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** In ''Shaolin Monks'', the move is extended to a fatality. He punches them in the groin several times, mugs for the camera, punches the groin for a bit like a speed bag, and then does one final monster punch that pulverises the entire pelvic region, effectively cutting the opponent in half.
*** Which can be seen [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83nMi9xUies here] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnScQW-OR2Q here].
*** Returns in all of its nut-smashing glory in ''[[Mortal Kombat 9 (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat 9]]'', where it is also incorporated into his X-Ray move. Behold, as his punches [[Squick|rupture his enemy's groin muscles]]! As a plus, the regular version and the X-ray even work on the ladies now! No more gender discrimination!
* In [[Combat Arms]], on April 13-22, 2009 - shooting someone in the groin would kill them in [[One-Hit Kill|one-hit]], but was later nerfed to only occur when the fatal bullet (or melee attack) would hit the groin. Male characters cause a humourous death animation in which they squirm on the ground, holding their crotch, complete with a groan of pain. The game notifies you of this by having two walnuts pop up on screen, one having been broken, and the kill is shown to other players as the killer's name, the weapon which killed, a picture of a squirrel chewing on a nut, and the victim. The killer even laughs a bit after they get the kill. Female characters will be killed in one hit also, but lack a humourous notifiers to anyone. Read up on it [http://combatarms.wikia.com/wiki/Nut_Shot here.]
* A [[Action Command|Renegade Interrupt]] in ''[[Mass Effect]] 2'' to obtain information in an interrogation for Thane's loyalty mission has a colourful threat to do this and a bit more.
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** The latest games separate the two attack animations (the male and female) into different inputs.
* Dampierre from ''Broken Destiny'' has his back throw, the "Distinguished Il Capitan", where he pushes the opponent to the ground, raises his/her legs, then repeatedly mashes him/her ''there'' before delivering one strong kick to that same area.
* ''[[Scarface the World Is Yours (Video Game)|Scarface the World Is Yours]]'' plays up allowing the targeting of the groin. In a sub-mission, a hotelier asks Tony Montana to find tranvestite hookers moving in on his territory. Found a suspect? Time for a knee to the crotch!
* Numerous wrestling games allow this as an option, from punches, kicks and headbutts down there to specific groin claws.
* One of Isabella's stealth kills in ''[[Velvet Assassin]]'' has her stabbing Nazis in the balls.
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** Kazuya has a Groin Punch, which inflicts major hitstun.
** Asuka can do a knee kick that, if done up close, stuns the victim (no matter the gender) and causes him/her to stumble back in pain, bending over with his/her hands on the stomach.
* The arcade version of ''[[Battletoads (Video Game)|Battletoads]]'' features a rat-like [[Giant Mook]] called General Vermin who is easily double the height of the playable Toads. Unfortunately for him: his crotch is right at eye level of the enterprising amphibians, and they defeat him by grabbing a big ol' handful of his tobacco pouch (causing his one good eye to open ''very'' wide) and [http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/sexual-games/25.php hammering away at it until he goes down]. (Another type of [[Mook]] is named Gonnad, but this is just a coincidence.)
* ''[[Conkers Bad Fur Day (Video Game)|Conkers Bad Fur Day]]''
** The battle against a giant, living boiler with balls of brass, if only because Conker replaces his normal frying pan attack with ''a pair of cinder blocks'' and only uses the frying pan as part of the finishing blow where he smacks his balls off of him.
** While fighting Ooga Buga by having Conker's newly tamed therosaur tackle Ooga Buga in the groin to get him to drop his loincloth so he could bite his butt about 3 times until he has removed enough to not allow his loincloth to come back on and expose his biggest secret, which is the fact that he actually has a very tiny "bone."
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** Female enemies take damage from willow kicks. However, they do not perform the crotch grab reaction and do not suffer the stun effect.
** There is also another attack in which when you get on top of a downed enemy you can ''kneedrop'' him in the groin. [[That's Gotta Hurt]].
