl of the same nickname. Not only does it [[Late Arrival Spoiler|spoil her eventual fate in the third film]], but it makes the extended backstory (where she narrowly escapes after her mother and brother are massacred by the xenomorphs during the colonists' last stand) more pointless than her appearance in the sequel. The comic book adaptation of the third film goes one step further and makes a point of showing her death by drowning.
* In ''[[Chinatown]]'', the protagonist spends most of the movie investigating the murder of the head of the water department, uncovering a rather complicated conspiracy in the process. He eventually discovers the villain, who's revealed to be so evil that he even raped his daughter and fathered a child by her but In the end he gets away with everything, taking custody of his incestuous grand-daughter at the same time, and the police shoot the protagonist's love interest dead as she attempts to flee with the girl. As the famous quote goes: ''"Forget it, Jake, it's Chinatown."''
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* ''Epic Movie'' ends with the four lead characters being inexplicably flattened by a runaway water wheel, making the whole movie pointless. Even more so than it already was.
** Well, it's a [[Seltzer and Friedberg]] movie. What can you expect?
* ''[[Brazil (Filmfilm)|Brazil]]'' ends with the revelation that the film's "happy ending" was just a hallucination, and the main character was actually tortured to insanity
* ''[[Ran]]''. Influenced by ''King Lear'', [[Akira Kurosawa]] managed to make his film incredibly depressing. Nearly everyone dies or is pointlessly killed. The father, Hidetora, lord over a great clan, plans to divide his kingdom to his three sons, expecting them to be loyal even though most of his power came through bloodshed, war, and treachery. He ends up banishing the third and youngest brother, who warns him of the stupidity of such a plan. He stays with his first son, at the First Castle. Through a large chain of events, Hidetora loses everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. He is left insane, and his only hope is his youngest son. When the father manages to reunite with his youngest son, {{spoiler|he dies due to an arrow from an enemy soldier}}, and the father dies of a heart attack. The ending scene is bleak, as {{spoiler|the blind brother of Lady Sue, wife of one of the other brothers, is left alone, as his sister was killed. He ends up dropping the gift his sister gave him, and is left to die in the ruins of his father's castle, forgotten}}.
** The Sengoku period (in which the film is set) is infamous for constant, often senseless violence, and general chaos. Even the title, ''Ran'', can be translated as "chaos".
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** The first film's message was that time travel can't change the past and that Skynet even trying to do so only caused both itself and the leader of the resistance to be. The second movie's entire Aesop was the change to the idea that we can change the future. Then it decides that maybe it was right the first time. An exercise in indecision, rendering a whole <s>movie</s>''series'' pointless beyond the pretty explosions?
** The original script for ''Terminator Salvation'' not only nearly did this to John Connor, but to the entire point of the character and all three preceding movies in the first place. Basically, Connor was supposed to have been killed, and then have his skin and face grafted onto the cyborg Marcus, who assumes the identity of John Connor and leads the Resistance. This ending was leaked, and the fandom was ''not happy'', forcing a rewrite. If they'd gone ahead with it, it would have meant that Skynet went on a wild goose chase across the entire franchise, since the John Connor we know wouldn't have been the "real" John Connor. It wouldn't have mattered if Skynet had terminated him or Sarah, since he was nearly that easily replaceable.
*** Though there are [[The Spoony Experiment (Web Video)|those]] who wish they stuck with that ending anyway.
* One word: ''[[Bulworth]]''. Five words: Rapping politician, {{spoiler|meet sniper bullet. Yes, in a ''comedy''. And he ordered the hit on himself!}}
** Actually, {{spoiler|Bulworth was shot by an insurance lobbyist over one of his campaign points. Halle Berry was the hitman hired to kill him and she called it off herself.}}
* The remake of ''[[Dawn of the Dead 2004 (Film)|Dawn of the Dead 2004]]''. At the end of the movie, it appears that the few remaining protagonists' struggles have paid off, and they're finally able to sail into the sunset to find an island they can start a new life on. Guess what? {{spoiler|Island zombies, is what. How do you like them coconuts?}} Although {{spoiler|the characters aren't actually ''shown'' dying..}}
** This ending was tacked on after test-audiences griped about the original, far more ambiguous, version.
* The last half hour or so of ''[[The Descent (Film)|The Descent]]'' is an extended version of this trope, as it's implied that if you can't stay together as a cooperating pack [they can't] the only way to be [[Badass]] enough to get out of the cave is to go crazy and become as vicious as the crawlers. {{spoiler|Also, in the UK ending, everyone dies. At least Sarah regains her humanity at the last minute... by choosing to stay with the hallucination of her dead daughter and apparently accept death.}} Hooray!
