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== Anime and Manga ==
* [[DragonballDragon Ball|Goku]] and his [[Kamehame Hadoken|Kamehameha beams]]. Krillin's ''Kienzan'' Destructo Disk. Gohan's ''Masenko''. Piccolo's ''Makankosappo'' Special Beam Cannon. Vegeta's Gallic Gun. Tienshinhan's ''Kikouhou'' Tri-Beam. Yamcha's ''Rōgafūfūken'' Wolf Fang Fist and later the ''Sōkidan'' Spirit Ball. And pretty much every other [[Kamehame Hadoken]] in the series.
** Worth noting is that the Kamehameha was ''Master Roshi's'' signature move. As in, he invented the thing and made it world famous.
** Also worth noting is that Vegeta doesn't have a real [[Signature Move]] in that he doesn't keep using the same techniques. He uses the Galick Gun only once in the manga.
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* In ''[[Ranma One Half]]'', Ranma has his Hiryuu Shoten Ha (the "Heavenly Dragon Ascension Wave" that ''[[Blow You Away|creates a gigantic tornado]]'') and [[The Rival]] Ryouga his ShiShi Hokodan ("Lion Roar Shot" -- a [[Ki Attacks]] powered by sheer literal [[Angst Nuke]]). Spoofed with Genma and his "Crouch of the Wild Tiger" (which is shameless grovelling).
* ''[[Naruto]]'': Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu and Rasengan, Sasuke's Chidori ("One Thousand Birds") & Sharingan, Kakashi's RaiKiri (his more-powerful version of the Chidori), Rock Lee's Primary Lotus, Shikamaru's Shadow Manipulation Jutsu (or whatever it's called), Choji's various Expansion Jutsus, Ino's Mind Control Jutsu, Neji's Byakugan and [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs|8 Trigrams 64 Palms]], Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan and Tsukuyomi, the different summoning jutsus, and many more. Practically everyone has one. Or more.
* ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]'': Pikachu's Thunderbolt, Charizard's [[Finishing Move|Seismic Toss]]. The former is later replaced with a Volt Tackle.
* Pretty much everyone in ''[[Bleach]]'' only ''has'' one or two moves, so by definition this would apply.
** Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou, a "slashing projectile" of some kind, {{spoiler|shared with his father. And there is also a more powerful versions, which Ichigo unlocked.}}
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* ''[[Code Geass]]'': Kallen's signature [[Face Palm of Doom|face grab.]]
** And Suzaku's patented [[Hurricane Kick|Spinzaku Kick]]
* Jotaro's Star Platinum's [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]] (once lampshaded by a villain, who called it "the Ora Ora Ora") and Dio's [[Time Stands Still|the World]] in ''[[Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure (Manga)|Jo Jos Bizarre Adventure]]''. There's also Kakyoin's Emerald Splash and Avdol's Crossfire Hurricane.
** Jotaro's ORAORAORA actually does have semi-official name; the [[Fighting Game]] calls it "Blazing Fists".
* Negi, the lead of ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' has favored ''Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens'' (Jupiter's Storm of Thunder) as his major finisher since day 1. He has gained much stronger spells over time, but he never really stops using it.
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** [[Holy Hand Grenade|Sailor Moon]]: Moon Tiara Action/Moon Frisbee, Moon Healing Escalation, Moon Princess Halation, Moon Spiral Heart Attack, Rainbow Moon Heartache, Moon Gorgeous Meditation, Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss, and Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss, all in that order. There is also a manga-only ultimate attack, Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power.
** [[An Ice Person|Sailor Mercury]]: Shabon Spray, Shine Aqua Illusion, Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
** [[Playing Withwith Fire|SailorMars]]: Fire Soul, ''Akuryo Taisan'' (exorcism for demons), Burning Mandala, Mars Flame Sniper
** [[Shock and Awe|Sailor Jupiter]]: Supreme Thunder, [[Petal Power|Flower Hurricane]] (in the manga), Sparkling Wide Pressure, Jupiter Oak Evolution
** [[Heart Beat-Down|Sailor Venus]]: Cresent Beam, Venus Love-Me-Chain, Venus Love and Beauty Shock
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** For Tuxedo Mask in the anime, there's his signature rose toss, while in the manga, he has his own power, [[Fantastic Nuke|Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber.]]
** [[Making a Splash|Sailor Neptune]]: Deep Submerge, Submarine Reflection, Submarine Violon Tide (manga only)
* In the ''[[Nasuverse]]'', users of "True Magic" (sometimes called Sorcery or Magic, depending on the translation) all have a single unique ability. Then there's Reality Marbles, which are [[Reality Warper]] [[Personality Powers]] with a specific effect unique to the individual (e.g. [[Tsukihime|transforming the owner's body into a mass of beasts]] or [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|producing perfect recreations of swords]]) and which a skilled magus can expand outward into a [[Fisher King]] effect.