* Not even a Mario game is safe from this: in ''[[Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga (Video Game)|Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]]'', after you gain the ability to cause your partner to be buried into the ground or be shrunken by smacking them over the head with a hammer, you can do the above to Mario and then attempt to perform a high jump, which involves Luigi jumping on top of Mario and using him as leverage. Naturally, since Mario is shrunken, this'll fail, but during the brief moment while Luigi is on top of Mario's head, you can make him jump with the the expected results. Not only is this hilarious in itself to begin with, but you can also keep juggling poor Luigi for as you like AND also get coins out of it for as long as Luigi has more than 1 HP left, which he keeps losing as his brother lovingly pounds the everloving crap out of his crotch hard enough to keep him suspended in midair.
** Also, this is how you actually defeat [[This Is a Drill|Digga-Leg]] in ''[[Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Video Game)|Super Mario Galaxy 2]]''. The Power Star is actually contained within his crotch, and you actually have to smash the glass dome located where his crotch would be.
* Ken Masters gets one of these in one of his ''[[Street Fighter]]'' endings... {{spoiler|More specifically, the III one -- and he got it courtesy of his five-year-old son Mel. And boy, did poor Eliza freak out when she saw this.}}
** ''The Ties That Bind'', the anime film that shipped with the collectors edition of ''Street Fighter IV'', had a rare female version. During their brawl, Crimson Viper, her fists charged with electricity, punches Cammy in the crotch. Needless to say, the fight ends rather quickly after this.
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* The ''ridiculously'' [[Darker and Edgier]] platform game ''[[Vexx]]'' has a large, goblin-like creature in one level who taunts you by holding a [[Plot Coupon]] out of your reach. A targeting reticule appears over his groin. No prizes for guessing what you have to do. After getting punched in the crotch, he doubles over and starts to whimper pathetically. Vexx is a jerk.
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CusjcY75HTw This Let's Player thinks the goblin deserves it!!! Watch for his comments past 3:26!!!]
* Although it won't actually damage them, firing a projectile at the groins of the guards in ''[[Beyond Good and& Evil (Videovideo Gamegame)|Beyond Good and Evil]]'' will result in them clutching at their crotch and squirming in pain, since their [[Powered Armor]] doesn't seem to include a codpice.
* In ''Alien Extermination'', me and my mom shoot the Renegade Loader, whoses a man in a robowalker, in the balls because it says hit his weak spot. It's supposed to be his arms but this works just as well. We even call him [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYq_nNQ3Ec "Ol' Iron Crotch" and you'll see what I mean here].
* ''[[Heavenly Sword]]'''s heroine has a whole subset of super attacks that target her (mostly male) mooks, including doing a jumping downward slash with her [[Infinity+1 Sword|gigantic title weapon]] onto the delicate area, and grabbing a mook, leaping into the air, and dropping the mook down in a piledriver maneuver on their head with her hands on their ankles, their legs spread and her foot planted firmly on the man's crotch as she rams him into the ground. These attacks cause all the surrounding soldiers to fall down, clutching their groins in sympathy pain.
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** He knocks his opponent to the ground, tip toes over to them, then SLAMS his heel into their groin. Then claps his hands and giggles maniacally. He is an equal opprotunity offender though, as he does this to the four women as well.
* Never actually seen, but this is the community-held standard attack area of a Gnomish Warrior or Death Knight in Blizzard's ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' MMORPG.
* In ''[[Another World (Videovideo Gamegame)|Another World]]'', at one point when you walk off the right side of the screen (it is a screen-at-a-time platform game rather than a scrolling one), an enemy punches you, causing you to drop your gun. The enemy then lifts you by your shoulders. {{spoiler|If you press the action key/button, your character knees the enemy in the groin, which gives you time to retrieve the gun before the enemy can shoot you.}}
* Faith's slide kick in ''[[Mirrors Edge|Mirror's Edge]]'' is, in essence, a blow to the nuts. It even stuns the enemy for a few seconds as he stands there doubled over in agony.
* ''[[Bully (Videovideo Gamegame)|Bully]]'' has Jimmy abuse the ... well, jimmies of some of his assailants. Got that bully in your grasp? Shove him up against the wall and KNEE. Thrown him to the ground? Rear back up and drop that knee between the posts. This is learned in gym class. And trying to evade the grapple of local law enforcement? One method is the testicular vise. Add onto that the fun phenomenon that when shot by the spudgun, enemies sell it as a groin hit if hit in the front (usually). The game does discourage you from kneeing (or even grappling) the girls in the game (they instantly escape) so you can't test it out there, but try to not giggle after treating one of the little boys to this treatment (and then try to flee very fast). Note that every character has a different reaction to this, with quotes such as "Ow, I need those...!", "My girlfriend is gonna kill you..." and "Please... no... My legacy...".
