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Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Chick]]
* [[Making a Splash]]
* [[Princesses Rule]]: Justified as her mother retired due to her incredible age, preparing to [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]] and becoming kind of an oracle. It is Raven who now must do everydays work.
* [[Rain of Arrows]]: Just give her a certain magic bow and certain magic gloves and boots, and she will fire 60 arrows per turn (or 15-20 per second)
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* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]], though only technically, as she really isn't as evil as her character sheet can tell. She must have had it before meeting the PC.}}
* [[Minion Withwith an F In Evil]]
* [[Mystical Waif]]
* [[Time Master]]
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* [[The Gunslinger]]: though he knows melee too.
* [[Death Glare]]: his avatar is portrayed this way.
* [[Badass in Aa Nice Suit]]: and a top hat!
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* {{spoiler|[[The Atoner]]}}
* [[Big Bad]]: {{spoiler|Subverted! You're led to think he is for most of the game, but he's actually still stuck in the Void, and Kerghan's the one you've been tracking down the entire time.}}
* [[Cutscene Power to Thethe Max]]: His power in the [[Backstory]] {{spoiler|and the ending}} is far, far greater than his power in the game proper.
=== Kerghan the Terrible ===
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* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]
* [[Mr. Fixit]]: He's the Master of Repair after all.
* [[Shout -Out]] / [[Expy]]: the real-life inventor of machine gun was Hiram Maxim.
* [[They Called Me Mad]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]: He ruined the planned marriage between the woman he's stalking and her fiancee (who happens to be the Dodge master) by using a special poison to destroy the fiancee's eyesight. The good-aligned ending for the Melee Mastery quest has you defeating him by using poison. Poison made by the vengeful woman, in fact.}}
* [[Jerkass]]
* {{spoiler|[[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]}}
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