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** He did accomplish his original objective, though.
* The ''[[Final Destination]]'' series of films is about a group of people who see a premonition of their own death, and manage to escape it with this knowledge. However, Death does not give up on trying to claim them and looks for other ways to kill the protagonists. The protagonists then spend the rest of the movie trying to escape dying again and again, only to in the end fail and die, making all their efforts till that point fruitless. And anyone that escapes a movie experiences [[Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome]].
* ''[[Munich (Film)|Munich]]''. {{spoiler|"In the end, did we really accomplish anything?"}}
* ''[[Easy Rider]]'' ends suddenly when Billy and Wyatt {{spoiler|are blown off their bikes by two rednecks in a pickup, for fun.}} Not to mention that George Hanson ([[Jack Nicholson]]) {{spoiler|meets a similarly pointless end in a redneck attack about halfway through the film.}} How was this missed, etc.
** During a ''scenery / music / driving montage'', no less! And... [[Boom Up and Over|Boom Up And Out]] over the burning heap of motorcycle on the banks of the Mississippi to the tune of [[Bob Dylan]] singin' about flowin' rivers and star-spangled deltas.
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** Of course, there is ''a lot'' more to the story than that. It's more of a [[Bittersweet Ending]], really.
* ''The Jammed'' is about a woman who tries to help three illegal prostitutes in Melbourne. Then end up (mostly) worse than when she found them. {{spoiler|One commits suicide, one runs off and one ends up in immigration detention}}. This is an attempt at [[Truth in Television]].
* The film ''[[Carnosaur (Filmfilm)|Carnosaur]]'' is about a small town that is attacked by bio engineered dinosaurs. Our heroes, manage to survive by using a forklift to disembowel a T-Rex. Then [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDaYobJlqDM&feature=related.html THIS] Happens. Making everything pointless.
* This trope is deliberately invoked by the film ''[[Gallipoli]]'' in order to deliver an anti-war [[Aesop]]. In it, two young Australian men go to great lengths to join the army during World War 1, go through some training that doesn't seem to be taking the war seriously (for example, their drill sergeant gives them a lecture on contraception), and, in the final three minutes of the film, the characters actually go to war and are promptly killed. Roll credits.
** In the original script, the main character was meant to be shot and killed within a minute of him stepping onto Gallipoli beach. The worst part is that the film is closer to what actually happened than most war films.
* ''[[All Quiet On the Western Front (Literature)|All Quiet Onon the Western Front]]'' is similar. It follows [[How to Survive Aa War Movie|war movie conventions]] rigorously right up to the third act, where the main characters are picked off one by one in trench warfare, until {{spoiler|[[Kill'Em All|they are all dead]]}}. The [[Audience Surrogate]] survives long enough {{spoiler|to stand up while sketching}} a butterfly in the trenches on [[Hope Spot|the day of the Armistice]], {{spoiler|promptly getting shot and becoming the last casualty of [[World War One]].}} The closing title card? "[[Title Drop|All Quiet On The Western Front]]." All this is, of course, true to the spirit of the book.
* ''[[Legends of the Fall]]''. Several ineffectual people end up dying, including most of the Ludlow family, and the tragic heroine. The protagonist himself, in exile and old age, gets eaten by a bear at the end.
* Averted before release in ''[[First Blood (Film)Rambo|First Blood]]'' (the first ''[[Rambo (Franchise)|Rambo]]'' film). The ending, as originally taken from the novel (yes, [[Adaptation Displacement|there was a novel]]), scripted and filmed, had John Rambo dying in the closing scenes by indirect suicide. He pulls a gun out of Trautman's jacket, places it in Trautman's hand, and moves the hand to point the gun at him, and presses Trautman's finger against the trigger. Test audiences hated it, so the ending was reshot with Trautman convincing Rambo to turn himself in (paving the way for the sequels).
