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== [[Literature]] ==
* The Cascadians of ''[[VattasVatta's War]]'' put a huge emphasis on politeness over much else and the list of things that are considered impolite is vast. Visitors to the spaceport are given a sizable booklet explaining the rules and expected to learn them. The third book has Cpt. Kylara Vatta in a courtroom defending her identity against another Vatta starship captain claiming she is an imposter; being found in contempt of court is an offense that carries the death penalty. {{spoiler|When DNA tests show the other captain was lying, he gets aggressive and insulting and having already been warned, is found in contempt. This does not sit well with Ky, even though he's been shown to be in league with the organization that murdered her family.}}
* ''[[Arabian Nights (Literature)|Arabian Nights]]'': In Arabian cultures it is taboo to eat with your left hand; one man who tries it gets it cut off by his dinner guest. In another tale this becomes an issue for a man who lost his right hand...
* The ''[[Retrieval Artist]]'' series by Kristine Kathryn Rusch has the Earth Sphere Alliance bound by treaties with their alien trading partners to honor their laws and extradite people who break them, with judgements handed down by a Multicultural Tribunal. Many of the alien crimes, punishable by death or [[Fate Worse Than Death]], are acts that would be completely innocent in the eyes of humans - say, stepping on the wrong sort of plant. This is why there are agencies to Disappear people who run afoul of them, trackers that hunt them for the law and retrieval artists working outside the law who may bring them back for other reasons.
* Isaac Asimov's short story ''Strikebreaker'' features a little colony in an asteroid. Being so small everything must be recycled, even water, from feces. Naturally someone has to do the job and the asteroid's inhabitants try to make him as comfortable as possible. However, it's stigmatized by everybody, who due to social prejudice avoid interacting with him and feel physical disgust by him. The trouble appears when an outsider arrives at the colony to make social studies.
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** In [[The Next Generation]] 1st season episode "Justice", the crew beams down onto a seemingly pleasurable planet inhabited by the friendly Edo, where it is explained that no one breaks the rules because of random inspections and [[All Crimes Are Equal|only one punishment: execution]]. Then Wesley, who was playing with other kids, accidentally breaks a greenhouse window and it just so happens that's where the moderators check at that moment...
** "The Big Goodbye" has Picard practicing the language of an alien race on the holodeck to prepare for upcoming delegations, because the slightest mispronunciation will be taken as a grave offense.
** There's an episode of ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]'' where B'Elanna (part [[Proud Warrior Race|Klingon]]) gets arrested for having violent thoughts on a planet of telepaths.
** Janeway once nearly ruined relations with a species called the Tak Tak. Apparently to them, putting one's hands on one's hips is the greatest insult possible.
*** Well, body language ''is'' a major part of their language. We can get by without it, but they can't.
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