** It's also pretty funny early in the game if you choose to fight Russel in the junkyard there is a conveniently placed soccer ball, you kick the ball to him and it nails him in the groin and he shouts in a higher voice "You hit Russel's special place!".
* ''[[Fight Night]] Round 3'': Low blows are unblockable, but often it takes several of them before the ref disqualifies you from the fight. So it becomes a valid (if unbelievably cheap) strategy to knock out the tougher fighters by punching them in the sack. The slow-motion shot replay (and crunching sounds) are either [[Nightmare Fuel]] or a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]], depending on your maturity level. To make it worse, it is possible to grind the achievements of the game by turning off Illegal Blow Disqualifications, which allows you to ''fight your way all the way to the international championship by throwing nothing but haymakers into your opponents' crotch.''
* There is a fan-made (Japanese) game that consists entirely of Yuffie of ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' fame going around kicking guys in the crotch. It is called "Yuffie the Hunting: Testis Crush!!"
* In ''[[Destroy All Humans!]]! Path of the Furon'', One of the bosses is a giant creature that resembles a Tripod from [[War of the Worlds]]. Pox suggests attacking it in its External DNA Collection Recepticles, or [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3S62ERIvkQ "Those big hanging things between its hind legs!"], After which Crypto replies "You mean get him in the family jewels? Euah, That's just wrong!"
* Also applies in ''Battlefield 2142'', where player-drivable [[Humongous Mecha|gigantic walkers]] are normally as heavily armored as a tank. Except in one vital area, where they are vulnerable to almost anything more powerful than a knife.
** Specifically, [[Attack Its Weak Point|there are vents on the underside of the torso-slash-waist]], but using your pistol still results in [[Cherry Tapping]]. A rocket launcher or some C4, [[One Hit KO|on the other hand]]...
* In ''GHOST Squad'', successfully completing Mission 3's first [[Press X to Not Die|Hand-to-Hand Combat]] scene yields a cutscene of your character beating up his opponents, one of which he punches in the groin.
* ''[[Fighter Maker 2]]'' on the [[PSPlay Station 2]] allows you to design your own movesets from scratch for the characters. [http://www.maniacworld.com/low-blow-montage.html Things like this] are possible with it. And they say user-created content has no innate value...
* In ''[[Saints Row]]'' 2, when you dual wield and melee-attack someone, you will hilariously kick your target in the crotch. It's a shame there is no "ball-kicking" diversion when this particular attack exists...
** It's worth noting that this also works on female characters. There's also a "nut shot" skill shot the player can perform with firearms, although this doesn't seem to work on females.
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* In ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'', depending on how close you are to an opponent you have locked onto, Nico will either kick or knee them in the crotch. However, the enemies can also do this back, and some do it a lot faster than the player can.
* ''[[Medal of Honor]]: Frontline'' (and possibly its sequels) counted the number of hits in various areas at the end of each mission - head, body, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, and groin. Strangely, enemies could take 2 shots to the groin before dying. (The best level for groin shots is the submarine one - no distant snipers that are hard to aim at.)
* In ''[[Clive BarkersBarker's Jericho]]'', the Cultists (the regular, Flying, and Exploding variants) tend to have huge, gaping holes where their genitals should be (to name just a few of their horrific mutilations). Also, there is an implied groin attack when [[Torture Technician|Lichthammer]] threatens to "tear ([[Badass Preacher|Rawlings']]) manhood from (him)".
* Rubi in ''[[Wet]]'' is rather inordinately fond of these. If you kill an enemy by shooting or slashing him in the balls, not only do you get bonus points, but you also get a "BALL-BREAKER!" notification next to your score multiplier. In addition, Rubi usually finishes off [[Elite Mooks]] with a short series of [[Action Commands]] that ends with Rubi's katana slicing up from between the poor bastard's legs. And she seems to have quite the [[Psychotic Smirk]] whenever she does this too, which doubles the creepy factor.
