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Young Justice (animation)/WMG/New Characters: Difference between revisions

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For other guesses, see [[Young Justice (Animationanimation)/WMG|Young Justice Wild Mass Guessing Index]].
== New Members of the Team General ==
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== Starfire is going to be on the team, or at least a recurring character. ==
Her introduction to the series will have a similar premise to the episode "''Go!''" from the ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]'' cartoon, with her hijacking the transport ship she was imprisoned in after her peace treaty enforced enslavement by the Gordanians. However, the more sensitive political aspects surrounding Starfire's enslavement will be the greater focus, with Young Justice having to forcibly watch over her as the Green Lantern Corp. and the Justice League frantically scramble to prevent a full-on invasion of Earth.
* This troper thinks Starfire will more likely be a recurring character than part of the team. Two flying alien girls might be a little redundant, however different their characters and backgrounds are. Then again, if Megan is the team member who dies...
** Please, no. A [[Replacement Goldfish]] situation would just be annoying.
*** Maybe she'll be in an episode remenicent to the Teen Titans episode 'Go'. But instead of staying with the team she'll go back to her own world. Or maybe she'll crash land on Earth and accidentaly fly into (who happens to have Jason Todd with him) which will end up being a refrence to [[Red Hood and Thethe Outlaws]].
== [[Marvel]] will realize that ''Young Justice'' is so awesome that they will let Greg use [[Spider -Man]] again for the show and have him as a member or recurring character ==
A guy can dream, can't he?
** Well, you're right about one thing: Marvel loves Young Justice! Infact, they love it so much, [http://marvel.toonzone.net/news.php?action=fullnews&id=634 they're completely ripping it off for the next Spiderman Cartoon!] [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]!
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== The Music Meister will join the team. ==
Not quite the same Meister from [[Batman: theThe Brave And The Bold (Animation)|brave and the bold of course]]. This is his Earth-16 counterpart who will have some notable differences. Such as:
* He's a teenager. [[Foregone Conclusion|Duh]].
* He's a hero. [[Captain Obvious|Again duh]].
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* He has some additional powers like sonic scream, the ability to bombard things with so much sound vibration that the molecules disconect and become liquid or gas if he wants them to, and voice modulation.
He will of course still be able to [[The Music Meister|control people with his voice]]. But since his voice is still changing, it's hard for him to hit the right pitch. And of course [[Changing Clothes Is a Free Action|changing clothes is a free action]]. And it will of course be [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]].
== Pied Piper will join or at least team up for an episode ==
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* Brother Blood or Jinx because they're magic
** Which Jinx? Traditional comics Jinx, or ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]'' Jinx? The latter would be awesome, cause some love-triangle situation with Wally and Artemis . . .
** Jossed. {{spoiler|Kaldur became the evil counterpart, Lagoon Boy became his good replacement.}}
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* Green/White martian racial purist who hates M'gann bcause she is a white/green/hybrid
* Bombshell
* Sun Girl from the Teen Titans comic "East Coast Titans" storyline and the final storyline of the main DCU Teen Titans series before the [[DCNew Nu52]]
* Beast Boy. As another green shape-shifter and it would be interesting to see Garfield evil.
** Most likely Jossed as Garfield has appeared as an eight year old who admires the young super heroes.
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* Jason Todd? Perhaps not...but a girl can dream, right?
* Anarky
* Scorn from ''[[The Batman (Animation)|The Batman]]''
* The Protector
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*** One, Sir Justin isn't a teenager, two, Ystin is freakin' awesome, and three, that Shining Knight hasn't been used for a while. Also, how does a JSA member hint at a member of the Team years later?
* Jade
** It would be cool to have a character with [[Green Lantern (Comic Book)|Green Lantern]] like powers on the team.
*** Alternately Arisia could fill that role.
*** Or Kyle Rayner, since he would be around the same age as the team if comic book canon holds.
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** [http://www.comicvine.com/young-justice/65-17733/massive-season-2-spoilers/92-657345/\]
* Secret
** We have confirmation from one of the writers that she will be making an appearance and as a [[Young Justice (Comic Bookcomics)|Young Justice]] comic original character what would be the point of her showing up without eventually joining the team?
* Static
** The top rated comment on the Young Justice [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ07Bu5iQZE comic-con video] is having Static on the team.
*** It would make sense, name one other DC hero who would fit Young Justice who had his own series that ran for /4/ seasons at least.
** It could be a [[Call Back]] to the [[Static Shock|crossover episode]] [[Batman: theThe Animated Series|with Batman]], who told him he'll meet the Titans one day.
** Footage from Season 2, someone with dreadlocks and a white mask will be appearing soon. Sounds like Virgil to me.
** Confirmed
* Arrowette
** Another [[Young Justice (Comic Bookcomics)|Young Justice]] original character set to appear on the show. She could possibly replace Artemis if Artemis turns out to be the villain Artemis Crock.
*** Artemis is Artemis Crock.
* Stargirl
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** Plus, now that Zatanna has officially joined the Justice League, the team has a void to fill as far as a magic-user is concerned. Anita would be on the of the best fits for this position, especially given her skill with traditional Vodoun magic. Greg Weisman likes to encorporate a lot of world culture into his works, so adding Anita and her unique brand of sorcery to the team isn't that much of a stretch when you think about it.
* Raven
** Psimon exists in this continuity; AFAIR he got his powers by making a [[Deal Withwith the Devil]] with Trigon, meaning Trigon likely exists here too, and if Trigon exists it's very likely his daughter does as well. I'd actually prefer they ''didn't'' use Raven, since even though I'm a big fan of the character her presernce would pretty much mandate doing some form of the Terror of Trigon storyline, which ''[[Teen Titans (Animationanimation)|Teen Titans]]'' already did. Since YJ has been trying (and so far succeeding) to establish itself as having a very different identity from its predecessor, adapting a storyline TT already did seems unlikely, but the groundwork is there if they choose to build on it.
*** If Raven were to get invovled it would most likely bring in Trigon. Teen Titan fans would go berserk and (in a worse case scenerio) ratings would go down because people would be pissed they "stole the plot". If Raven does appear I bet she'll be in her ghost form and someone will give an off hand comment about Trigon.
*** {{spoiler|Raven appears in the second "Invasion" trailer}}
**** Actually, that's Alanna Strange. Adam Strange's wife.
* Beast Boy, mostly because ''[[Batman: theThe Brave And The Bold (Animation)|Batman the Brave And The Bold]]'' screwed him out of his appearance with the Doom Patrol ( {{spoiler|on the other hand that also means he didn't die with them too.)}}
** I like the idea that Beast Boy is older than the team and brought in to teach the kids about making the transition from "kid sidekick" to "adult superhero" since he's one of the few who's actually had to take that leap when he left the Doom Patrol.
** Both Beast Boy and Wally West would bond due to their similar personalities and being redheads. Beast Boy would point out that Artemis reminds him of someone he knows.
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