* ''[[Fushigi Yuugi]]'' gives us Tasuki. [[Paper Fan of Doom|"REKKA SHIN-EN!"]]
* In ''[[Fairy Tail]]'' According to [[Word of God]], Fire Dragon's Iron Fist (Karyu no Tekken) is Natsu's signature move. (Insert Element)Dragon roar seems to be a signature move for all Dragon slayers though.
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* [[Mazinger Z]] has Koji Kabuto's and Mazinger's [[Rocket Punch]] and Aphrodite(or really, every [[FemBot]]) has its [[Torpedo Tits]]. Or arguably Koji's most used weapons as well which includes its [[Chest Blaster|Breast Fire]] and [[Eye Beam|Photon Power/Koshiryoku Beam]]
** Its sucessor [[Great Mazinger]] has its iconic [[Shock and Awe|Thunder Break]] which is its most used weapon and BY FAR the most notable, since its the move that Tetsuya used whenever he does the [[Big Damn Heroes]] duty.
* [[Kamui Den (Manga)|Kamui Den]]: Kamui's most iconic technique is the "kasumi-kiri," in which he draws a short sword from a hidden position in the back of his obi and cuts his oponent horizontally. A close seoond is the "izunatoshi" used during tree top battles with other ninja
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* ''[[Knights of the Dinner Table]]''. When Brian plays a magic user his character almost always casts Fireballs in combat. One of his [[Catch Phrase|Catch Phrases]] is "Fireball coming online!"
* ''The [[X-Men]]'' have the "[[Fastball Special]]" and variations thereof when Colossus & Wolverine aren't available or on the appropriate team.
* [[The Goon (Comic Book)|Franky]] has "Knife to the eye!"
== Film ==
* [[Godzilla]]'s Thermonuclear Breath.
* In ''[[Star Wars]]'', Darth Vader is associated with the Force Choke, Force Lightning is Palpatine's favorite ability, and everyone remembers Obi Wan's use of the [[Jedi Mind Trick]] ("[[Supernatural (TV series)|He full-on Obi-Wan-d me!]]"). Oddly, the films never show Vader using the Force Choke on an actual enemy, just people who've [[You Have Failed Me|failed him]] or done something else to piss him off.
* [[MacGruber]] has his signature throat rip.
* ''[[Troy]]'', Achilles has his jumping downward stab, which he uses in his [[Single-Stroke Battle]] at the beginning of the film and several times after. Hector is the only one who can defend against it, showing that he is a [[Worthy Opponent]].
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*** [[Agony Beam|Crucio]] is his other signature move, not to mention Bellatrix Lestrange's main one.
* [[The Dresden Files|Harry Dresden]] and his Shield spell. It might be using the bracelet rather than straight up casting, but it's still his first magical response to just about anything trying to kill him.
** That's not his signature move. His signature move is ''[[Kill It Withwith Fire|Fuego]]''. To the point where, in one book, his enemies were able to track him based on his use of fire magic.
*** To the point that one of his enemies has her goons attack him with flame throwers as poetic justice.
* [[Stephanie Plum]] frequently uses [[Groin Attack]] to subdue her skips. Lula favors forcefully sitting on them.
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== Live Action TV ==
* The ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' franchise has a flying side kick known as the Rider Kick. Nearly every headlining Rider has some form of it as their default [[Finishing Move]], and the few that don't will do a leaping kick on occasion anyway.
* On ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', Sylar ''really'' likes to use his [[Mind Over Matter|telekinesis]] to slice through people's foreheads. Originally, this was just practicality: [[You Will Be Assimilated|his power]] required access to his victims' brains in order to steal their abilities. Then he started doing it to everyone, whether they had an ability to steal or not. In Volume Four, he recovers a repressed memory and discovers {{spoiler|that he learned the move from his biological father, who used it to murder his mother in front of him when he was a child}}.
* ''[[Charmed (TV)|Charmed]]'': "The Power of Three will set us free!"
* ''[[Power Rangers]]'': Tommy's [[Hurricane Kick|tornado kick]].
* ''[[Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (TV)|Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]]'': Joe/Gokai Blue realizes that [[Mentor]] Cid Bamick was turned into [[The Brute|Barizorg]] when the latter uses Cid's Signature Move (an X-shaped [[Sword Beam]]). Joe himself begins using the move, particularly when he fights the [[Mad Scientist]] who cyborged Cid and {{spoiler|the battle where he finally kills Barizorg}}.
* On the [[Seattle]] sketch-comedy ''[[Almost Live]]'', Billy Quan always finished his "Mind Your Manners" shorts with a double-footed jump-kick that could go for blocks, travel around corners, [[Rule of Funny|wait for an elevator]]..
