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This Is Wrong on So Many Levels: Difference between revisions

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== [[Anime]]/[[Manga]] ==
* Used at least twice in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]''. Once by Chamo, in a bath scene with naked, adult form Evangeline sucking blood from the protesting, 10 year-old Negi's arm. Once by Sayo after witnessing Kazumi's reaction to finding out [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|what winding feels like]] to [[Ridiculously Human Robot|Chachamaru]].
* Rein rather memorably utters this exact phrase in the English dub of ''[[Best Student Council (Anime)|Best Student Council]]''.
* In ''[[Koe Dede Oshigoto!]]'' several characters point out to Yayoi that making her underage sister Kanna work as an eroge seiyuu is sick and wrong, to which she responds there is no law against it.
== Comics ==
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{{quote| '''Ivan Krank:''' Oh, haven't you heard, my good man? Nature is dead! Science is king!<br />
'''Mr. Jolly:''' Oh, that is just wrong on so many levels. }}
* ''[[JasonFriday Xthe 13th (film)]]'' :
{{quote| '''Janessa:''' Oh, this sucks on so many levels!}}
* ''[[Must Love Dogs]]'', after the heroine realises she answered her own father's personal ad:
{{quote| '''Sarah:''' This is disturbing on many levels.}}
* ''[[Galaxy Quest (Film)|Galaxy Quest]]''.
{{quote| '''Guy''': ''(watching Laliari sprout tentacles as she makes out with Fred on the floor)'' Ohhhh, that's ''not right''!}}
* ''[[Kiss Kiss Bang Bang]]'':
{{quote| '''Harry:''' This is every shade of wrong.}}
* According to Shenzi the hyena of ''[[The Lion King]]'' (more specifically, ''[[Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead|1 1/2]]''), implied [[Hot Skitty-On-Wailord Action]] "violates ''so'' many laws of nature".
* ''[[Bolt (Disney)|Bolt]]'':
{{quote| '''Bolt:''' If I stare at the lock really hard, it'll burst into flames and melt.<br />
'''Mittens:''' ''(stares at him)'' Now I'm concerned on a number of levels. }}
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Off Centre (TV)|Off Centre]]'', some people are changing at a gym. While they are naked, some guys get into a fight, dragging the main characters into it. One of them says the phrase.
* In ''[[Rome]]'', Octavia says this when she and Jocasta see that Atia is having {{spoiler|the slave Duro, who tried to poison Atia on Servillia's orders}} tortured.
* The team's well deserved reaction to the following exchange.
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Zack: [referring to his Halloween's costume] Cow! I'm a cow! See my udder? }}
* In the second episode of [[Dead Like Me]], George is impaled with a clip on a stick, due to being too close to one of her 'customers' dying (being a Reaper, she got better). Later that night, she has a coughing fit...and spits up the clip. We pretty much agree with her when she says 'Oh that's not right, that's not right!'.
* ''[[GreysGrey's Anatomy]]'' episode "Owner of a Lonely Heart":
{{quote| '''Dr. George O'Malley:''' Oh, that was wrong on so many levels.}}
** ''[[GreysGrey's Anatomy]]'' episode "A Hard Day's Night":
{{quote| '''Dr. Meredith Grey:''' ''[grabs her bra from him]'' Humiliating, on so many levels. You have to go.}}
* ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' episode "Paradise Lost":
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* ''I Love Money'' episode "Only the Weak Survive":
{{quote| '''Nibblz:''' ''[after losing to Mr. Boston on "The Bed Battle"]'' This sucks on so many levels. Not only did I lose, I lost to Mr. Boston. Do you know how bad that is going to look for me back in Brooklyn?}}
* On ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000 (TV)|Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'', this was practically one of Joel's [[Catch Phrase|catchphrases]].
{{quote| '''Joel:''' Oh, come on, this is so offensive on so many levels...}}
* ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'', of course:
{{quote| '''Michael''' (played by Jason Bateman, to Nellie, a prostitute he believes to be his sister, played by Justine Bateman, Jason's real sister)! "Marry me!... that's wrong on so many levels."}}
* On ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway? (TV)|Whose Line Is It Anyway]]'', Wayne Brady said this at the end of one game that... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZxnEoFKGzw well, see for yourself.]
