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Another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh<br />
More loneliness than any man could bear<br />
Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh""''|'''[[The Police (Music)|The Police]]''', "Message In A Bottle"}}
A Robinsonade is a plot about characters being stranded in the wilderness far away from civilization, and forced to live off the land in order to survive. It takes its name from the 1719 novel ''[[Robinson Crusoe (Literature)|Robinson Crusoe]]'' by Daniel Defoe, which spawned enough imitations that its name was used to define a genre. The term was coined in 1731 by the German writer Johann Gottfried Schnabel in the Preface of his work ''Die Insel Felsenburg''.
At its heart, the Robinsonade is a [[Conflict|Man vs. Nature conflict]]. The characters are forced to battle for survival. Sometimes they succeed in style, turning their desolate location into taste of paradise; sometimes they fail, descending into a pit of savagery. How easy this survival is depends on the location and the skill level of the person stranded. Depending on the work, the characters might find themselves in a bountiful paradise or an exceptionally hostile enviroment. Sometimes the person is already a skilled survivor before they become marooned, but more often they are forced to undergo a difficult learning process full of [[Character Development]]. Additional conflicts can also be introduced. If a group of characters are marooned together, the Robinsonade allows for a variety of interpersonal interactions. Another variation is to have the location inhabited by natives, who can be either hostile or a helpful.
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The [[Deserted Island]] is the archetypical setting of such stories. The island serves to keep the characters on it trapped, allowing attempts to get off the island to move the story forward. However, the location need not be an island. Any sufficiently isolated [[Wild Wilderness]] will do. In [[Science Fiction]], [[Recycled in Space|a deserted planet]] can be substituted for the island.
While many such works try to depict nature in a realistic manner, others delve into the realm of [[Speculative Fiction]]. Characters may be forced to deal with some sort of strange phenomenon, such as [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]], [[Everything's Better Withwith Dinosaurs|dinosaurs]], [[The Killer Shrews|mutant man-eating shrews]], or [[Beast Man|mutant animal human hybrids]]. This is especially likely if they are trapped in a [[Lost World]].
If a character is marooned alone or is willingly choosing solitude, he may [[Go Mad From the Isolation]]. Compare with [[Bottle Episode]].
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* ''[[Cast Away]]''
* ''[[Recycled in Space|Robinson Crusoe on Mars]]'' - [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|just what it says.]]
* ''[[The Killer Shrews]]''.
* ''Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N.''
* ''Hell In The Pacific'': Two soldiers, one Japanese and one American, are marooned on an island in World War II. Neither understand the other's language, and after a period of hostility, work together to survive and escape the island.
** ...and then ''[[Enemy Mine (Filmfilm)|Enemy Mine]]'' remade it, In Space!
* ''[[Alive]]'' was a movie based on a true story of the survivors of a plane crash in the Andes. The survivors were stranded in the mountains without food and resorted to eating the flesh of those killed in the crash.
* ''[[The Blue Lagoon]]'' - two kids are shipwrecked and grow up on a deserted island with no adult supervision.
* ''Paridise'': a ''Blue Lagoon'' ripoff starring Willie Aames & Phoebe Cates.
* ''[[Swiss Family Robinson (Filmfilm)|Swiss Family Robinson]]'': The 1960 Disney [[Film of the Book|Film of the]] [[Swiss Family Robinson|Book]], one of Disney's top grossing movies of all time, adjusting for inflation.
== Literature ==
* ''[[Robinson Crusoe (Literature)|Robinson Crusoe]]''
* ''[[The Swiss Family Robinson]]'' : A marooned family...
** The original German title of the book, which translates roughly as "the Swiss Robinson Crusoes" (the family name is almost certainly not Robinson, unlike what the English title suggests) quite blatantly acknowledges the influence.
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* ''The Cay''.
* ''Survivor Type'', a short story by [[Stephen King]]. After an an accident on cruise, a lone man washes up on an island. In an unusual variation, it's a ''very'' tiny island with absolutely nothing growing on it. Occasionally he lucks out and catches a bird, or some dead sealife washes ashore. Guess what he eats the rest of the rest of the time. [[I'm a Humanitarian|Go on, guess.]]
* ''[[BriansBrian's Saga (Literature)|Hatchet]]'', by Gary Paulsen, is a YA novel about a 13-year-old boy who is lost in the northern Canadian wilderness when the light plane taking him to visit his father crashes in a lake. He starts out with only a hatchet, but later in the summer, manages to salvage some other gear from the downed plane after a storm moves it closer to the shore of the lake. A three-time Newbery Award Winner (No, no [[Death Byby Newbery Medal]]) it's as much a coming of age story as a robinsonade.
