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== The series is set in the [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future|cyberpunk future]] of [[Toon Town]]. ==
Toons and animated characters are long gone since the [[The Golden Age of Animation|Golden Age]] of the 1940's, and instead [[Video Game Characters]] and [[Video Game Physics]] are today's cultural norm. Instead of [[Anvil on Head|falling anvils]], cartoon explosions, and [[Portable Hole|portable black holes]], we've got [[Boss Battle|Boss Battles]] and [[Pinata Enemy|Pinata Enemies]], [[Humongous Mecha|Giant killer Robots]], [[Reflecting Laser|Frickin Laser beams]], and [[Hyperspace Mallet|Subspace Mallets]]. But it's okay! Just like there was no clear way to kill a toon (except for the infamous Dip), [[One 1-Up|1-Ups]] are a common commodity for players. All that's missing are [[Roger Rabbit Effect|video game cameos]] from the [[Super Mario Bros.|moustached brothers]] themselves!
* But in Roger Rabbit, there was a clear distinction between Toons and "real" people. By contrast, all the characters in the Scott Pilgrim franchise are somewhere between being Toons and being "normal" people. Plus, there are no anthropomorphic animals to be seen in Scott Pilgrim, and Scott Pilgrim takes place in Toronto, not California where [[Toon Town]] is supposed to be located.
** In the future, interbreeding makes it very difficult to tell the difference. It's more a genetic trait that pops up.
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== Scott will die in the fight between him & Gideon in the climax of the last book... ==
But gets resurrected by using an extra life he gained, defeat Gideon, and win Ramona forever.
* Confirmed: Both the comic and the movie use both meanings. Not only did Scott come [[Back From the Dead]], he also "got a life" and started being a functional person.
== The code from Scott's dreams is The Konami Code, and will prove crucial after Gideon kills him and forces him to use his extra life ==
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== Everything is because of Kim Pine ==
Kim moved back into town not long before Ramona showed up. She joined the band with Scott, who she still had feelings for, but couldn't talk to him because of how intimidated she is by him. She inadvertantly creates a fantasy world based upon the things they loved growing up, like kung-fu, video games, and music.
Ramona is the heroine that she wished she could be so that she could be with Scott, and the Evil-Exes were the adventure she wished for. The Exes are based upon Kim's past relationships, Gideon being the most powerful, being based on Scott. She doesn't have good control over it, though, and as a result, the fantasies start to go out of control. One item of note is in Volume 4, when Kim kisses Knives, and the next Ex Scott must face happens to be a girl. After she got drunk, the Twins became independent and kidnapped her to try to snap her out of it. More importantly, when Kim left, there was nothing left to maintain the illusion, so Ramona left too.
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== The series will end with Scott getting together with Kim Pine. ==
Note how the recaps always make sure to point out that Kim dated Scott in high school and is trying to forget it. The Katayanagi twins kidnapped Kim instead of Ramona, and Kim very obviously still has feelings towards Scott. Ramona's function as [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]], and in fact, Gideon's end goal is more or less to get Scott to realize how he feels about Kim:
{{quote| '''Scott:''' I'm sorry about ''me''!<br />
'''Kim:''' Apology accepted. }}
* Might be that for the movie too.
* It's also noted by the twins during their fight in volume 5 that Scott's fighting for the wrong girl.
** [[Jossed]], he starts over with Ramona; Kim and him are still good friends though.
== Ramona and Gideon's last names are an example of [[Theme Naming]] and hint at the eventual resolution of the series ==
Think about it. Ramona FLOWERS and Gideon GRAVES. Ominous, ain't it?
* Death and Rebirth.
== Gideon's plot will involve a combined fight with all the Exes ==
This occured to me in volume 2, where Lucas Lee says if Scott paid him, he'd tell Gideon Scott beat him up. Makes it sound like they're not as dead as they seem, they could be all in some secret lair of the Chaos Theatre waiting for Gideon to make the final plans.
* Of course, this whole shebang is video game based, and what happens towards the end of 50% of games? BOSS RUSH!