* ''[[Open Water (Film)|Open Water]]'' is two hours of people stranded at sea waiting for a rescue {{spoiler|that will never come.}}
* The [[Denzel Washington]] film ''[[Fallen]]'', where he plays a police detective, has him spend the whole film trying to figure out a way to stop the [[Our Demons Are Different|demon]] Azazel, who can possess people just by having his host touch them, and move on to a new body within a few hundred feet if his host is killed. At one point in the movie, he murders the main character's brother using poison. Eventually, the protagonist lures him out to an isolated cabin, and smokes cigarettes laced with the poison his brother was killed with, before shooting Azazel (who was currently possessing his friend and partner). Azazel than possesses the protagonist and stumbles around in the snow for a bit, before dying. {{spoiler|The camera than pans out as Azazel narrates how pathetic and pointless the protagonist was, before its revealed that he manages to survive by possessing a kitten underneath the cabin}}. Whats worse {{spoiler|is how pointless the whole thing was; Azazel was only antagonising the character for his own twisted amusement, and nothing is ultimately accomplished, except the protagonist's name being besmirched, and his nephew being left without any family}}.
** Even worse is that this is all lampshaded in the movie {{spoiler|First at the very beginning of the movie when Azazel as the narrator tells you that he is going to tell you the story when he '''''was almost''''' killed, and then at the end he says "I told you this was the story when I almost died, didn't I?" Bastards.}}
* In the horror movie ''Catacombs'', we have an example of this trope. The protagonist visits her bitchy sister in Paris, and she is brought by her to a sort of rave party in the labyrinth-like catacombs under the city, along with a group of French goths. Then the two of them get lost, and the sister is apparently killed by an axe-wielding serial killer wearing a goat mask. The protagonist is then stalked by said monster in the catacombs for a whole hour... until it turns out that {{spoiler|it was all an overlong joke of dubious taste planned by her sister and friends. Unfortunately, this is revealed after the protagonist has killed one of them in the darkness. The sister then proceeds to yell at and insult the barely-sane anymore protagonist, who then proceeds to slaughter the rest of them, including her sister, and leaves. Some people just can't take a joke.}}
* ''[[Angel Heart]]'' - {{spoiler|It turns out that Mickey Rourke has been hired by the devil to condemn himself to hell.}}
* ''[[Titus Andronicus (Theatretheatre)|Titus]]'' - with Anthony Hopkins, based on the play by [[William Shakespeare]] ... Let's just say that it inspired the {{spoiler|Scott Tenorman episode of ''[[South Park]]''}} and leave it at that.
* ''[[Se7en]]'' Detectives Mills and Summerset {{spoiler|achieve exactly nothing, and indeed are an essential part of the serial killer's master plan. John Doe kills Mills's wife, prompting Mills to kill him, leading to Mills being arrested.}}
* ''[[Dancer in The Dark]]'' - subverted. It might appear as the most depressing movie ever, anywhere, and ultimately pointless. And ends with the {{spoiler|execution of the innocent, blind main character.}} As is typical of Lars von Trier, it's really about a gigantic [[Heroic Sacrifice]] on part of a female heroine. She does {{spoiler|accomplish her goal of preventing her son from going blind by getting him the operation he needs, which is all she wanted anyway}}. Plus she wasn't exactly innocent, {{spoiler|she did in fact kill her neighbor.}}
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** One of those is debatable: [[Word of God|Sam Raimi]] has stated that {{spoiler|the heroine [http://scifiwire.com/2009/05/is-drag-me-to-hells-heroi.php committed a sin] and avoided the consequences, thus deserving what she got. He does concede that she may have been "a [[Understatement|little]] [[Disproportionate Retribution|over-punished]]."}}
*** She obviously had it coming. But her co-worker who stole the fruits of her labor to betray both her and the bank, well, he can be redeemed with a little waterworks display.
* ''Employee Of The Month'' - a [[Black Comedy|black comedy]] about a man who breaks up with his fiancee after getting fired from his dream job at a major bank chain, and cheats on her with his coworker, Wendy. After a night of hard drinking, chatting with his estranged friend Jack (a coroner), and multiple attempts to mend his relationship, the protagonist (David Walsh) walks back into his workplace with a pistol, insults his former coworkers, puts a gun to his former boss's head (but doesn't kill him), and promptly walks out of his office {{spoiler|directly into a bank heist. Dave manages to foil the robbery, at the apparent cost of his own life.}} This turns into a {{spoiler|quintuple}} twist; {{spoiler|the robbery was part of a two-year plan to erase David's identity and leave him and his friends filthy rich. Dave, Jack, and Wendy meet up in a motel room, prepared to divide their earnings and part ways. Dave kills Jack. Wendy kills Dave and runs off with Dave's ex-fiancee (Sarah) with whom she's involved in a lesbian relationship.}} All of this sex and mayhem is finally rendered moot after the credits, {{spoiler|when Sarah and Wendy's car is hit by a bus, killing them both.}}
* ''Happy Times'' uses this trope. After the main character spends the entire movie unsuccessfully trying to start a relationship, {{spoiler|he is left in a coma after being hit by a garbage truck}}. The hope that he might have at least helped someone else is destroyed {{spoiler|since she runs away because she feels like a burden. Neither character knows what has happened to the other character and neither will obtain their dream}}.
