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== Caska is half-Kushan ==
Hence, her [[Ambiguously Brown|distinct appearance]]. She describes herself as having been raised in a border area plagued by raids, which is probably the Midland-Kushan border. The events led to this could have either been [[Happily Married|voluntary]] or [[Rape Asas Drama|involuntary]]. [[Black Vikings|Donovan and some of the extras]], I'm not so sure about.
* Hey, she could be all Kushanese: a Kushanese-Midlandian (like a Japanese-American).
** Just compare her to Silat. As for Donovan, Pippin and most dark-skinned extras that aren't explicitly Kushans, they mostly are of clealy African descent or mixed race in the case of Pippin who was probably a mulatto.
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* Flora was probably one. But who would she oppose, Slan or Conrad?
** What about Ubik?
*** I always figured they were in a [[Power Trio|power trio]] with Void, not unlike Guts, Caska and Griffith.
* Would this require an {{spoiler|Idea of Good}}?
** Yes, yes it would. It would obviously be much weaker than {{spoiler|Idea of Evil}}, but gaining in strength.
*** Maybe, it is what have saved guts all this years, just think about it. If it wasn´t for the people that have helped guts this far, and the people guts have helped, its probably he would have died very much ago. I mean, i don´t think of the idea of evil being so [[Too Dumb to Live|dumb]] to let one of the few person with enough power and [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|good]] heart alive. The Idea of Evil want Guts dead, thats why Guts finds danger after danger, because the idea of evil is trying to kill him. But, the idea of good do everything he can, besides that the idea of evil is more powerful than him, to make Guts alive.
* Maybe, they have lived a life in peace. And his descendents are Gut's companions. I mean, in this manga there is EVERYTHING except ''coincidences'', first of all, Serpico's spirit ''really'' like him, which seems to be something unusual, as pointed by schierke. Besides that Schierke says that, when someone becomes mature, is hard to learn Magic, Farnese seems to do it very good. Isidr...well, he has show TOO much lucky for a human surviving a lot of dangerous situations and there is hints that he has some natural instinct to battle. Maybe, they are descendant's of survivors of the ceremony.
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They practically have the same face. Not to mention Zodd's apparent interest in Guts.
* Sure they do...if Guts got hit with an Ugly Stick 40000.
** It's not unheard of since they both have [[Pointy Ears|pointy ears]]. And a lot of apostles are creepy-ugly. Wyald couldn't possibly be born that way.
*** The bit with Wyald is true; his real form is a frail old man.
* And his mother could have been hung for carrying a demon's (or, as far as the executioners knew, a well-known killer's) child. People have died horribly for less in this series.
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* Given that there were two missing Primarchs, this troper would surmise that {{spoiler|Griffith}} would therefore be the other missing Primarch. Not only would this explain his and Guts unusually strong bond and their incredible combat strength but tie neatly into the fact that exactly half of the Primarchs fell to the influence of Chaos and {{spoiler|"Femto"}} is nothing more than his appearance as a Daemon Prince.
* And of course... the {{spoiler|Idea of Evil}}? The Warp. They even have similar origin stories.
* This would accomplish the impressive feat of making [[Berserk]] ''more'' depressing. Even if Guts and his [[True Companions]] somehow triumph against all odds against the Godhand and their Apostles and the [[Inherent in Thethe System]] misery of Midland in general, the entire galaxy is still going to @#!*% .
* The members of the Godhand represent different Chaos gods. Conrad is likely a Greater Daemon of Nurgle (he manifested himself with a pile of ''rats'' once), Slan is obviously a Slaaneshi Daemon, and Void and Ubik {{spoiler|and Femto}} follow Tzeentch. As for Khorne? He clearly decided to be subtle for once and settled for tainting the missing Primarch Guts, meaning that {{spoiler|the Beast}} ''isn't'' just a [[Super-Powered Evil Side]], it's the ''manifestation of Khorne's will''. Zodd the Immortal is clearly a follower of Khorne.
