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== Anime and Manga ==
* In ''[[Happy Yarou Wedding (Manga)|Happy Yarou Wedding]]'', Yuuhi suspects that his brother-in-law Kazuki's vitriol towards homosexuals is just a cover for his [[Gayngst]], especially after he meets [[Closet Key|Chiharu]]. He's right.
== Comic Books ==
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* Ray from ''[[Scary Movie]]'' is gay, but he hides it, rather badly though.
* Bo the [[Jerk Jock|wrestler]] in ''[[Cursed (2005 (Filmfilm)|Cursed]]''. He only comes out of the closet to Jimmy because he has a crush on him due to his [[Our Werewolves Are Different|"unnatural sexual allure"]].
* {{spoiler|Col. Fitts}} from ''[[American Beauty]]'', {{spoiler|especially the homophobic part, and violent}}.
* Neil McCormick in ''[[Mysterious Skin]]'' is picked up by an exceedingly dangerous man: possessed of strong homosexuality and physically violent hatred of gays, both sides of his character manifest simultaneously in bed.
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{{quote| '''"I love my dead gay son!"'''}}
* Annette's friend Greg in ''[[Cruel Intentions]]'' plays on the football team and makes himself out to be a heterosexual jock type. Of course he isn't, which is taken advantage of by Sebastian.
* The former lead singer of fictional band Steel Dragon in the movie ''[[Rockstar]]'', and as he is based on of [[Judas Priest (Music)|Judas Priest]] singer Rob Halford he may also count, but he is probably more truthfully [[Manly Gay]].
* From a British movie, ''[[Victor Victoria]]''. One of the guys (though not self-loathing) revealed that he was gay. The main character was shocked, pointing out that he always worked out, and was the captain of the football team. The gay man replied that the best way to hide that you're gay is to always work out, and be the captain of the football team.
* Otto, Karl's agent in ''Magicians'', who strenuously denies that he has any kind of homosexual love for his client. His denials ring a bit false consider that he once snogged the guy completely out of the blue (and then had the nerve to challenge Karl's own understanding of his sexuality with accusation that "we just kissed..."), and then, whilst trying to pep Karl up before a gig, blurted out "I love you!"
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* In ''[[The L Word]]'' Alice and Tasha meet an NBA star at a closet party. A few days later, said player makes homophobic comments about a fellow player, and Alice outs him in public.
* In ''[[Queer Asas Folk]]'' Drew Boyd is a macho football player who was engaged. Then he hooked up with Emmett, insists to stay in the closet until near the end of the series.
* A few different examples from ''[[Skins]]'':
** In the second season, Maxxie is verbally taunted by a macho, apparently gay-hating thug who turns out to have a serious crush on him.
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** Katie Fitch was an aversion; her constant harping on Naomi for being a "lezzer bitch" who "is coming to gay us up" made it seem like she was being set up to be this trope, but it turns out she's straight. But her homophobia does cause a world of pain for her twin sister, Emily, who actually ''is'' gay and crushing on Naomi. Emily was in an armoured closet with Katie (until the end of the third series) but didn't seem to have as much trouble opening up to others, especially as it became increasingly apparent that Naomi [[Transparent Closet|was lying about being straight]].
** Mini came across as this in the fifth series, with a history of obvious unrequited crushes on her female friends - Franky during the show's run and, in the prequel novel, Liv. However, this was [[Aborted Arc|completely abandoned]] in the sixth series, where she was [[Suddenly Sexuality|suddenly only into boys]].
* Larry from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' was a big brute bully who sexually harassed girls to cover up his gayness until he came out in an episode called "Phases". He came out because there's a werewolf on the loose, and Xander thinks that Larry is that werewolf, and Xander interrogates Larry with vague [[Double Entendre|double entendres]], saying things like, "Nobody knows that you're an entirely different person at night with urges you can't control." Stuff like that. So when Larry comes out, Xander has to keep the fact that there's a werewolf on the loose a secret, so Larry thinks that Xander is gay. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* Vito from ''[[The Sopranos]]''.
* Along with almost every other gay trope, this was sometimes used by Tobias on ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]''.