* The first half of ''[[The Black Stallion]]'' by Walter Farley is a robinsonade featuring teenaged Alec Ramsey and the title stallion on a small island following a shipwreck.
* The [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] novel ''[[Clone Wars Gambit|The Clone Wars: Wild Space]]'' has this happen to Obi-Wan and Bail Organa. As expected it's of the marooned-on-a-deserted-planet variety.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Lost (TV)|Lost]]'' - a Deserted Island with plenty of [[Phlebotinum]]
* ''[[GilligansGilligan's Island]]''.
* ''[[Lost in Space]]'' where the family was even the Robinsons [[In Space]]!
** For most of season 1 they were stranded on an unknown planet. At the beginning of season 2 they managed to take off, only to crash land on an almost identical planet. D'oh! At least in season 3 they managed to actually get back into space.
* ''[[Star Trek: theThe Original Series]]'': Kirk maroons Khan in the episode "[[Star Trek (Franchise)/Recap/S1 E22 Space Seed|Space Seed]]". Also, Zephram Cochran (inventor of Warp Drive) was stranded all alone on a deserted something-or-other in space.
** Khan and his augments actually made a fairly good living on the world they were marooned on. Then a nearby planet exploded and it promptly became a [[Crapsack World]] and [[Star Trek II: theThe Wrath of Khan (Film)|Khan's wife died...]]
* ''[[Flight 29 Down]]'' was a show about a bunch of kids and a pilot who got stranded on an island after their plane crashed. They split up, and the show focuses on one group of kids, while the others are off-screen with the pilot for most of the series.
* ''[[Survivor]]'' takes the cynical version where everyone turns on each other and makes it an acutal competition.
* ''[[Primeval]]'' stranded {{spoiler|Abby and Connor}} in the Cretaceous for a year. They managed to do rather well given their lack of supplies, but although they were in good health when they returned, the entire experience was clearly traumatic. It's likely that {{spoiler|their nascent romance}} played a major role in keeping them sane, together, and alive.
** Also notable as one of the few examples on this list where running into [[Everything's Better Withwith Dinosaurs|dinosaurs]] would be quite normal.
* In an episode of ''[[Quantum Leap]]'', "The Leaping of the Shrew", Sam leaps into the body of a Greek sailor who's shipwrecked on an island with a spoiled heiress (played by [[Actor Allusion|Brooke Shields]] from the above-mentioned ''[[The Blue Lagoon]]''), who was planning to enter an [[Arranged Marriage]] before her yacht capsized. Sam helps set up shelter for them and attempts to [[MacGyvering|create a signal flare with her aerosol hairspray can]], but she had used up all the hairspray. She later reveals that she intentionally emptied the hairspray cans because she had fallen in love with the sailor and didn't want to return to civilization and her arranged marriage. According to Sam, the two would be rescued in ten years, by which time they would have [[Babies Ever After|four children]], and would be [[Happily Married]] for many years after their rescue.
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** If you've sunk your own boat by the time you get as far as being ready to head home, Herman will even lend you his boat so that you can rescue him in it.
* Parody: The [[Hub Level]] of ''[[Super Mario]] Sunshine'' has a pianta stuck on a desert island (about 100 feet offshore of the capital city) for "the last ten years" because he can't swim. When the ocean floods (!), he manages to swim to a city rooftop -- But then he misses sitting on the island.
** ''[[Paper Mario (Video Gamefranchise)|Paper Mario]] 2'' has a chapter in which the characters are shipwrecked on an island. The community that ends up being built there flourishes, so most of the former crew decided to stay even after {{spoiler|they get an undead pirate captain to ferry them back and fourth to the mainland whenever they want}}.
* The ''Survival Kids''/''[[Lost in Blue (Video Game)|Lost in Blue]]'' series uses this as its main plot driver: You are a child (or young adult) stranded on a desert island, and must either figure out how to escape or how to thrive in your new surroundings.
* ''[[Minecraft]]'' - even though there are [[NPC|NPCs]] around now, they don't really affect game-play in any way (yet), and they only spawn in villages (which are quite rare) to begin with.
== Web Comic ==
* ''[[And Shine Heaven Now (Webcomic)|And Shine Heaven Now]]'', with the Obligatory Desert Island arc.
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