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Describe [[BZPRPG (Fanfic)|BZPRPG]] here.
Oh boy.
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In September 2003 the second Official BZPRPG came into existence on the island of Mua Nui. This marks the beginning of the end of player-run RPGs and begins to move towards Staff-run Official BZPRPG.
January 1 of 2004 found the RPers on the canon island of Metru Nui. This was the first full year of the Official BZPRPG, ending Christmas Day 2004. The highlights of this RPing year was the [[Shrouded in Myth|legendary]] Lightbringer/Darkbringer War and the rise and fall of the Dark Lord Vahki. It also heralded the rise of [[Magic Aa Is Magic A|Xa-Kuta]], used by the mages of [[The Magocracy|Xa-Koro]], as a world power.
On December 25, 2004, we moved again to a massive planet/universe called Magna Iun. It hosted over 13 topics with two continents and a massive ocean between them. The highlight of this location was the plot of a Great Being named Dakura who tried to take over Magna Iun. The [[The Remnant|Darkbringers]] also resurfaced and gave the [[Church Militant|Lightbringers]] some payback after their defeat in Metru Nui, but the arc ended in the (most likely) destruction of the entire planet of Magna Iun. The players were moved from this location to Terros Nui on January 1, 2006.
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Terros Nui is a rather blank spot in the history of the BZPRPG, as all of the veterans from this era have moved on and are no longer around to tell stories. What is known, however, is that Xa-Koro and the Lightbringers vanished into the ether during this time, leaving the island exposed to more avaricious forces. This time saw the rise and [[Enemy Civil War|fall]] of the [[Armies Are Evil|Brotherhood of Ak'Rei'An]], led by [[Evil Overlord|Lyse]] [[Obfuscating Stupidity|Arcana]]. It also saw the release of a massive virus, prompting a [[Find the Cure|race to find a vaccine]], since it was instantly lethal.
Upon January 1st, 2007, however, the BZPRPG did ''not'' see a change in scenery, merely an addition. The Academy, a story about a band of [[La Résistance|rebels]] called the Kin fighting against [[Magnificent Bastard|Zyrul]], an [[Evil Overlord]] of epic proportions, was merged into the BZPRPG, seeing the entry of an [[Alternate Universe]] Metru Nui. This was the beginning of the Santun War, a war against [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|chaos-based interdimensional alien conquerors.]] it also saw the resurgence of the Lightbringers, but this time no Darkbringers remained to stand against them, and they exerted their considerable force against the Santun. It ended with [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]], and the intervention of the Great Beings to save everyone. Despite this, however, the [[Living Ship|universe]] they inhabited was destroyed, and they were placed on a temporary home, known as Locus Abeo, in the summer of 2009.
Locus-Abeo is called the Blank Slate. This is an island on the planet [[Meaningful Name|Tabula Rasa]], and is completely barren of life. Dangerous animals and fierce weather constantly plague the region. Xa-Koro is located in the southern desert area while New Metru Nui is on the largest archipelago islet. For the first time in history, players dealt so much damage to one of the locations (New Metru Nui) that it simply collapsed and the topic was locked. It was met with a [[Gondor Calls for Aid|mobilization of almost every neutral or good faction on the island]] to wipe out the people responsible. However, the [[Abusive Precursors|Weav]][[Almighty Janitor|ers]] showed up and expressed displeasure at the abuse the island was taking. The Society and their allies were attacked by the Weavers, and fought back. This resulted in a [[Season Finale]] [[Battle Royale With Cheese]], with all attendant tropes. However, someone hit the island/dimension's [[Collapsing Lair|self-destruct button]], and the island fell apart. The survivors escaped by the skin of their teeth on three mysterious ships, which took them to...