* A ''[[Kids in The Hall]]'' sketch has Scott Thompson playing a macho actor who constantly denies that he's gay, even when he's seen in bed with a man. The sketch ends with him dead and in an open-casket funeral, with two women wondering how he died. One of them says it was AIDS, but his corpse keeps muttering "Cancer." (A [[Funny Aneurysm Moment]] as Scott - who is gay in [[Real Life]] - was successfully treated for cancer in 2009.)
* Riley of ''[[Degrassi the Next Generation]]'': star track runner, football team captain and quarterback, summertime lifeguard, insatiably attracted to men. Early on any insinuation of his sexuality led him to lash out violently, including clocking a gay lifeguard in the jaw. But anger management classes, and his new boyfriend's coaxing, have helped him to [[Character Development|not only calm down]] but even [[Coming Out Story|come out publicly]].
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* Ted Altman of ''[[Intelligence]]'' is implied to be one. In one episode, he is seen checking out another man at the bar, then freaks out when he the guy notices him and starts checking him out back. In a later episode, he appears to be cruising a group of male prostitutes before being scared off by a patrol car.
* Brandon of ''[[Holly Oaks]]'' genuinely is homophobic—it's not a façade. He is also gay, and quite jealous and possessive with his sometimes-boyfriend Ste....who he also abuses as a result of said homophobia. It's...twisted.
* Chuck Noblet from ''[[Strangers Withwith Candy]]'', played by [[Stephen Colbert]], is an English teacher/ history teacher, assistant to the principal, sharp-shooter gun-enthusiast, step-mom attracting, gay slur using, emotionally unstable badass who has armored his closet so thickly that he is in an unhappy marriage with ''children'' and willing kill off his boyfriend/ lover/ art teacher when he threatens to out them both in front of the whole school.
** Don't worry though. In spite of Noblet's fear of being found out and acting like Mr. Jellineck means nothing to him in public, they both [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other|really do love each other]]. This is demonstrated most prominently when Noblet almost came out to save Jellineck's life after a horrible accident with a "ray of hope" after his surgery, but when he proved to be OK, he quickly stopped the explanation of their 'friendship'.
* The [[Stephen Colbert]] character from ''[[The Colbert Report]]'' is implied to be one of these.
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== Video Games ==
* In the video game ''[[Bully (Videovideo Gamegame)|Bully]]'', one of the jocks, Kirby, behaves the same way, until you finally make out with him.
** It should be noted that ''all'' of the cliques have one boy who will kiss Jimmy, if his respect with their gang is high enough. If it's not, even Cornelius, the Urkel-like gay nerd, will try to whup Jimmy's ass with a yardstick.
* The [http://bioshock.wikia.com/wiki/Brute Brute Splicer] in ''[[Bio ShockBioshock]] 2'' seems to be one of these.
* Kanji in ''[[Persona 4 (Video Game)|Persona 4]].'' When he was a kid, the other kids [[Kids Are Cruel|teased him]] for liking things like sewing and other "girly" things, so he developed a [[Badass Biker]] facade in order to defend himself. These feelings manifest themselves as a half-naked [[Camp Gay]] [[Evil Twin]] with shades of [[He-Man Woman Hater]]. However, since part of accquiring one's Persona is learning to accept your suppressed feelings, Kanji learns to be more at ease with himself (especially once he learns that there are people who ''do'' accept him for who he is). Although he remains [[Manly Gay|a tough guy]], he stops worrying about whether or not he's "strange."
** Worth noting that his sexuality is [[Shrug of God|deliberately left ambiguous]] in the end of the English version.
== Web Comics ==
* Tony from ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' is acting like a [[Jerkass]] to cover his crush on Tedd, according to Grace.
** Of course, it's been well-established that Tedd really is [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|just that girly]] and, as Justin puts it, doesn't have to worry about ''gay'' guys being attracted to him. So really it's the [[Armoured Closet Gay]] effect being triggered by a [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]].
* ''[[Kagerou]]'' [http://www.electric-manga.com/23/03.html here]. Quite explicitly, too.
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* The Faroe Islands in ''[[Scandinavia and The World]]''. Being outed makes him invoke a [http://humoncomics.com/ungodly-surprise DESPERATE HOLY SLAM].