** It's really a [[Bittersweet Ending]] more than anything. Despite the main character going into a coma never knowing of where the blind girl has gone, there is a bit of reward in the fact that she experienced some of the happiest times of her life, according to her, and has inspired her to go out into the real world and find her place in it. Ambiguous, and sad, yes, but not completely without hope or purpose.
* ''[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064695/ More Dead Than Alive]'' fits very nicely into this trope. The entire movie focuses on a guy known as "Killer Cain" trying to settle down with an honest living after spending 18 years in jail for a string of murders he committed prior to the movie. Being an ex-criminal, it's hard for him to find work. The only job he can keep is one at a shooting show. However there, he has to put up with an insolent young co-worker of his. To make things worse, he's made plenty of enemies in the past. By the end of the movie, {{spoiler|he not only gets the ranch he wants, but he gets to marry the woman he loves in a classic Western movie fashion. But then one of his old enemies (apparently the guy's father was one of Cain's victims) shows up and guns him down}}.
* The ''[[Halloween (Filmfilm)|Halloween]]'' series. Laurie is believed to fit this trope, but Jamie definitely does. {{spoiler|She gets mocked for being related to Michael, becomes mute due to a powerful connection with Michael, has all her friends, her sister, and her dog killed, gets kidnapped by a cult and is forced to have sex with Michael, and she's finally impaled by farm equipment.}}
* ''[[Arlington Road]]'' is practically ''the'' god-king of this trope. The movie stars Jeff Bridges as a university professor who is an expert on domestic terrorism, and whose wife died in a failed FBI mission some years earlier. He has a young son, a girlfriend, played by Hope Davis, and keeps in touch with his wife's former FBI partner, played by Robert Gossett. One day he begins to suspect his next-door neighbors, played by Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack, to be terrorists, based on a number of incidents that have occurred around them, including his son being hospitalized after an accident involving a firecracker. Nobody will believe him though, finding his ideas crazy and paranoid, pointing the finger at his being unable to recover from the trauma he experienced when his wife died in the manner she did. Things only get worse for Bridges when {{spoiler|his girlfriend ends up being murdered by Cusack right after she starts to believe in Bridges' suspicions. Her death is subsequently covered up as a car accident.}} Not one to be let down, Bridges continues to go after the terrorist couple, when his son is taken hostage by them. He goes after them, following a van he is led to believe to contain his son to a parking garage, with Gossett tagging along. He arrives at the garage, but finds out that he was following the wrong van. After that, he opens the trunk of his car, only for {{spoiler|a bomb that had been carefully planted inside to go off, destroying the building he had been baited to, killing Bridges, Gossett, and hundreds of other people.}} How can things get any worse than that? Well, {{spoiler|Bridges is posthumously framed for blowing up the building, and now is forever demonized as a terrorist/suicide bomber, Robbins and Cusack get away scot-free having accomplished what they set out to do, and Bridges' son lives now fatherless and motherless with relatives, never knowing of his father's innocence. And it's implied that the alleged terrorist Bridges talked about early in the film, who he was never convinced was guilty, had a similar stunt pulled on him by the couple.}} Many people, including renowned movie critic Roger Ebert, have been highly critical of the way this movie ends, due to the [[Diabolus Ex Machina|ridiculous contrivances]] and complications involved that led up to this point, not to mention the fact that, in order for this plan to be successfully carried out in real life, you'd need to practically be [[Born Lucky]] or have [[Psychic Powers]], your target acting in every exact way you want them to, moving in on the right locations at exactly the right time. In short, the shaggy dog was shot by a blatant [[Xanatos Roulette]].