Aensetr Derrum, [[World in Thethe Sky]]. A [[Utopia]], run by the benevolent [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity|Administrator]], and opposed by the beloved Bellicus Kastus, philanthropist and [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job|multibillionaire]], along with the mysterious [[You Are the Translated Foreign Word|Concilium]]--of course, no one can prove Bellicus' connection to the Concilium. As time when on, however, more problems strained the once utopic city. Aenstr Derrum suffered a near-cataclysm at the hands of [[Omnicidal Maniac|Laryna]], a civil war sparked by the Concilium, and finally, [[Department of Redundancy Department|a near-cataclysm]] at the hands of the city itself, which was shaken so much by the war that it was now starting to fall from the heavens.
Naturally, there was only one solution to avoid the problem of certain death: a [[Reset Button]] of epic proportions!
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* [[Reference Overdosed]]: With so many players, of course there will be lots of references.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Several players
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: It's rarely consistent as to whether the islands have hyphens in their names, but usually they don't.
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Or, in this case, Unreliable Players.
* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Almost always played straight and averted far less than it's subverted.
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** [[I Know You Know I Know]]: A necessary precaution.
** [[Properly Paranoid]], natch.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: [[Action Girl|Mars]] [[Talk to Thethe Fist|is]] [[Mugged for Disguise|ready]] [[Bulletproof Human Shield|to]] [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|cheat]] [[The Unfettered|if]] [[Dirty Business|it]] [[I Did What I Had to Do|means]] [[Victory Byby Endurance|victory]].
** Unsurprising considering she killed ten {{spoiler|[[David vs. Goliath|makuta]]}}.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Several, most notably Vismund Cygnus, CEO of Sonata Consortium.
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* [[Easily-Conquered World]]: Subverted: The Cabal ''thinks'' Locus Abeo, aside from [[The Magocracy|Xa-Koro]], is this. It's not.
* [[Enigmatic Minion]]: The Operative. Not only is he not exactly evil, per say, but he actually doesn't mind losing and has any number of taunts that hint to... Well, nothing, actually.
* [[Everything's Even Worse Withwith Sharks]]: [[Not Evil, Just Misunderstood|Exlaas]] [[Noble Savage|subverts]] [[Lawful Good|this]].
* [[Evil Overlord]]: Uhuraz from 2009/2010, and Zyrul from 2006.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: First thirty pages or so of The Academy. Afterwards, once the various groups started coming together, it became [[Loads and Loads of Characters]].
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* [[Mecha Expansion Pack]]: Najin's [[Powered Armor|Battlesuit]]. It has the normal mode with a [[Chest Blaster|chest laser]] and a large sword, the stealth mode, the aquatic mode and the war mode, which has [[Gatling Good|twin machine guns]].
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Quite a few, but the location "Forbidden Realms" is the most notable.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: For those who aren't creative enough to turn their original powers to a new use, a little dab of EP will solve everything.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: With Mars, it's both [[Played for Laughs]] and played straight.
* [[Official Couple]]: Tommi and Alta. They even got married, which has only happened twice in the history of the BZPRPG.
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** Unsurprising considering Viveloc's creator based his concept off that of [[Iron Man|War Machine]].
* [[The Protagonist]]: Joske Nimil is shaping up to be this in the 2010 storyline, though just like Aensetr Derrum overall has a bit of a grayer morality than the usual.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: Makuta Uhuraz, who focused only on developing his mental powers to their peak. Alien [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"|V'chth'alla]] also counts, as does Malika Sunrose.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: Korruhn. While many of the Kin didn't personally believe in Saeras's teachings, Korruhn was the only one who often outright went against them. The only reason he sided with the Kin at all was more out of his sadism than any genuine desire to do good.
* [[Punctuation Shaker]]: Ak'Rei'An and Sha'i'tan, plus a lot of other characters.
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* [[Shout-Out]]: Millions. Most notable are the Lightbringers' [[Halo|"Smart" and "Dumb" AIs]].
* [[Smug Snake]]: A good few
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: ...Except for Echo, [[Evil Twin]] of Saeras, a rare [[Good Shepherd]].
** Also see most of Viveloc's [[Moment of Awesome|MomentOfAwesome]] at [[BZPRPG (Fanfic)/Awesome|the list of the BZPRPG's]] [[Moment of Awesome|Moments Of Awesome]].