** Possibly America, too, though that one isn't as obvious.
* ''[[String Theory (Webcomicwebcomic)|String Theory]]'' has Dr. Benjamin Langstrom, who remained in his closet {{spoiler|to his death}}.
** [[Word of God]] states that this is due to the society of the time; pretty much the only thing worse than being gay in ''String Theory'''s world (a [[Days of Future Past]] United States, where it's scientifically the 2050s but morally/socially the 1950s) is being a Communist.
{{quote| '''Beckey (creator):''' Langstrom had to remain closeted or else he’d risk his career. Especially risky with a teaching career. His friend Dr. Auditore was outted, unfortunately, and now the only job he can get is as a drug rehabilitation counselor at a prison out in the middle of nowhere (and only because his friend’s sister runs it).}}
* In ''[[Tails Gets Trolled (Webcomic)|Tails Gets Trolled]]'' Bugs Bunny joins the Troll Slaiyers due to his ability to screw with trolls by crossdressing and kissing them (he's nicknamed "The Gay"), but he mentions that he hates doing so. Later, Bugs confesses that he actually became gay with Daffy.
* [http://nonadventures.com/2011/07/02/when-in-chrome/ Robot version] in ''[[The Non -Adventures of Wonderella]]''.
* Olly and Mondo in ''[[Roommates (2009 (Webcomicwebcomic)|Roommates]]''. After beating up on Gian and finding out Junior actually ''is'' openly gay (and not just [[Gay Bravado]] as they had always assumed), they return to their dorm and [[Slap Slap Kiss|have a frank heated argument punctuated with spontaneous rough sex]]. At least twice.
== Western Animation ==
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* In the ''[[Family Guy]]'' [http://www.hulu.com/watch/69978/family-guy-stew-roids episode where Chris dates Connie DiMico and becomes popular], there's a jock who keeps mentioning how he plans to bully the "gay" nerds (with each mention becoming more and more homoerotic), until he finally says at the end "I'm gay, alright?!"
* Gangstaliscious from ''[[The Boondocks]]''
* Subverted in ''[[American Dad (Animation)|American Dad]]''. Terry's father Tank Bates is homophobic and deeply disapproves of his son's homosexuality. Stan accuses him of being a homosexual and outs him in front of a crowded football stadium. It turns out that Tank truly is not homosexual.
** Stan's attempts to reconcile the father and son reveal that Tank actually subverts EVERY other homophobia-explanation trope as well. He doesn't think it's against God, he doesn't think it's a choice, he doesn't think they are all [[Camp Gay]] or after his butt, etc. He is unable/unwilling to offer ANY explanation or justification for hating gays in general and his son specifically (his son even produced him a grandchild already, what is this guy's deal?).
*** [[Selective Squick|His deal is he just thinks it's gross]].
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** Considering Hoover lived with another man all his life, they work together, eat together, and even vacation together with no other women in sight, and when he died his "friend" received Hoover's flag usually reserved for widows... Also, the funeral plot directly next to Hoover's was reserved for the same man that received his flag.
*** So all together the evidence points to a closeted (and charmingly monogamous) homosexual Hoover, but not a transvestite one.
**** The [[Clint Eastwood]] directed [[Biopic]] ''[[J Edgar (Film)|J. Edgar]]'' explored this part of his life quite deeply.
* In black American communities this is known as "being on the down low", where tough gangsta types would sneak away from their girlfriends and cruise gay bars, [[Straight Gay|but didn't identify themselves as "gay" because they weren't Flamboyant and Camp]] ([[Unfortunate Implications|because gay men can be nothing else]] apparently). This has been blamed for the high number of HIV infections among black women. During the early 2000's, it became something of a witch-hunt, with many black religious leaders and relationship experts screaming, "if he's not constantly showering you with attention and gifts all the time, he's On The Down Low and you need to put his ass out!"
** Perhaps not surprisingly, among these [[Moral Guardians]] were a few [http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20021344-504083.html seeking to reinforce] their [http://claycane.blogspot.com/2007/10/exclusive-interview-with-donnie.html own armor].
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