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Chronicles of Prydain/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== '''Princess Eilonwy''' ===
A princess of House Llyr and the last in a line of powerful enchantresses, Eilonwy was stolen as a child by Queen Achren, who intended to use Eilonwy’s power to conquer Prydain. [[Rebellious Princess|She escapes Achren’s clutches]] and serves as a loyal companion and [[Heroes Want Redheads|romantic interest]] to Taran…[[Tsundere|sort of.]] She is of Taran’s age [[Fiery Redhead|with red-gold hair]] and has [[Talks Like a Simile|very peculiar speech patterns.]] She is quite the [[Action Girl]], despite the protests from many characters that she should [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]].
* [[Action Girl]]: She is better with a sword than Taran for much of the series.
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* [[Bow and Sword In Accord]]: She uses both weapons with equal deadliness.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]: Amusingly, the fact that Eilonwy is a princess is revealed only in passing near the end of the first book, and doesn’t become a plot point until the third.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Full Name Ultimatum]]: "Taran of Caer Dallben, I'm not speaking to you!"
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* [[Redheaded Hero|Redheaded Heroine]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]
* [[Stay in Thethe Kitchen]]: [[Berserk Button|Don’t tell her to do this.]]
* [[Tomboy Princess]]
* [[Tsundere]]
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=== '''Gurgi''' ===
A strange, shaggy forest creature who [[Rhymes Onon a Dime|speaks in rhyme,]] Gurgi is neither man nor beast. At first, Gurgi is a [[Dirty Coward|miserable coward ]] who flees at the first sign of danger, but as the series goes on he grows to become brave and loyal. He comes to admire Taran for his wisdom, and eventually becomes his closest friend.
* [[The Chick]]: No, it’s not Eilonwy.
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: During the climax of the final book, Gurgi wisely suspects a trap in an unguarded storeroom. {{spoiler|Glew tries to plunder it anyway.}}
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]
* [[Rhymes Onon a Dime]]
=== '''Fflewddur Fflam''' ===
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* [[Oh My Gods]]: One of Fflewddur’s favorite expressions is “Great Belin!” Belin is a God of the sun in Welsh Mythology, although in-universe he is referred to as “The King of the Sun.”
* [[Older Sidekick]]
* [[Refused Byby the Call]]: All Fflewddur really wants is to be a bard, but he failed at all the tests, due to his [[Consummate Liar|own ego.]]
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Ironically, Fflewddur is actually a pretty lousy king and is far more competent as an adventurer.
* [[Spoony Bard]]: Very averted, he’s one of the deadliest fighters in the series. In fact, bards in this setting are universally respected and revered, though not normally for their fighting prowess.
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=== '''Doli''' ===
A member of the Fair Folk, Doli is a [[Grumpy Old Man|grumpy dwarf]] who complains all the time but secretly has [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|a heart of gold.]] Nevertheless, he tries his hardest to be as disagreeable as possible. He is a skilled warrior and craftsman, and possesses the ability to turn invisible at will, although he hates to do this [[Blessed Withwith Suck|as one of the side effects is an awful ringing in his ears.]]
* [[Achilles in His Tent]]: Doli frequently fumes at the companions and vows to stop helping them, but can never bring himself to actually leave them.
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* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Throughout the first book, he is infuriated when his attempts to turn invisible fail. Once he masters the ability, he wishes he’d never learned it at all.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: {{spoiler|Saves the day at the end of the second book.}}
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: He possesses invisibility powers, but it is very irritating to use it.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Got Volunteered]]: Doli’s lot in life is to do the dirty work no other Fair Folk want to do.
* [[The Fair Folk]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: It is pretty clear throughout the series that Doli is extremely fond of his companions, and only pretends to be grumpy to [[The Fair Folk|stay in character.]]
* [[Luckily, My Powers Will Protect Me]]: {{spoiler|In the final book, it is implied he will die due to exposure to Annuvin, the Land of Death, but his invisibility powers protect him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Only Mostly Dead]]: He appears to die in the final book. [[Unexplained Recovery|He gets better,]] but at this point many central characters have died and the implication that Doli may have actually died was very real.}}
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** [[Beware the Nice Ones]]
* [[Old Master]]
* [[Resigned to Thethe Call]]: He gave up fighting long ago, but will still take up the sword when his allies need him.
* [[Retired Badass]]: The man who once fought his way into [[Mordor|Annuvin]] single-handedly to rescue a pig now passes the time by growing turnips.
* [[Stout Strength]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Babies Ever After]]}}
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: Oracular powers are a heavy burden for a pig.
* {{spoiler|[[Brought Down to Normal]]: At the end. She is happier this way.}}
* [[Loyal Animal Companion]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Sacrificial Lion]]}}
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
* [[Sympathy for Thethe Devil]]
* {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]]: His horse commits suicide after her master dies.}}
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: He seems to be this, but it is not so simple.
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A gifted chemist and would-be con-artist; when the companions first encounter him, he'd accidentally managed to turn himself and his cat into giants. He's [[Brought Down to Normal]] and joins the companions on their final adventure, with mixed results.
* [[Attack of the Fifty50 Foot Whatever]]
* [[Boxed Crook]]
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]
* [[The Complainer Is Always Wrong]]: Played with; from time to time his complains are grounded in common sense.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]]
* [[Dirty Coward]]: He falls into this role after Gurgi grows out of it.
* [[Drunk Withwith Power]]: He gets better, once he's [[Brought Down to Normal]] again.
* [[For Science!]]: Very little is made of his motives for his experimenting with potions.
* [[Grumpy Old Man]]
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* [[The Napoleon]]: Often described as being the shortest member of the companions aside from Doli.
* [[Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?]]: He goes out of his way to remind people that he was, in fact, a giant at one point.
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: {{spoiler|In the end, it's agreed that he did ultimately help save the day, and he gets to join the Sons of Don on their trip to the Summer Lands.}}
=== '''Llassar''' ===
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* [[Master of Illusion]]
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]
* [[Orcus Onon His Throne]]: Arawn generally acts through proxies and rarely does anything on his own. This ends in Book 5, where it's shown that he can and will get his hands dirty when the reward justifies the risks.
* {{spoiler|[[Scaled Up]]: Arawn turns into a snake. [[Genre Blind|It doesn’t help.]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Shape Shifter]]}}
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=== '''King Morgant''' ===
One of the many kings of Prydain. He rides to Gwydion's war council at Caer Dallben and pledges his army in support of capturing the Black Cauldron from Arawn's clutches, but in truth he seeks the Cauldron for himself. He serves as the [[Big Bad]] of ''The Black Cauldron'' (the book, not [[The Black Cauldron (Disney)|the movie]]).
* [[Black and Gray Morality]]: Gwydion uses his fall as an example to teach Taran how fine the line between good and evil truly is.
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* [[Chekhov MIA]]: Gets away clean in ''Taran Wanderer'' only to come back and meet his end in ''The High King''.
* [[Egomaniac Hunter]]
* [[Exit, Pursued Byby a Bear]]: He's torn limb from limb by the series' two resident [[Big Badass Wolf|Big Badass Wolves]], Brynach and Briavael.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: He steals Taran's sword, thinking it to be of excellent craftsmanship, only to have it shattered to pieces by a blade Taran makes for himself.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: He proves to be this, both thematically for the series, and personally for Taran. After Dorath shows up in the narrative, [[Death Byby Newbery Medal|named characters start dying in droves]].
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[Only in It For Thethe Money]]
* [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]]: Dorath's MO.
* [[The Sociopath]]
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* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]
* [[Self -Disposing Villain]]
* [[The Starscream]]: He takes over this role from Achren almost immediately.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]
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