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** [[Stone Cold Steve Austin]], of course, had the Stone Cold Stunner, but was also a frequent user of the Lou Thesz Press (usually follwed by repeated punches to the face), and often uses repeated stomps in the corner.
** [[The Undertaker]]'s famous rope-walk forearm club is always a sight to see.
** [[Rey Mysterio, Jr.]] has his 619, which is arguably more famous than his [[Finishing Move]] (a springboard splash). It was even featured in an episode of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]''.
*** Rey has a few other springboard finishers, but they are always preceded by 619, which could account for popularity of the move.
* There are a lot of wrestlers that have a move that isn't their [[Finishing Move]] but is just as iconic to the wrestler, they're usually a move that is hard to do or done really well.
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*** Jinpachi's Demon Inferno.
** [[Super Smash Bros|Falcon PUNCH!]]
* [[Super Mario Bros.|Mario and Luigi]], of course, have their iconic [[Goomba Stomp|Jumping]] move. [[Kill It Withwith Fire|Fireballs]], as well.
** [[Evil Overlord|Bowser]] has his [[Breath Weapon|fire breath]] attack, and his [[Shockwave Stomp]].
* Link's Spin Attack from ''Zelda'', which was introduced in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: aA Link Toto T Hethe Past (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda a Link To T He Past]]'' and has been a staple of the series ever since.
* Genis Sage in ''[[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]]'' always uses Fireball in cutscenes, even after he has gained much stronger spells.
** This is because due to the nature of the skill/spell learning system in the game, the only spell he is guaranteed to have at all points in the game is Fireball. If you're doing a very good [[Low-Level Run]], for example, he might not have ''any'' of his other basic spells, and you can, if you learn all the spells of one type (Strike or Technical), switch quite a few, if not all, of his spells to the other type in as few as one battle, if you're up against a foe with enough HP to withstand casting their base spells multiple times (just forget all the spells you want to change before the battle, then start casting each element's base spells until he learns the more advanced versions).
* Specials from ''[[Skies of Arcadia (Video Game)|Skies of Arcadia]]'' -- Vyse's Rain of Swords (specialized wind/electric spell), Aika's [[Kill It Withwith Fire|Lambda Burst]], Fina's Lunar Blessing (regeneration), and so on.
* Many ''[[Touhou]]'' characters have signature spell card attacks. Reimu has Fantasy Heaven, Marisa has Master Spark (which she stole from Yuuka and made her own), Cirno has Icicle Fall and Perfect Freeze, Patchy has Royal Flare, and so on.
* Zero of ''[[Mega Man X]]'' and ''[[Mega Man Zero|Zero]]'' has the Z-saber combo, consisting of three (in ''X8'' it can be upgraded to five) slashes with his infamous [[Laser Blade]]. In the same series, Axl's [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|Copy Shot]] could count as well.
** Even older than Zero's triple-slash combo was his [[Guns Akimbo|dual-Z-Buster-then-]][[Sword Beam|Sword-Beam]] combo from X2, which made recurring appearances in X5 and X6, {{spoiler|along with Zero 3 and ZX, if you count Omega}}. Curiously, you never ''quite'' have access to it when ''[[Secret AI Moves|playing]]'' as Zero (the closest we ever got was X3, and even that was just a Z-Saber slash, with no sword beam).
*** Not quite. The player can get access to the full move during X3, but as X, rather than Zero. If you do the appropriate miniboss fight near the end of the game with Zero, the trashed remains of said miniboss battle will crash on top of him; X will arrive shortly after, and Zero will give his Z-Saber to him, essentially giving him the exact same combination after an additional charge level (charge lv4 = X-Buster blast No.1, X-Buster Blast No.2, Z-Saber slash with Saber Beam).
** And of course, Mega Man himself has his trusty old Mega Buster, which is his initial weapon in all of his games and serves him well through the entire game, since it has infinite energy, unlike his other weapons that he gains later.
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' and his trademark [[Spin Attack|Spin]] [[Everything's Better Withwith Spinning|Dash]] and Homing Attack.
** Shadow has Chaos Control and other Chaos-related moves.
* [[Kirby]] has the [[Sword Beam|Final Cutter]], introduced in ''[[Kirby Super Star (Video Game)|Kirby Super Star]]''. Since then it has appeared in most of his games (except ''[[Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards (Video Game)|Kirby 64]]''), as well as his Up+B attack in ''[[Super Smash Bros (Video Game)|Super Smash Bros]]''.
** Of course, one could also consider his signature moves to be sucking up and spitting out stuff, as well as [[Mega Manning]] (though it didn't appear until ''Kirby's Adventure'').
** King Dedede has the [[Drop the Hammer|hammer attack]], as well as the Super Dedede Jump.
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** Mara and "Maralagidyne". [[Gag Penis|Oh, yuck.]]