* [[The Starscream]]: Kyshim, to Zyrul.
* [[Stockholm Syndrome]]: An interesting inversion in the 2007 Terros-Nui/Metru-Nui saga, with Takrah (the captor) becoming attracted to Alta (the victim) rather than the other way around, whereas Alta, despite coming to treat him with less suspicion, couldn't really be said to feel 'sympathy' for Takrah {{spoiler|until his eventual [[Heel Face Turn]]}}.
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* [[Talking Weapon]]: Barrakhii. As well, {{spoiler|The Suit}} is later revealed to be able to talk.
* [[Training From Hell]]: Mars goes through the Bionicle equivalent of literal [[Training From Hell]] in conjunction with [[Super Serum]] in order to [[Look What I Can Do Now!|gain]] her [[Charles Atlas Superpower]] and [[Made of Iron]] quality.
* [[Two Guys and Aa Girl]]: Viveloc, Mif', and Fraashion fit this trope perfectly.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: ''Everyone'', to [[Big Bad|Sha'i'tan.]]
* [[Wide -Eyed Idealist]]: Gadeli
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: Phogu
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Poor Kraal. Originally introduced as a [[Badass Automaton]]/[[Battle Butler]] blend, the [[Last of His Kind|last Kralhi]] spent almost every single battle being completely destroyed. Most likely because, being a robot rather than a normal person, it was okay because [[Good Thing You Can Heal|he could just be rebuilt]] [[From a Single Cell|from the scraps]]. The rebuilding sessions also gave Pohaka [[Character Development|plenty of opportunity]] to boost his [[The Smart Guy|Smart Guy]] creds.
* [[World in Thethe Sky]]: Aensetr Derrum, the 2010 island is this, complete with floating domes.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: Almost every GM-controlled character has ended up playing it, especially in recent years.
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* [[Blood Splattered Warrior]]: Virtually any fight involving Lust will result in her becoming this.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Nighting
* [[Broken Bird]]: [[The Cynic|Aexias]] was so [[Wide -Eyed Idealist|cute ]] when she was [[Badass Adorable|younger]]...[[Dark and Troubled Past|Then]] [[You Killed My Father|stuff]] [[Break the Cutie|happened]] and she became a [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|hardened]], [[Jade-Colored Glasses|cynical]], and [[Incredibly Lame Pun|icily]] [[The Snark Knight|cool]] [[Professional Killer|assassin]].
* [[The Brute]]: [[Dumb Muscle|Raknar]] to the rest of the Daedra. Gluttony could also qualify.
** Also what [[Obfuscating Stupidity|everyone thought Vezoro was]]-until he disappeared.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: [[Stalker Withwith a Crush|Raashion]]
* [[The Chosen One]]: Ariga, Mirr, and Zand are apparently destined to become a group known as the Chosen Three. May be averted, due to the fact that the one who prophesied this revealed to be insane.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: A popular form of combat used by numerous characters in the RPG; surprisingly [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] by Sloth, of all people, during the Daedra/Arete conflict in Ta-Koro.
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** Seeing that some players have created new versions of their characters from the pre-reboot BZPRPG, they would count as well.
* [[Evil Mentor]]: Echelon was this to Kynaera.
* [[Gentleman and Aa Scholar]]: [[Not Evil, Just Misunderstood|Lemue]].
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: When it was discovered that the original Wrath had betrayed the Toa Daedra, he and Lust engaged in a short scuffle, during which he was dragged out of the room. Seconds later, Lust returned from the hallway - almost completely [[Blood Splattered Warrior|covered in blood]] and with little to say aside from, "The mole's taken care of."
* [[Grey and Grey Morality]]: Most of Nitro Frost's Characters are this.
* [[Green Lantern (Comic Book)|Green Lantern]]: An entire team based off of the Lantern Corps. Apparently, Agent Orange's counterpart dies. A LOT.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Raashion and Lemue as well as Jolek and Tarex.
* [[The Idealist]]: Nova
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* [[Seven Heavenly Virtues]]: The Toa Arete-the total opposite of the Toa Daedra in terms of ideals. Their team structure is essentially the same, however.