** Sadly jossed.
*** Semi-Jossed, the video game boss fight 2nd form has Gideon in a [[One-Winged Angel]] form.
**** We do know there is a Boss Rush mode. Perhaps it has a storyline? After all, the ending of the video game does show that not only is Gideon alive but "lost in the Void", he's about to find a Door out.
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== Roxanne's still alive. ==
Those bunnies and pigs that pop out right after she gets cut? It's just a diversion so she could escape. And by the time Scott and Ramona have a son ready to carry on his dad's legacy, Roxanne will have healed up enough to form her own evil legion of half-ninjas.
* And note how she turned into animals instead of coins like every other Ex.
** Page 190, after Roxanne is defeated, Mr. Chau is seen picking up a rabbit from the aftermath. Probably decided to take care of her, teach her, or keep her as a pet for his daughter.
*** Maybe she'll be this world's version of [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles|Master Splinter.]]
== Scott Pilgrim is a reincarnation of Cerebus the Aardvark ==
Both Scott and [[Cerebus]] are the protagonists of Canadian-created independent comic books that chronicle the lives of their title characters. The last issue of Cerebus (which ended with Cerebus dying and receiving an unseen fate) was published in 2004, the same year the first Scott Pilgrim graphic novel came out. Cerebus (and his creator Dave Sim) had some serious issues with women, Scott has issues with women too, but managed to sort them out in the end. So, in a sense, Cerebus evolved (or shall we say, leveled up) into Scott Pilgrim.
== Video Game Scott is still trapped in Subspace in his ending. ==
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== Ramona is the The Devil ==
* Let's see: She has pitch black eyes, snow melts as she walks through, and terrible things happen around her. Her evil-ex's are evil because she corrupted them with her demon powers, and is using the form of a beautiful woman to seduce and corrupt Scott. Yep, it's only a matter of time before Scott really does become an evil Ex.
== Ramona is the REAL protagonist of the story ==
* Since parts of the story was about Scott learning that people have a life outside of his, this should seem right. Besides Scott, Ramona was the only non-villain character who's to blame for the conflict in the comics/movie. She's had a hand in most of the battles, and shared the victory when they defeated Gideon. Her plot could easily be built as "Ramona is trying to run away from her past and meets a boy who's willing to fight for her. But, when her past comes back to get her, she decided to finally fight for herself". She also happens to be the non-villain character who has what most resembles real superpowers.
** This might explain why in the videogame, {{spoiler|her ending is the best of the lot (same as the book's ending, different music, 'Congratulations!' text instead of 'THE END', etc.)}}
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==== In Volume 3 ====
Gideon had Todd prepped to be both a carrier of the one-up and the reactant to Subspace that trapped Ramona. Infection occured right when Scott headbutted Todd, as {{spoiler|Gideon was infected with it by Scott headbutting him in volume 6}}.
==== In volume 4 ====
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== The film is a [[Space Whale Aesop]] about confusing [[Real Life]] with [[Video Games]] ==
Similar to the Scott the Delusional Killer theory above, this one revolves around the premise of Scott perceiving things not as they really are. The aesop being that if you take life as a game, you'll screw it over many times and that unlike in a game, real life decisions are about consequences rather than scores and that you don't get a second chance. Of course, it then merrily becomes a [[Broken Aesop]] thanks to the {{spoiler|[[One 1-Up]]}}, but the rest stands: only when Scott started acting responsibly did he manage to break out of the situation his previous actions got him into.
== Gideon was controlling Wallace. ==
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The whole series is a [[Batman Gambit]] in order to get them to realize their flaws and have a good relationship.
* This raises questions about the other half of his plot (Exes On Ice!... unless they were in on it?), but it would make an odd bit of sense if Gideon sent the other exes first so Scott wouldn't just mature, [[Xanatos Gambit|but also take out a half-dozen dangerous psychopaths while at it.]]
* If he was a [[Jerk With A Hidden Heart Of Gold]] instead of an asshole, this would make sense, as the other six psychopaths would be taken care of even if the main goal of 'making them mature' didn't work.
