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* ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: The Vigilantes have shown that they cannot understand why people like the Monarch HMO in ''Payback'', Karl Woodley in ''The Jury'', and Maxwell Zenowicz in ''Fast Track'' are such evil people.
* This is a recurring theme throughout ''[[No Country for Old Men]]''.
* Early in the ''[[Discworld (Literature)|Discworld]]'' series, Granny Weatherwax of all people. The Duchess mocked Granny's attempt to make her have a [[Heel Realization]], claiming that Granny was naive for believing that all people really are good deep down.
* In the ''[[Warrior Cats (Literature)|Warrior Cats]]'' series, when Bluestar's suffering from dementia and is absolutely convinced that WindClan is stealing prey, she won't listen to Fireheart when he gives her evidence that a dog has been killing the prey. She tells him that he's a good and noble warrior, so he can't comprehend that other cats would have morals any less pristine than his own. He especially thinks this comment is odd, since ''he'' was the one that exposed Tigerclaw as a traitor and murderer.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* In the ''[[Star Trek: theThe Original Series]]'' episode "The Savage Curtain", Surak, Spock and President Lincoln have a hard time understanding the motives and actions of the opposing "evil" side. Only Kirk seems to have a grasp of their potential for deceptiveness and duplicity.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[The Batman (Animation)|The Batman]]'' has one episode where [[Batman]] actually tries to make sense of [[The Joker]]. By the end, it is safe to say that Batman figures out that doing this is an exercise of futility and madness.
* [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Aang]] holds this view for the majority of the first season, in keeping with his pacifistic views. Even at the end, when he's facing a [[Complete Monster]] like Ozai, he can't bring himself to kill him until {{spoiler|the lion-turtle gives him an [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]}}.
* Henry Pim in ''[[The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Animation)|The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes]]'' will often try to reason with enemies first, especially if they used to be his villainy-rehab patients. In his defense, it almost works on Wonder Man before Iron Man brings down an [[Interrupted Cooldown Hug]].
== [[Real Life]] ==
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