* [[The Swarm]]: Caterpillar, in essence, is this with a [[Green Thumb|control of plants]].
* [[Sword and Gun]]: Lohkar's [[Weapon of Choice|weapon of choice]].
* [[Talk to Thethe Fist]]: [[Played for Laughs]] when Hau, aroused from his [[Wangst|wangsting]] by Damaka's speech to [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|'believe in the me who believes in YOU']] leaps up and proceeds to nearly [[Curb Stomp Battle|curbstomp]] his self-proclaimed brother into the ground.
** Made even funnier when Damaka first reacts positively to the attack.
* [[Trauma-Induced Amnesia]]: Numerous characters, including Nova.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Do ''not'' injure other members of the Song. Dail will paralyze you and crush you with five atmospheres.
* [[Broken Bird]]: Decaia was once a proud Toa of Water and defender of the Matoran until an unrevealed event caused his personality to completely turn around.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: Darylhii does this when he throws his spear/lance at Salvinn. The name of the attack? ''[[The Bible (Literature)|Lancea Longini]]''.
* [[Camp Gay]]: Darre possibly, but he claims to love only justice and fabulousness.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The muaka hide mentioned in Sulov's appearance {{spoiler|is later used as a life-saving tourniquet for his amputation}}.
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* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Following the reboot of the New BZPRPG, it has been revealed that Decaia/Sloth was actually a really nice guy before becoming the thieving, destructive jerk he is today.
* [[Disturbed Doves]]: After Hau gets out of the water and Kriigata beings to lead the group towards Ga-Koro again, he moves to follow her-and is stopped when he notices a flock of fishing birds fly from the water a dozen bio away. He then spends a few seconds trying to convince himself he doesn't believe in omens before moving on.
* [[Elemental Punch]]: A common attack of Toa and occasionally Skakdi and Turaga; most notably used by [[Playing Withwith Fire|Salamander]] and [[Shock and Awe|Hau]].
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: Darylhii delivers one to [[Mary Sue|Tahuva]], but he is [[Shut UP, Hannibal|completely ignored]].
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Lezuu experiences one. After waiting an entire fight to attack, he gets his chance and stabs Ferrin [[In the Back|in the right kidney]], coolly pulls his [[Butterfly Knife|balisong]] out, wipes it, and fans it closed...Then [[Shocking Defeat Legacy|fully realizes that Jianheim was destroyed]] (he previously was [[Watching Troy Burn]]). Cue BSOD for said [[Battle Butler]].
** Raehn experiences a minor one after accidentally 'killing' Decaia, breaking the Toa Code as a result. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for her, he survived.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: [[The McCoy|Ramanox]] and [[The Spock|Keinju]] [[Discussed Trope|discuss]] this trope in a debate. [[The Fettered|Ramanox]] is all for it and states that one must keep their own [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]] [[Honor Before Reason|over all]] [[Thou Shalt Not Kill|by not killing]], concluding that [[He Who Fights Monsters]] will go into full effect for "[[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]]" applying when fighting [[Big Bad|Makuta]]. [[The Unfettered|Keinju]] fires back that the [[Hopeless War]] cannnot be won permanently without [[Dirty Business]] and concludes that while Ramanox' [[The Hero|toa]] are [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]] and have their own place in the world, there is no leeway for [[Honor Before Reason]] in war and that [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|Shell Shocked Veterans]] like Ramanox should know to [[Shoot the Dog]] now 'n' be [[The Fettered]] later.