* In ''[[The Incredible Melting Man]]'' the titular character is an astronaut who has been irradiated on his way back from Saturn and who is slowly melting to death. There is no cure whatsoever. Only killing and consuming people stops his pain, even briefly. In the end, during a confrontation at a power plant, his best friend is endangered and the astronaut regains a bit of humanity and saves his life - only for said friend to be shot to death by a pair of random security guards. The astronaut kills the guards, collapses and expires. A janitor cleans him up what's left of him the next day and throws him in the garbage. Oh, also? ''More'' astronauts are headed to Saturn.
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** This is pretty much par for the course in anything having to do with the Warhammer 40,000 universe though.
* ''[[The Omen]]''. {{spoiler|Everybody dies, except Damien the Antichrist.}}
* ''[[Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance]]''. The other films of Korean director [[Park Chan Wook-wook]]'s "Vengeance Trilogy" aren't so bad ([[Crapsack World|which is not]] [[Humans Are Bastards|to say they're "good"]]), but for this one, he sets his dog-shooting gun to full automatic and doesn't let up on the trigger once.
* ''The Warlords''. {{spoiler|The three main characters (and a woman that two of them fought over) die in vain as it is revealed they were only being used as pawns by corrupt politicians to do their dirty work.}}
** A bit of [[Truth in Television]] considering it is based on historical figures.
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* ''Journey to the Far Side of the Sun'' (AKA ''Doppelgänger''). Turns out it's a mirror Earth. Literally; the exact same things happen, the exact same people are there, all of the writing is just backwards. The hero is thought to have aborted his mission to the mysterious planet on the other side of the sun; instead, he's arrived on it, but since the mirror Earth sent an identical astronaut to our Earth, both Earths believe their own astronaut has chickened out and returned home. The hero spends most of the film trying to prove he's not crazy, finds the evidence in orbit (his spacecraft with right-sided lettering- all other evidence was destroyed when his landing craft explodes), loses radio contact before he can tell anyone else of his evidence, crashes and dies immediately thereafter, and the only person who semi-believed him throws themselves out a window at the very end. The hero is dead, never vindicated, still no one knows what the planet on the other side of the sun is, and due to the inextricable mirroring of events, this happens on BOTH Earths.
* ''[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail]]''. After searching for the Holy Grail almost the entire movie, {{spoiler|Arthur, Lancelot and Bedevier are all arrested by the police, and the camera is shattered by one of the policemen}}. In fact, to make it "worse", this ending occurs just as {{spoiler|Arthur and a miraculously-appearing army are about to assault the Castle Aaaagh where the Frenchmen are guarding the Holy Grail itself, presumably}}. The ending is, of course, a {{spoiler|[[Incredibly Lame Pun|cop-out]]}}. This is a Monty Python trademark, and is practically expected in each and every one their works.
** ''[[Monty PythonsPython's Life of Brian]]'' - Loosely based on the life of Jesus Christ, you know from the start that the story can't possibly end well. Of course, there's somewhat of a {{spoiler|[[Pet the Dog]] moment}} at the very end to [[Incredibly Lame Pun|brighten]] it up".
** And ''[[Monty PythonsPython's theThe Meaning of Life]]'': {{spoiler|We are all shaggy dogs, because life has no meaning. Now, piss off!}}. That pretty much also sums up everything the group's done during its long existence, and is the last film they ever made as a group.
* ''<nowiki>~ A.I.: Artificial Intelligence~</nowiki>''. The end ([[Ending Fatigue|the ''last'' one]]) was much more than a [[Downer Ending]]--it was completely pointless.
** Yes and no. David was trying to become a real boy so he could get his mother to love him. He does not achieve the goal of becoming a real boy. However, it turns out that he did not need to achieve this goal anyway. He does get one day of happiness with his mother and she tells him before she dies that she loves him and always has. He dies shortly afterwards (Why? Well, maybe he ran out of battery juice or maybe by that point he had gotten everything he wanted and so he 'shut down' as a result of this). So the ending does not quite qualify as [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]], because David got what he truly wanted in the end. Also, he went to "...that place where dreams are born" (i.e. the afterlife). That should be impossible for a robot that is not human to achieve. But the fact that he did indicates that he did become human in a sense. So he ended up achieving more than he set out to do, which is another reason the ending does not quite qualify as [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]. It does, however, qualify for Fridge Horror when you consider what David has done to his mother to achieve this.