* ''[[Persona 4]]'' has Yosuke on the receiving end of one of Chie's kicks. "Critical hit to the nads."
** [http://hiimdaisy.livejournal.com/26044.html TRIAL OF THE DRAGONNNN]
* In ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'', Batman has a few take-down combos that involve a rather brutal strike to the jewels. In the downloadable Joker maps, one of Joker's stealth takedowns is a kick to the pills from behind.
** Somewhat subverted by the fact that, while there's no contesting the impact to the nuts, Bats actually seems to be looking to break or fracture the pelvis... which will force the mooks to stay down for considerably longer by making it practically impossible for them to stand. Then again, this subversion could simply be playing it straight with more dakka.
** ''[[Batman: Arkham City]]'' brings back all of Batman's groin attacks from the first game and adds a few more. Perhaps the most brutal is, if timed correctly, Batman will do a ground takedown by leaping into the air and coming down with both fists on his prone opponent. Bad enough when he does that to their face, but if the model is flipped...
*** In the same game, Penguin accidentally hits a [[Mook]] with his umbrella.
*** Nightwing does the worst, however, as his ground takedown often involves ''driving a charged electric baton directly into the opponent's groin.'' [[Star Wars|It was as if millions of sperm suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.]]
* In ''[[Dragon Age]]'', one attack a rogue gets is called "Below the Belt," and at least comes close to invoking this trope if it doesn't do so outright. [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|Using this on a frozen opponent will sometimes shatter and kill them outright.]]
** Probably unintentional, but dwarves who are dual-wielding blades can do this as a random finishing move. Anyone dual-wielding has a chance of finishing a humanoid opponent by stabbing them in the gut with one blade and then decapitating them with the other. Bioware, however, used the same finishing animations for dwarves as for taller races, so their first stab tends to be a little bit... lower.
* In ''[[Assassin's Creed (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed]]'', Altaïr can use this as part of his many [[Combat Pragmatist|bastardly counter attacks]]. However, the guards are also well versed in groin-fu.
* ''[[Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed Brotherhood]]'' adds a kick attack as a way to stun guards who constantly deflect Ezio's sword strikes. The developers ''probably'' intended this as a gut-kick but it sure does look like a bona-fide groin attack. And it does do a small amount of damage in addition to stunning so it can be used to kill a guard. That's right, people. You can potentially go through the entire game [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|crotch-kicking everyone to death]].
*** Considering Ezio's [[Combat Pragmatist|way of fighting]], it was probably entirely intentional.
*** A particuarly painful example occur's in some of Ezio's axe counters. After parrying a guard's sword, Ezio swings downward and ''drives it through the groin'', leaving the axe embedded somewhere near the kidneys. What's worse is that the guard is lifted a foot into the air, and Ezio just leaves the axe stuck in there.
* One of the random thoughts one could read in ''[[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|The World Ends With You]]'' is the following: "Man, I really screwed up that trick. Glad you only need one of them to have kids."
* In ''[[Capcom vs. Whatever|Tatsunoko vs. Capcom]]'', the villainous character Doronjo has a special attack called "Punching Bag Fiesta." Her two lackies grab hold of the opponent and beat them senseless until Doronjo delivers the final blow, a swift vertical kick. While it may not be the intentions of the attack to directly be a groin attack or a cunt punt, most often the positioning of the characters results in her knee landing right where it hurts the most.
* In ''[[Psychonauts (Video Game)|Psychonauts]]'', the second channel on the TV shows some sort of ninja or martial arts practitioner repetitively punching another in the groin. Also, using the clairvoyance power on Bobby Zilch shows that he sees Raz on a punching bag...with a target over that particular area.
* This is actually how you damage [[Bonus Boss]] Phantom in ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]''.
* In ''[[Jak and Daxter|Jak X]]'', [[Action Girl|Ashelin]] suggests this as a way of dealing with [[Big Bad|Mizo]].
* In [[Target Terror|Target: Terror]], you earn a "Nut Cracker" medal for shooting a certain percentage of mooks in the junk.
** One of the many reasons this game easily qualifies for [[So Bad It's Good]]
* [[Battle Fantasia]]: If Marco uses his grabbing move on Face, it results in this, complete with a bell sound.
* In the web game "Pico's School" on Newgrounds, you have to do this to Casandra's monster form in the final battle in order to damage it.
