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** I dunno. Early Death as seen in ''Endless Nights'' is too out-and-out cruel to be Susan, and the Death of the story's present is too cheerful. (Although she's somewhat more Susan-like when she's angry.)
== Every other book that [[Neil Gaiman]] has written takes place in Sandman's continuity. ==
* [[American Gods (Literature)|American Gods]]: The mythological creatures that appeared in Season Of Mists like Bast, Odin, and Loki are the same as the ones who appeared in American Gods. Also, it's been speculated that Delirium of the Endless makes a cameo. And by default, [[Anansi Boys (Literature)|Anansi Boys]] is connected as well.
** More like America-based avatars of them. The Bast in The Sandman is in Egypt, the Odin is in Asgard, and the Loki is under the world missing his eyes.
** American Gods was released between The Wake and Endless Nights. So its events could be related to why Delirium went crazier just before Going Inside.
** Highly unlikely, given that in [[American Gods (Literature)|American Gods]] {{spoiler|Thor}} killed himself in the 1920's and in [[The Sandman]] he's alive in the (1980's) present.
*** Um. No. It's pretty likely. In the epilogue, {{spoiler|Shadow meets with another Odin, the one in Iceland, and it's pretty strongly implied that the American Gods were only echoes. While the American Thor (presumably named "Mr. Thursday") died, the originally is likely still alive in one of the Scandinavian countries.}}
* [[Stardust (Literaturenovel)|Stardust]]: The family of Stormhold was descended from Desire of the Endless. It would explain their [[Older Than They Look|young nature]], the rivalries between the brothers, and the romance that goes on with Tristran.
* ''[[The Graveyard Book (Literature)|The Graveyard Book]]'': The Lady On The Grey, who was a rather easy-going [[The Grim Reaper|Grim Reaper]], is Death Of The Endless. The reason why she has a horse? [[Throw It In|Well, why not?]]
** She borrowed [[Discworld (Literature)|Binky!]]
* [[Coraline (Literaturenovel)|Coraline]]: The other world is a part of Delirium's realm that has gone awry. The Other Mother was simply just a servant of Delirium that had rebelled (just like Brute and Glob).
** The other mother is actually the Cuckoo from A Game of You
** The Other Mother became the Dark Queen in [[Mirror Mask]]
* [[Neverwhere]]: Croup and Vandemar are nightmares created by Dream, like [[Eye Scream|the Corinthian]]. And Hammersmith, {{spoiler|the one who had forged the false key}}, was Destruction of the Endless dabbling in his many hobbies.
* [[Good Omens (Literature)|Good Omens]]: The failure of the apocalypse led to Lucifer retiring and leaving Hell in Season of Mists. The version of Death here was in fact Death Of The Endless, who had known that the universe wasn't going to end and was just playing along.
* 1602 is an alternate of the [[Marvel]] universe. Avengers vs. JLA is still canon in Marvel, ergo the [[DCU]] and by extension Sandman is as well.
** But it's been established that JLA/Avengers is canon in DC, the next arc of JLA spun directly out of it when the antimatter universe villains discover that their world was destroyed in the crossover and immediately rebuilt afterwards
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** Furthermore: when she, Dream, and Matthew were trying to get into a strip club to find Ishtar, and the bouncer was refusing them entrance because Matthew was a raven and Delirium was (apparently) a little girl, Dream basically used a Jedi Mind Trick and told the bouncer that they were all age-appropriate males wearing culture-appropriate clothing, and that they should be let in. Delirium then comments that she did that, "in the beginning." Which she did-- the beginning of the story arc. Sure, we, the readers, would indeed mark that as 'the beginning', but why would she? 'The beginning' (ie, the apparent impetus for the quest, as opposed to the start of a comic book story arc) for her could just as easily have been something that happened before the beginning of the story proper, or when she came up with the quest in Desire's Threshold, or when Dream agreed to accompany her. Her arbitrary concept of what the beginning would be coincides with the audicene's almost seamlessly.
== The Endless are the true embodiments of the [[Green Lantern (Comic Book)|lantern spectrum.]] ==
* Destruction: Red Lantern Corps
* Despair: Sinestro Corps
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== The first Despair was killed by Batman. ==
Who knows the context of this event, but clearly it led to the circumstances described in Neil Gaiman's ''[[Whatever Happened to Thethe Caped Crusader?]]'', where we learn that whenever Batman dies, he is reborn to become Batman again in a different universe, always doomed to experience the death of his parents and the following torment of his life in trying to exert justice that never sticks because of [[Joker Immunity]]. Wouldn't that be perfect punishment for the killer of Despair?
== Black Hand is to Death as Wesley Dodds is to Dream. ==
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