{{quote| "[[There Are Two Kinds of People in Thethe World|I'm no toa, I'm a soldier]]," [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|Keinju]] [[The Stoic|remarked casually]]. "[[Deadpan Snarker|You have shown wholly ludicrous capability in mixing the two up]]. The difference is that a [[The Fettered|toa]]," his eye glinted again, "Will put [[Honor Before Reason|honor before reason]]. [[The Unfettered|A true soldier]] will [[Shoot the Dog|throw honor to karzhani and save reason at any cost]]. [[No-Nonsense Nemesis|And honor," the De-Toa stated coolly, "Looks like it deserves precisely that here]]. If we show we are better than [[Evil Overlord|Makuta]], then we will be [[Doomed Moral Victor|indubitably superior in morality to him]]. [[Deadpan Snarker|We'll also]] [[Martyr Without a Cause|be in karz]]," added Sarusuma nonchalantly. "[[I Did What I Had to Do|It is the soldier who will ultimately win here in that he will save the island]]." }}
* [[Life or Limb Decision]]: Sulov Koskium is forced to make one when the Great Mine explodes as he looks for a squadmate in it. A plinth lands on his left hand and pins it. While the plinth itself is not a problem, the fact that moving it would cause a cave-in of the rubble pocket he ends up in is. Sulov contacts his squadmates, waits for them to find him, has them tell him why his left hand is hurting (all sources of light were put out as the rubble fell), and then calmly orders one of them to sever his arm at the wrist.
** To extrapolate: While Sulov wouldn't have been without help, the pinning plinth had slammed down onto his left hand and opened several arteries. He would've bled out if it wasn't stopped. As such, it was necessary for his body to be moved.
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* [[Parental Issues]]: Quite a few:
** Hau had an [[Abusive Dad]] and a [[Missing Mom]]...
*** ...Who ended up having a [[Secret Other Family]] in which she gave birth to Kriigata. The latter became orphaned when her parents were killed by a muaka and ended up being [[Raised Byby Wolves]] (in this case, [[The Swarm|a nui rama hive]].
** It's been revealed that Aexias' dad fought his hardest to protect her from the advances of a guy who wanted to have her, but at 12 in human years, the guy revolted against her dad the lord along with half the peasant population and delivered his ultimatum to her father at practice: Either give up the girl or you'll die. Her dad pleaded for her to stay with him so they could die a glorious death, her without being raped, but the scared Aexias ran away. See [[Broken Bird]] of the New BZPRPG.
** Knife and Edge are orphans.
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* [[Professional Killer]]: Many. Aexias, Zadron, Cipher, and Kellin stand out as definitive and professional assassins (the former two) and mercenaries (the latter two), however.
* [[Man Hug]]: Arkrak and Incommodo have one while drunk and professing their '''completely platonic''' love for each other.
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]: The Crew of the Infernavika includes a [[Hero Withwith Bad Publicity|disgraced former Guardsman]], a [[Man Child]] [[Private Military Contractor|merc]], a former member of the circus, an [[Genki Girl|incredibly energetic]] [[Walking the Earth|wandering]] [[Wrench Wench|mechanic]], and a teacher. And while most of them are undeniably [[Badass]], [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork|they do not get along]]. Their [[Misfit Mobilization Moment]] looks to be in sight, however...
* [[Serious Business]]: Apparently, where Fov the Vortixx is from, Tea is a life or death matter.
* [[Shout-Out]]: [[Naruto|"...ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!"]]
** [[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight|"So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works."]]
** Decaia, after saving himself from certain death, washes up on Ga-Koro's shores, his mind active but his body - and jaw - immobile. His thoughts on his predicament? ''"Metaphorically... [[I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream|I have no mouth... and now, I must scream..."]]''
* [[Significant Anagram]]: [[Brilliant but Lazy|Decaia]] is an anagram of [[Seven Deadly Sins|"Acedia."]]
* [[Split Personality]]: Fragarach is the justice-abiding split personality created from [[Complete Monster|Darylhii's]] locked up emotions.
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'''Yasurek''': ''(Shifts around a bit uneasily)'' Um, yeah, those knocked out toa have all the good loot, [[Blatant Lies|especially since I had absolutely nothing to do with any of the unfortunate events that led to his knocked out state]]. }}
* [[The Prophecy]]:
{{quote| "At the [[Darkest Hour|darkest hour]],<br />
[[Story-Breaker Power|In unrivaled power]],<br />
The [[Big Bad|greatest foe]] will stand.<br />
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