** Nope, Zodd is just Zodd, maybe he is just like that, or if you really need an explanation for the demon-side; maybe he just beat a major demon down and stole it's power through the laws of [[Rule of Cool]]
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* The Skull Knight is really a manifestation of the God-Emperor,
* This Troper can totally imagine Farneze as a Sister of Battle, now. I mean, she was once a [[Knight Templar]] until recently, and she ''loooooooves'' fire.
** Casca would also be something of a Sister of Battle. A dignified, loyal and fiercely brave [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword]] who can actually pull her weight and keep her cool even when surrounded by Hell itself? Who else could be the rightful consort of a Primarch like Guts?
* Consider the following: [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Daemonculaba Daemonculaba], a method used by certain Chaos Marines to create new members. Compare it to the Emperor's demon-soldier factory.
* If we postulate than this WMG is true then, well, there's [[Earthshattering Kaboom|only one way this series can end...]]
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Here's where the theory comes in. If the universe truly [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|conforms itself to match the human subconscious]], well, Guts has introduced a new idea into the mix. He's established the idea of rejecting fatalism, of not needing a God to explain away everything, of hope and determination in the face of absolute despair. Now that {{spoiler|Griffith has torn down the wall between the Astral Plan and the material world}}, the power of human minds on reality is probably going to increase. Guts will gain more and more followers as the series continues as people grow wise to Griffith's [[Dark Messiah|true nature]] starts to become apparent. As he continues to defeat the forces of evil when it is shouldn't even be [[Beyond the Impossible|remotely possible]], more and more people will realize his is the better way. Finally, enough people will come to believe what Guts does that they will create a new force in the universe, an [[God Is Good|Idea of Good]] that will triumph over the [[God Is Evil|Idea of Evil]], since it will no longer have [[Gods Need Prayer Badly|enough followers to maintain its existence]].
Hence ''Berserk'' won't just end with Guts defeating Griffith and the God Hand, it will end with Guts, by the sheer force of his own [[Heroic Willpower|awesome will]] [[Earn Your Happy Ending|creating a new god and ending the cycle of suffering that has plagued the world]], and bringing it back to an acceptable, real-life level of suffering, sans demons and sacrifices and the [[Religion of Evil|religion of evil]] that has kept everything so [[Crapsack World|awful]].
At least, that's how [[Author Appeal|this troper would write it]].
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== Silat will join Guts ==
Silat will undergo similar character development as Farneze and will sooner or later join Guts' team. C'mon, not all Kushans have to be evil.
* It is bound to happen. Silat has openly questioned Griffith's legitimacy as a Messiah and despises the blind following of a deity for the sale of an uncertain greater good. He has a bone to pick with Guts for both the defeats he suffered at his hands but if he has been kept around and not [[Put Onon a Bus]] like Rickert or Luca, it means he will have a role to play sooner or later. And since he doesn't seem to happy with Griffith, the logical choice is joining Guts and his [[True Companions]].
== Guts is actually slowly destroying the idea of Evil ==
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* Rrrright.. yup, he stolen everything from World of Warcraft, he did, over a decade ago before anyone even THOUGHT of [[WoW]]! Kentaro Miura is really a time traveller!
* Not saying he stole anything. Just speculating that he might play. World of Warcraft got most of its class designs from Dungeons and Dragons, a table top rpg which existed long before Berserk and shares many similar qualities.
** 1). Berserk began before the [[War CraftWarcraft]] franchise even came into being. 2). [[World of Warcraft]] did not invent any of these combat styles. 3). Neither did [[Dungeons and Dragons]].