* ''[[Scrubs]]'' had Elliot describing something Jordan said as "disturbing in, like, eight different ways." The new Main Character Lucy also recently had so much to do, that she "had to do my dad phone call, while having sex with my boyfriend. So many things wrong with that, not the least of which is that it was the most turned on I've ever been".
* On ''[[Wings (TV series)|Wings]]'', when Joe learned Roy was ordering a mail-order bride: "This is wrong on so many levels, it's hard to describe without charts."
* ''[[Dollhouse]]'' episode "Omega":
{{quote| '''Caroline!Wendy''': The wrongness of this is so large.}}
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* [[Castle]] says this after Alexis tells him that her [[Egg Sitting]] partner has 'killed' the egg to get back at her.
* On ''[[Project Runway]]'', judge Michael Kors once told a designer who offered a truly awful "1970s-inspired" outfit: "Those plaid pants would be against every fashion law of nature in ''any'' decade."
* On ''[[The X -Files]]'', after Mulder tries giving scientific explanations on a [[Our Vampires Are Different|pseudo-vampire]]'s death, the doctor who is checking on the corpse replies "You are really upsetting me. On several levels".
== Parody ==
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== Webcomics ==
* [http://xkcd.com/299/ This] ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]]'' strip.
* ''[[Something Positive]]'': "Oh... Davan, that is so not-good on so many [http://www.somethingpositive.net/sp04232002.shtml not-good levels.]"
* ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]'', [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/04/08/episode-270-fighter-morissette/ during the Dr'zzl fight]
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{{quote| '''Black Mage:''', "There's many things wrong with that, and ''both'' of them are ''all of it''."}}
* [http://humon.deviantart.com/art/Kangaroo-Wife-148578041 "That's just wrong on so many levels I can't even count them!!"]
* In ''[[Bob and George (Webcomic)|Bob and George]]'', the recurring cameo fan-character Ran, a fragile and cheaply built Communist robot who constantly respawns when killed, gives us [http://www.bobandgeorge.com/archives/040729 this gem] when Napalm Man disagrees with [[Grievous Harm Withwith a Body|his admittedly creative methods for stopping a fire.]]
* ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' got this:
{{quote| '''Justin''': This is messed up on so many levels. I'm guessing [[Dysfunctional Family|you don't visit your cousin and uncle that much]]?<br />
'''Nanase''': It's common sense not to. }}
* Tavros of [[Homestuck (Webcomic)|Homestuck]] [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=004963 tries to explain] to Vriska that {{spoiler|being directly responsible ([[Stable Time Loop|even if only after the fact]]) for creating the [[Big Bad]] currently making their life hell is not a good thing}}:
{{quote| {{color|#a15000|AT: wOW, nO, tHAT'S,}}<br />
== [[Web Original]] ==
* [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] commented during his review of [[Milk Money]] that the film was "a five-star restaurant menu of wrong."
* In ''[[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Atop the Fourth Wall]]'', Linkara reviewed the Kool-Aid Man comic, and a girl was kissing the Kool-Aid Man, and a caption said the phrase of this trope.
* [[Seanbaby]]'s [http://www.seanbaby.com/nes/nes/egm09.htm take] on ''Custer's Revenge'':
{{quote| '''Custer''': "Gentlemen, today's operation will be a unique one. We will go deep into injun territory with a full entourage of cavalry, establish a tight perimeter, have the infantry remove my pants and underpants, and then I will attempt to force sex on an Indian girl under heavy enemy fire. Are there any objections?"<br />
'''Custer's military advisor''': "Yes, general. Several." }}
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T6go6EOuG4 This video warns us]: "Don't watch an anime called [[Boku Nono Pico|Boku]]! Man, this shit is SO wrong in so many motherfucking levels yo..."
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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'''Church:''' What the fuck? That's like wrong in eight different ways!<br />
'''Caboose's Mental Image of Sister:''' ''(resignedly)'' Yeah, I know. Tell me about it... }}
* [[The Nostalgia Critic (Web Video)|The Nostalgia Critic]] refers to part of the [[Star Wars Holiday Special]] as "a holocaust of wrong."
* [http://www.theodoregray.com/periodicTable/ Theodore Gray] delights in finding new and interesting uses for the elements, but [http://www.theodoregray.com/periodicTable/Samples/074.61/index.s12.html this] is the thing that gave him a [["No. Just... No" Reaction]].
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w31JxhrGkss I'm uncomfortable with this on so many levels....on this level...and this level....].
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