* Groin shots in ''[[Command and Conquer]]: Renegade'' are tracked, and groin shots that ''kill'' will cause the afflicted to double over in pain. This goes even if that final shot was delivered by a [[Nightmare Fuel|flamethrower, chem sprayer,]] or a ''[[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|tank shell.]]''
* Hilariously recreated in [http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8yo0t4fzq1qzh5gno1_250.gif this] ''[[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (Video Game)|Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire]]'' parody.
* At the end of the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv18JJLJ6As music video] for the ''[[DJMAX]]'' song "NB Rangers: Returns (sic)", NB Red gets kicked in the groin. By ''all four of his teammates.''
* Similar to the Battletoads example above, the difference in height between Mega Man X and Flame Mammoth in ''Maverick Hunter X'' puts Mammoth's crotch about level with X's Buster. The game doesn't pay any attention to this fact at all, but when you down the giant elephant with a Hadouken to the jewels...
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* No mention of the kick in the nads Remy (of ''[[Professor Layton]]'' ) gives someone-but-I-forgot-who in ''Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva'' ?
* At the end of "Shadow of the Colossal Donut" in ''The Simpsons Game'', when Bart and Homer take down the Lard Lad Donuts mascot statue, Homer continually pounds the fallen statue in the crotch, with Bart telling him to show some dignity in victory.
* ''[[X -Men Next Dimension]]'': this can result from a minor programming oversight. Mystique's grab move and level one super both involve her grabbing an opponent, placing her rifle to their chest, and firing ([[Annoying Arrows|nonlethally]]). However, there are several opponents - Juggernaut, Sentinel A, and the Blob - who are at least two feet taller than the average character. They didn't alter these moves at all, meaning that...well, you should be able to guess where the rifle ends up from the page you're on.
* One of the moves that ''[[Rift]]'''s Assassin class is able to learn is "[http://rift.zam.com/en/ability/1418517295&ntt=1/Foul-Play Foul Play]", which is described as "[[Combat Pragmatist|an unfair maneuver]] that stuns the enemy", and the skill icon none-too-subtly implies that this is the maneuver they have in mind.
* In ''[[No More Heroes]]'', one of the grunts' taunts includes "I'll kick you in the nuts!".
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* One of Altair's counter-attacks in ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' involves a kick to the groin before stabbing his opponent in the neck. His descendant Ezio has a similar move, but unfortunately for him, [[Elite Mooks]] use it as a melee counter as well.
* In ''[[Scarface the World Is Yours (Video Game)|Scarface the World Is Yours]]'' you can score hits on enemies' nuts.
* In ''[[Dragon Age]]'' the ''Below the Belt'' attack has the ingame description: "The rogue delivers a swift and unsportsmanlike kick to the target."
** Cassandra Pentaghast comes close to doing this to Varric Tethras in ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' during the introduction when she shoves a sword through his book to make him start talking about the Champion of Kirkwall.
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* In the original ''[[Soldier of Fortune]]'', a shot to the crotch is instant death.
* Geralt of Rivia can deliver these during quicktime brawls in ''[[The Witcher|The Witcher 2]]''.
* The trailer for [[Lollipop Chainsaw (Video Game)|Lollipop Chainsaw]] has the protagonist take a chainsaw, '''''A CHAINSAW''''', to a zombie's groin and cuts them in half.
* One of the finishers you can do to a Dwarven Centurion in [[The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim]] is this.
* Link, of all people, seems to do this in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]]'' whenever he uses a finishing stab on a Bokoblin.
* Possible in ''[[Sniper Elite V 2 (Video Game)|Sniper Elite V 2]]'', complete with slo-mo cam of testicles exploding. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JGioD_O7g8 Dooley!] With the DLC mission, you can do this to none other than [[Adolph Hitler]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8TfR4wub-I&t=6m30s himself].
* Probably unintentionally hilarious, but one of the attacks Asura from ''[[Asura's Wrath]]'' uses in the DLC lost episode chapter against {{spoiler|[[Crossover|Evil]] [[Street Fighter|Ryu]]}} is a grapple move that looks like the [[Kinnikuman|Kinniku Buster]] that ends with Asura's Knee in {{spoiler|Evil Ryu's}} groin.
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