== Scott was a [[I Wanna Be the Guy|The Kid]] and Gideon was a [[I Wanna Be the Guy|The Guy]] ==
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== Scott Pilgrim vs the World takes place in a Tron universe ==
Notice how people burst into coins just as people burst into glowing crystal when they get derezzed. Or the fact Scott has an evil doppleganger like Kevin Flynn does with Clu. Also notice how both of them have evil club owners; Castor and Gideon. Both of them feign being nice but are bad to the bone and use cane weapons. Both these evil club owners offer a drink to the portagonist. Or the fact that they have cold blonde hot women: Gem and Envy Adams. Both have some kind of chemistry with the main characters but work with the bad guys. Notice how Knives Chau has a similar haircut to Quora and both have some skill in martial arts. Or the fact that Chau and Scott fight side by side just like Quora and Sam. But aside from being similar in story and character elements both are clearly based on video games.
== Comeau is a mutant with [[X Factor|Layla Miller's]] ability to "Know Stuff" ==
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== Julie Powers will have a [[Start of Darkness]] and become a [[King Mook]] with [[Those Two Guys|Sandra and Monique]] as her starting line-up. ==
Due to the possibility of {{spoiler|Stephen Stills cheating on her with Kim's roomate Joseph during volume 4}}, she is definately a [[Woman Scorned]]. Add in that she was possibly expecting a "Team-Up" with the Katayanagi Twins 'till Scott killed them in volume 5 (And possibly {{spoiler|had and still might have a crush on him}}). This could make her into a [[Jerkass Woobie]] sort of [[Big Bad]] or alternatively a leader of a [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]] to help a future [[Big Bad]].
== the Evil Exes represent the Seven Deadly Sins ==
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* Except in the Comic, Envy was not one of the seven evil exes, it seems more likely that....
** Matthew Pattel is Envy
** Lucas Lee is Greed
*** Since he's a sellout
** Todd is Lust
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* Nah.
** Matthew Pattel is Envy
** Lucas Lee is Greed
** Todd is Gluttony - since that's what undos him
** Roxy is Sloth - not really evil, I guess?
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Natalie, now plagued with her sudden influx of anxiety and self-esteem issues, takes an emotional dive. She starts to question whether or not Scott really cares for her, because who would legitimately care for some reclusive anime fangirl with no prior social life? Her roommate treats her with disdain, and Natalie, in an effort to manage her emotional whirlwind, tries to change her own image in order to really secure Scott’s affections. She calls herself “Envy” to distance herself from her old name. She throws away almost all her figurines and merchandise to create a persona that everyone will love. Her insecurities attack her mind and she changes drastically.
Scott Pilgrim notices this, and becomes wary, and Envy sees Scott’s wariness and becomes even more hurt. All the things she tried to do to secure his affections slowly begin to drive him away, and in her own pain, she starts taking over Scott’s band in an act of petty vengeance and cheats on him with another man. She is no longer the Natalie V. Adams who was a social and somewhat awkward recluse, but Envy Adams, aloof from the mere mortals.
The culmination of these events happens on a New Year’s Eve. {{spoiler|Envy and Scott have a huge fight and they break up. Envy leaves, and Scott is left emotionally catatonic.}}
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Wallace, seeing his handiwork, is mortified. He didn’t intend to hurt his friend Scott, and though he hated Envy, he had a sense that what he had done to her was too much. But he rationalizes it to himself. Envy was a bitch, he says, and he continues to fester his hate upon Envy. Envy is someone he immensely dislikes, but she also reminds him of his horrible mistake, and thus, a truly ingrained hatred of Envy Adams sets itself into Wallace’s mind.
Envy, after graduating from university, begins her music career. She is still plagued with her own insecurities, but meeting with Todd Ingram, again holds her issues at bay. Her happiness at Todd’s show of devotion by blowing up a giant crater on the Moon assures her that all will be okay, and that she finally has reached her happy ending. Her career blooms, and her band “The Clash at Demonhead” gains the attention of a certain wealthy and well-off producer named Gideon Graves.
