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* Similarly, the ''[[Nabari no Ou]]'' manga has a complete lack of love triangles, so the three main relationships progress at their own paces and pretty much just fall into place.
* In ''[[Eureka Seven]]'', there are ''seven'' consistent couples, and the characters involved in these relationship make up most of the main cast. In this story, love is a theme, so these couples are used to make a point.
* Ryohgo Narita, the author of ''[[Baccano (Light Novel)|Baccano]]'' and ''[[Durarara]]'', really likes this trope. In both series, there are no significant cases of characters competing for romantic affections, all the more remarkable due to Narita's love of putting his main characters in relationships.
** Namie/Seiji/Mika/ {{spoiler|Celty's Head}} seems pretty significant.
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== [[Fanfic]] ==
* Often occurs in [[Shipping]] fanfics. The author's [[Fan -Preferred Couple]] will at least be on flirting terms by the end of the first chapter and, since romance is inevitably the focus of the story, the fic will quickly become boring due to the lack of [[Conflict]]. After a few chapters, the author will get bored with the idealized romance and throw in some contrived drama, usually a [[Love Triangle]] formed by the arrival of some hot guy, thus ultimately averting this trope. Oh, whoever shall the heroine ([[Slash Fic|or hero]]) choose? Expect the new hot guy to turn out to be a cad, but to never quite go away as he's the entire source of conflict.
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** Still, it's not like some love isn't unrequited. In ''[[The Belgariad]]'', Silk loves a woman he can't have, and Mandorallen practically ''revels'' in holding up under the noble love of a woman he can't have -- her husband even approves of their love! -- at least until said husband conveniently dies, leaving the field wide open.
** Comically, Mandorallen was so prepared to have his love unrequited for his whole life that he has no idea what to do with her, and is very uncomfortable with the entire concept of actively pursuing her.
* Pretty much the entire world of ''[[Xanth (Literature)|Xanth]]''. Justified since the land itself apparently likes it that way. In nearly four decades and dozens of books there are two exceptions:
** The very brief triangle between Bink, Trent and Iris - which was only a "triangle" as much as Iris was openly power hungry and looked to side which ever one of the two men came out on top. [[Characterization Marches On|A lot has changed in the series since then.]]
** The [[Because Destiny Says So|semi-magically enforced]] triangle between Dolph<ref>paternal grandson of Bink, maternal grandson of Trent</ref>, Electra and Nada Naga. More info on this can be found under [[Ascended Fanon]].
* ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]''. Jake and Cassie like each other, Rachel and Tobias love each other, and fanfiction writers [[Ho Yay|want to believe Marco and Ax are in a relationship]]. At the end of the series, {{spoiler|Jake and Cassie don't end up together and Rachel dies, so...not so much with the happy endings}}.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Victorious]]'', although it's still early, out of the 7 main characters, 4 girls, 3 boys, Jade/Beck/Tori is the only real rivalry thus far. The prevalent pairings in the fandom follow this trope to the letter so far, with most of the support going to [[Fan -Preferred Couple|Tori/Andre]], Cat/Robbie as a [[Beta Couple]], and leaving Jade/Beck together. The [[Les Yay]] pairings have more support than other Het variations like Tori/Beck, Jade/Andre, Cat/Andre etc.
== [[Theater]] ==
* ''[[LovesLove's LaboursLabour's Lost]]'' has four noblemen and four noblewomen, who coincidentally have been in love since before the play started and spend most of the play pretending not to notice each other.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[WITCH (Animationanimation)|WITCH]]'' does this with very little in-fighting over boys amongst the five main female characters. Will ends up happily with Matt, Cornelia ends up with [[Badass Normal|Caleb]], Taranee ends up with Nigel, and Hay Lin ends up with Eric. The only one who isn't definitively paired up by the end of the second season is Irma, and it's heavily implied that she's fond of Martin. The comic series is a bit more complicated, emotions change and real life interferes frequently in the relationships.
* The ''[[Winx Club]]'' and the Specialists. You'd think with two groups of attractive teenagers you'd see a lot more romantic trouble, but I guess not. The only complications (besides the usual teen angst) are one-off characters.
** Interestingly enough, this carries over into ''WC'' fanfiction as well, where canon relationships make up a large majority of stories.
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