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** Humanoid: Werewolves, wereboars, werebears, weresharks, whatever floats your boat. These guys are almost human. Almost.
** [[Our Dragons Are Different|Dragons]]: Gotta slay 'em to save the princess, after all. Or maybe they're guarding treasure. Or maybe you [[Breath of Fire|are one.]] [[Blue Dragon|Perhaps your]] [[Mon]] [[Blue Dragon|is one.]] They may or may not be firebreathing, but if they are, they're probably fire resistant, or whatever element they're associated with.
* [[Mecha -Mooks|Mechanical Monsters]]: Often have high defense, but weak to electrical attacks. Usually subject to [[Underground Monkey]], and often the villain's [[Mook|Mooks]].
* [[The Undead]]: When fighting these, just remember-- [[Revive Kills Zombie|Revive Kills Zombies]]. (Of course, sometimes, that option is out.) This group includes your standard zombies and skeletons, and also your lich kings and vampires.
* [[Elemental Embodiment|Elementals]]: Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! (Sadly, [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|no Heart]].) Will always use an attack that matches their element, and thus can easily be countered with some attack of the opposite element. [[Poor Predictable Rock]]...
* Real Life Animals: [[Attack of the Fifty50 Foot Whatever|Giant]] or otherwise, we've got dogs, birds, lizards, frogs, and much, much more. Because we all know that [[Everything Trying to Kill You|lizards attack people on sight]].
** Don't forget the [[Goddamned Bats]].
** It's not an RPG without [[Rodent of Unusual Size|giant rats]].
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* [[Smash Mook]]: Any creature, that is big and tough, but does nothing other than try to smash the hero(es) really hard. Ogres, Trolls, and Giants usually fall into this role.
* [[Golem|Golems]], or similar "guy made of stone"-type enemies. Almost always have high defense, may be weak to water.
* Demons and Devils. These range from [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]] to [[Ghosts N'n Goblins (Video Gameseries)|angry winged red guys]] to [[Horny Devils|succubi]]. These guys are usually a pain to fight.
* [[Underground Monkey]]: Any of the above specially adapted to a certain environment. Even if it seems they shouldn't be there (we're looking at ''you'', Fire Squid!).
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