* ''[[Rosemary's Baby (Film)|Rosemarys Baby]]''. All of Rosemary's attempts to escape her husband and the Satanic cult he's allied with before she gives birth fail completely, and she gives birth in their clutches. Not that it would've made the slightest bit of difference if any of her escape attempts had succeeded since her baby {{spoiler|is Satan's child, the Anti Christ.}} For all the difference it made, [[It Makes Sense in Context|Rosemary might as well've wolfed down the entire ice cream the night before her baby's conception, and been a blindly trusting idiot afterwards]] (not that she really is a blindly trusting idiot, mind you, it just would've made no difference if she was).
** Two things to point out here...1. Yes, the movie ends like this, but the book has Rosemary naming her kid Andrew instead of the cult leader's name (essentially giving the cult the finger) and she decides to raise her kid to be a good person (essentially giving the cult the finger again). 2. There is a sequel that has Andrew grown up and being a good person...in the end, he uses his awakened powers to rewrite history and make the events of both movies or books just a dream Rosemary was having. Yes, the sequel is considered cruddy and the resolution can be considered a copout, but at least everything got completely turned around in the end.
* ''[[The Ruins]]''. {{spoiler|One of the Americans survives, makes it to the jeep and presumably gets back to society... while being infected of the same malevolent vine that has killed all her friends (you can see the spores growing on her clothes), and now is poised to do the same to the world at large. Meanwhile, the friends of the Greek associate of the Americans happen upon the eponymous location, presumably doomed to the same fate}}. The book didn't have this problem, as {{spoiler|everyone died and the vine was contained}}.
** An alternate ending makes the [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]] even more explicit, showing {{spoiler|Amy's eye filling with blood and the vine appearing under her skin, and then the flowers of it growing on her grave.}}
** Depends on the ending. The European version of the film has an ending where {{spoiler|Amy escapes but it cuts away before the shot of the vine appearing, implying she is not infected. So she gets away after all}}.
* Both ''[[House of the Dead (Filmfilm)|House of the Dead]]'' movies end this way. The first, after battling across an island and a castle and some tunnels, they finally fight the [[Big Bad]], {{spoiler|the girl gets impaled with a sword and they get picked up by a helicopter immediately afterward.}} The second movie, a much crueler plot, where a team of special ops goes into a college campus which is infected with the undead. After losing all but three members, they get the [[McGuffin]], {{spoiler|only for it to be lost in the process of escaping. So they have to go back and get it ''again.''}} After its secured, only one member makes it back. He's then {{spoiler|stopped by a now crazy member who was forced to cut off his own hand and the [[McGuffin]] is lost again when he blows up their escape vehicle with a grenade after the female lead shoots and kills him.}} Now that this is over, they head toward Los Angeles, {{spoiler|which is now smoking with destruction.}}
* ''[[Cabin Fever (Filmfilm)|Cabin Fever]]'' does this with one of the most hilariously cruel endings ever.
* A little known movie called ''Dead Men Walking'' featured every single person in the film dying except the main protagonist. As she gets outside, she starts running toward the gate to escape. Freedom and safety are in her sights. {{spoiler|And then she's gunned down by an FBI sniper from the roof of the prison. Who then gives a resounding, triumphant fistpump.}} The end.
* In ''The Collector'', Miranda has a chance to escape from Freddie, but {{spoiler|she's too weakened by pneumonia to do so. Of course, she dies.}} And Freddie {{spoiler|buries Miranda in his yard. At the end of the movie, he is seen stalking his next victim at a nursing school.}}
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** While the character arc may have been completely pointless, Hallorann does ride in on a tractor that is eventually used {{spoiler|by Wendy and Danny to escape the hotel}}.
* ''[[Saw]]'' {{spoiler|The main plot in every film ends with the protagonist dying, whether or not they actually learned anything. They never actually accomplish whatever their goal was and always fail, hard. Saw VI has the worst case of this in that the main character clearly learned the lesson, had developed as a character, and was going to go out into the world and make a difference with his new found appreciation for life. Then he melts into a puddle of goo.}}
* ''[[Barry Lyndon]]'' tells you [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|with the opening title card]] that Redmond Barry/Barry Lyndon's going to amass a fortune and then lose it all. He does.