** From [[Persona 2]], we have these gems from Innocent Sin: Tatsuya/Apollo's Nova Cyther, Eikichi/Hades' Bloody Honeymoon, Jun/Chronos' Cross Fortune, Lisa/Venus' Foamy Lover, Maya/Maia's Crescent Mirror, Baofu/Prometheus' Wiseman Snap, Katsuya/Hyperion's Justice Shot, and Ulala/Asteria's Twinkle Nebula.
** Every Fiend has a signature move in [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne|Nocturne]]: Matador has [[Super Speed|Red Capote]] and [[Slice-and-Dice Swordsmanship|Andalucia]], Daisojou has Preach and [[Life Drain|Meditation]], Hell Biker has [[Weaponized Exhaust|Hell Exhaust and Hell Burner]], White Rider has [[Boom! Headshot!|God's Bow]], Red Rider has [[Ax Crazy|Terrorblade]], Black Rider has [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Soul Divide]], Pale Rider has [[Plaguemaster|Pestilence]], the Harlot has [[Mighty Roar|Beast Roar]] and Trumpeter has [[One Hit KO|Evil Melody]] and [[Heal Thyself|Holy Melody]]. Others examples are Skadi ([[Dishing Out Dirt|Earthquake]]), Amaterasu ([[Light Is Not Good|Godly Light]]), Dante (his entire moveset), Pazuzu ([[Blow You Away|Wet Wind]]) Kurama Tengu ([[Light'Em Up|Starlight]]), Mada ([[The Alcoholic|Intoxicate]]), Valkyrie ([[Dare to Be Badass|Soul Recruit]]), Mithra ([[With Us or Against Us|Death Pact]]) and Dionysius ([[Alcohol Hic|Wine Party]]).
** On a different angle, many of the Hito-Shura's exclusive attacks can be seen like this. Highlights include Freikugel, Magma Axis and Deadly Fury.
** Many bosses have signature moves that are pretty relevant to the mythology behind them. Harihara has Chaturbuja, Vaikunta and Three Worlds (changed to Reincarnate in english), Brahman has Brahma Sutra and Izanami has Thousand Curses. For the Law and Chaos heroes, {{spoiler|Jimenez}} and {{spoiler|Zelenin}} have Left Hand and Right Hand respectively.
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* Vaarsuvius from ''[[Order of the Stick]]'' likes to [[Disintegrator Ray|Disintegrate]] those distracting monsters and use Explosive Runes on any opponent who can read.
** Haley is big into sneak attacks. Meanwhile, early in Miko's run, ''Detect Evil'' was her signature ability, but it quickly shifted into three consecutive slash attacks.
* In ''[[Drow TalesDrowtales]]'', characters tend to have an affinity, a general sort of magic that their body or mind seems more attuned to. Several characters seem to have a signature spell as well:
** Sil'lice: freeze an opponents blood while grabbing them, which apparently causes great pain.
** Faen: empathic healing
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** Ariel's is becoming merging her body with another object
** Mel: shapeshifting into a demonic figure
* Early on in ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' Elliot's was shown to be his [[Kamehame Hadoken|Tamashii Gekido]] and Nanase's was her color clone technique.
* Jack Noir from ''[[Homestuck (Webcomic)|Homestuck]]'' has the attack Red Miles, which causes branching red tendrils to extend from his hand and devestate the terrain. The visuals are reminiscent of blood vessels forming, which is fitting given Jack's nature as {{spoiler|the [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|cancer infecting the kid's session]] }}
* Who can forget ''[[Dominic Deegan (Webcomic)|Dominic Deegan]]'''s Spark and his enthusiastic "DEATH FROM ABOVE!", usable on everything from enemies to pies.
== Web Original ==
* [[Whateley Universe]]: Chaka's own version of the Hadoken, the 'Chaka Chaka Bang Bang'. And Aquerna's signature move, which may or may not have a real name: 'Squirrel Scampers Over Tree'.
* [[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Linkara]], are [[Megaton Punch|you a man?]]
* [[Penny Arcade Dungeons and Dragons Podcast|Penny Arcade's D&D Podcast]]: A literal example with Jim's Magic Missile, which scorches out JIM when it hits.
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* ''[[Mucha Lucha]]'' is ''all about these.'' There are entire episodes dedicated to one character's signature move.
** The Flea's signature move is 'The Flaming Turkey of Glory!'.
* Yang's Paws of Pain in ''[[Yin Yang Yo (Animation)!|Yin Yang Yo]]''.
* All the Dragons in ''[[Xiaolin Showdown (Animation)|Xiaolin Showdown]]'' have signature moves once they become apprentices and then Wudai warriors:
** Omi - Tsunami/Tornado Strike, Wudai Nepune Water
** Clay - Seismic Kick, Wudai Crater Earth
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