== The Skull Knight is saving up the Behelits in order to achieve a [[One-Winged Angel]] form or will use the Sword Of Resonance for that same effect ==
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== Casca will become an Apostle Spawn. ==
Well, think about (even if you don't want to). Casca's baby was completely deformed because [[Touched Byby Vorlons|it came in contact with Femto's... ''essence'']]. They made bodily contact. And Casca of course had forceful bodily contact when he raped her (which is how her baby got tainted in the first place). Because the baby was developing as a normal human, but got affected by a supernatural entity, it was in between two planes of reality. We could say that the Child was practically an Apostle Spawn. But fully developed humans can also became Apostle Spawns, as we know from experience. Even though sperm can only survive in the female reproductive system for a limited amount of time, it probably doesn't apply to super evil demon sperm, so for all we know, Femto's cellular material can be having some latent effect on Casca as a whole - but it's only being held back because Casca's insane at the moment. So curing Casca could mean awakening her very own [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] (if said side will be, in fact, truly evil).
A less drastic theory would be that as a result of being in direct bodily contact with Casca, it's the direct cause of Casca's insanity.
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== Puck is going to activate the Behelit... ==
... But he's NOT going to make [[Deal Withwith the Devil|the deal]] or [[Face Heel Turn|the turn]], thus earning the true [[Power of Friendship]]!
== Griffith raped Casca to spite Guts. ==
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[[Like a Badass Out of Hell|GUTS.]]
== The ''Berserk'' storyline is going to play out as an epic [[The Icelandic Sagas (Literature)|Norse saga]]. ==
Guts already has many attributes of a Norse god, right? Well, he isn't a god, but that's okay, [[Badass Normal|because he doesn't need to be one.]] Anyway, all of the events surrounding Griffith's merging of the supernatural world and the natural world and claiming his own kingdom is starting the Age Of Darkness - in other words, it will be ''Berserk's'' equivalent of [[The Day of Reckoning|Ragnarok]]. This mean that the world will go through some more detrimental deterioration, and during the final battle, the Godhand will meet its end, but at the cost of most of the world's population. In the aftermath, everything will be reborn: the Idea of Evil will become the Idea of Good (or at least, the Idea of Neutrality), [[Happily Ever After|and Guts and Casca will survive it all]] [[Babies Ever After|and repopulate the earth.]] Okay, so Miura could probably play out the Ragnarok canon [[Darker and Edgier|to his taste]], but it would be cool to see that in the future of the Berserkerverse, Guts' story will become legendary.
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== Those with [[Pointy Ears]] are of demonic lineage. ==
Reiterating some factoids above, it's possible that people with pointy ears might not be entirely human, and might actually be part of an ethnicity/nation of people who had an apostle as an apical ancestor. They're kind of like the "elves" of [[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|the Zelda-verse]]: they have pointy ears because of some meaningful lineage, but other than that, they're pretty much normal humans. Because of their demonic lineage, they've become pariahs and have no national boundary of their own, so they must live off the borders of other states as mercenaries (so, they're basically a combination of the [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|proud warrior race]] and [[Proud Merchant Race Guy|proud merchant race]]). If they stay in one place for too long, they're subjected to [[Kill'Em All|ethnic cleansing,]] which might have been the unfortunate fate of our hero's mother. So, maybe reason why we've been seeing less characters with pointy ears is because the story simply is not taking place in their territory.
Let's look at Guts in particular for a moment. We've discussed both here and in the headscratcher section that it's arguable that Guts isn't really a normal human anymore because of the influence that being a part of the nexus has on him. In essence, we can all argue that Guts has now attained another level of badassery: [[Badass Abnormal]]. But it's not just because he's in between the natural and the supernatural realms, but by being exposed to this is re-exposing him to his apostle ancestors, giving him a power boost. So Guts is technically [[You Are What You Hate|a self-hater]] if this is the case, but at the same time, what better person to hunt apostles than [[Hunter of His Own Kind|one who is part apostle himself?]]
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== Guts' [[Five-Man Band]] is going to become the good Godhand. ==
I know that Guts has more than five companions, but let's just say the pick of the litter - Farnese, Serpico, Isidro, Schierke, and Puck - will [[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]] and form a good equivalent of the Godhand in the ethereal plane. Could be a possible answer to the "good Godhand equivalent" theory if the "creation of a non-existent good Godhand" theory is correct.
== Griffith wants Guts to be a Godhand. ==
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