** Let's not forget the final epilogue. {{spoiler|It was in the reign of King George III that the aforesaid personages lived and quarreled; good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor, they are all equal now.}}
* A rare upbeat version of this comes in ''[[The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus]]''. Ostensibly, Dr. Parnassus and Tony go through Hell and (in Dr. Parnassus' case) back (literally) to protect Lily from Mr. Nick, but in the end, {{spoiler|Tony's a con artist who gets killed, and Mr. Nick wins the bet and gets Lily's soul. Even Mr. Nick is surprised at the outcome.}} But not really, because then we learn that {{spoiler|Mr. Nick claims not to know where Lily is, and we later learn she ends up [[Happily Married]] to Anton and living a happy life in [[Real Life|the real world]].}} To make it all even more upbeat, the final shot is {{spoiler|Dr. Parnassus smiling at Mr. Nick, proving all of this is just their little game, and there are no real, lasting consequences for any innocent characters, really.}}
* In ''~12 Monkeys~,'' [[Bruce Willis (Creator)]] travels through time in an attempt to stop [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]]. {{spoiler|In the end, he not only dies in the attempt, but [[Mind Screw|his younger self sees it happen]], which he was shown earlier in the movie to still have dreams about. Everything happens the same as before, not in spite of Willis' actions, but [[Stable Time Loop|because of them, as everything he did had already happened.]]}}
** Doesn't quite count. Although Willis was mislead into attempting the action that led to his death in the end with the belief that he was saving the world, his real purpose was not to save the world but merely to locate the virus so that a scientist could go back into the past, collect a sample of the virus and then develop a vaccine so that people living underground in the (futuristic) present could return to the surface and reclaim the world from nature. Thus, his mission and purpose was considered successful.
* ''[[Black Swan (Film)|Black Swan]]'': Nina goes progressively more insane over the course of the movie, and seems on the verge of some kind of breakthrough at the end, only to {{spoiler|die from a self-inflicted wound}} after her first performance. Of course, given the [[Unreliable Narrator|aforementioned insanity]], it's impossible to know how much of the movie is real and how much is only in Nina's head, thus making the story potentially even more pointless.
* ''[[The Departed]]'': [[Big Bad]] Costello gets {{spoiler|killed by [[The Mole|his own mole]] over being an FBI informant, who is hailed as a [[Fake Ultimate Hero|hero]]}}. Eventually, {{spoiler|all four}} of [[The Mole|The Moles]] and [[Reverse Mole|Reverse Moles]], including the protagonist, the captain, and a cop minor character end up dead.
* ''[[BAT Bat*21]]'': An Air Force [[Big Damn Heroes|Para Rescue]] team attempt to extract Lt. Colonel Hambleton after he is shot down over Vietnam, {{spoiler|but their helicopter is shot down, and the entire crew is killed soon after, either by being shot or [[Kick the Dog|being made to walk through a minefield.]]}}
* ''Mad City'' (starring John Travolta) had an ending like this. The protagonist spends the whole film trying a desperate (but admittedly stupid) move to get his job back. In the end, it not only doesn't work, but he commits suicide to boot.
* ''[[The Parallax View]]'' ends with not only the protagonist, Frady, failing to publicly unmask the true nature of the Parallax Corporation and also failing to stop another assassination of a senator ordered out by them, but is also {{spoiler|killed at the scene trying}}, and on top of that is {{spoiler|falsely accused of being the assassin solely responsible by the official investigation committee for the senator's death.}} The protagonist in all his efforts essentially accomplished nothing but {{spoiler|getting himself and those associated with him killed, with his memory tarnished by the committee, and the Parallax Corporation able to continue its murderous operations unscathed}}.
Line 151:
* ''[[Sintel]]'' spends the entire film searching for her pet baby dragon Scales, who was taken from her by an adult dragon. After finding her way to a dragon's lair and slaying the owner, Sintel {{spoiler|sees an identifying scar on the dragon's wing, revealing that she'd [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|just killed Scales]]}}.
* ''[[Atonement]]'' Only hours after he finally confessed his love to the beautiful Cecilia, Robbie Turner gets falsely accused of having raped a 15-year old girl and is sent to prison. [[Boxed Crook|He's given the choice]] to join the army and invade WWII Europe. Cecilia [[Hope Spot|promises to wait]] for him. He makes it through the battles and half of the French countryside, back to the beaches {{spoiler|only to die of septicemia the night before the evacuation.}}
* [[The Cabin in Thethe Woods]]: The good news is that two of the five students survived. The bad news is that, since one of them had to die in a sacrifice to appease the Ancient Ones and the rituals all over the world have failed as well, everyone in the world dies.
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