Gideon invites this band to perform at the Chaos Theatre in New York, and Envy is a hit. She becomes instantaneously famous in the musical industry. Her success is amazing, and Gideon then talks to the band personally congratulating them on a job well done, and suddenly, he notices something.
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Meanwhile, Gideon, drunk on his success, goes to way too many parties celebrating his genius and intellect and how awesome he is. {{spoiler|There, he meets a girl with long-ish hair and a look about her that intrigues him. He approaches her, and soon enough, he gets her infected with the Glow and he uses this to manipulate her, Ramona Flowers, into a relationship with him.}}
Eventually, {{spoiler|Ramona leaves Gideon, using the Subspace Highway to leave Gideon behind. Her relationship with him was hell, and her realization of this entire relationship being some sort of sick experiment compels her to leave.}}
After Ramona leaves, {{spoiler|Gideon posts a drunken rant on Craigslist to form a League of Ramona Flower’s evil exes and control Ramona’s love life to make her suffer. To his honest surprise, six other people responded to his rant on Craigslist ,and Gideon just sort of rolls with it.}}
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Matthew Patel acts, confirming every single one of Wallace’s suspicions about the League of Evil Exes. Gideon has given Wallace a perfect opportunity to strike without being noticed. Wallace puts it together in his mind that if Gideon really goes through with this, he’ll be too busy focusing on Scott to notice anything that Wallace does.
Scott Pilgrim wins his fight, and Wallace decides to use Scott Pilgrim to break Gideon Graves. He convinces Scott to break up with Knives in order to truly solidify Scott Pilgrim’s affections for Ramona (taking Knives out of Scott’s mind), and is the first one to tell Scott about Lucas Lee.
From here on out, it’s all history. Wallace must act has he always has, in order to not bring attention to himself. He helps Scott break through the League of Evil Exes to get closer and closer to Gideon, letting Scott do all the dirty work.
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== When you end a relationship poorly, you turn into an Evil Ex. ==
We all know that Ramona has her 7 evil exes, but let's look at Scott's.
* Kim Pine: She didn't turn blatantly evil, as much as she did a cynical [[Deadpan Snarker]]. However, she's there to hold a mirror up to Scott and show him that he's a dick, causing him to do somewhat of a [[Heel Face Turn]], but still bruising his ego and all together making him less willing to find Ramona and win her back.
* Envy: Went from hipster to horrible famous bitch after Scott. Is pretty much the epitome of every girl you hate.
* Knives: Went psycho and tried to kill everyone who got close to Scott romantically or was his enemy in an [[If I Can't Have You]] rage.
And now let's look at Scott:
* After being dumped by Envy, Scott became kind of an asshole.
* Hurts people around him even if he doesn't see it.
* Was a complete ass to Knives
That can also explain why everyone kind of sucks in their own way. Everyone at that age in their lives has probably had a bad breakup, leading to them becoming an Evil Ex.
== None of Scott Pilgrim happened the way it looks like it did. ==
We all know that in our heads, we're far more bad ass than we really are. Same story with Scott. In his head, he's a [[Badass Abnormal]] who fights evil exes, saves "princesses", decodes an evil plot, has a ninja for an Ex, and everyone he meets has at the very minimum the potential for super powers. And yet, everyone is a pretty normal person aside from all that. No one exhibits weird alternate super hero personalities, because Scott is just picturing everyone in his head as they are with added bonus powers.
The powers he gives to the people around him vary on who there are as people. Knives was a ninja because he thought that she was cool enough and sneaky to be one; Todd got "vegan" psychic powers because Scott begrudgingly admired him for having the sheer brain and will power for giving up basically everything good in the food world; Mr. Chau was a knife wielding samurai because Scott was genuinely afraid of him; and the Twins got sound powers because of their huge DJ status.
Scott never fought the exes. Sure, he probably met a few and had a conversation with them like the Twins, Todd, and Gideon. However, he had never met the others like Lucas and Mathew who were more than likely still in America, or just too busy with their own lives. He just made up fights in his head to justify himself as being the better person, because deep down he knows he's kind of an asshole.
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