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{{quote|''"Fools...you dare to challenge me? Attempt to defeat me? Try to destroy me? I who saved you from certain death? After all I've done for you, you betray me?! And why?! (tears open the building he's climbing to show them the civilians) [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|For them? The ones who hated you, have forsaken you?]] [[Not So Different|Can't you see? None of them will ever understand you the way I can. For we are kindred spirits whose powers spring from the same source.]] [[Don't Make Me Destroy You|So girls, do not make me destroy you!]] [[Humans Are Morons|For we are smarter!]] We are stronger! We are invincible! We have the power! We are superior to them! And we shall rule! All we have to do is work together. [[We Can Rule Together|Girls, join me]]"''|'''Mojo Jojo''', ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]] [[The Movie|Movie]]''}}
|'''Mojo Jojo''', ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]] [[The Movie|Movie]]''}}
{{quote|'''Richard Nixon:''' That's our tragedy, you and I, Mr. Frost. No matter how high we get, they still look down at us.<br />
'''David Frost:''' I really don't know what you're talking about.<br />
'''Richard Nixon:''' Yes you do. Now come on. No matter how many awards or column inches are written about you, or how high the elected office is for me, it's still not enough. We still feel like the little man. The loser. They told us we were a hundred times, the smart asses in college, the high ups. The well-born. The people whose respect we really wanted. Really craved. And isn't that why we work so hard now, why we fight for every inch? Scrambling our way up in undignified fashion. If we're honest for a minute, if we reflect privately, just for a moment, if we allow ourselves a glimpse into that shadowy place we call our soul, isn't that why we're here? Now? The two of us. Looking for a way back into the sun. Into the limelight. Back onto the winner's podium. Because we can feel it slipping away. We were headed, both of us, for the dirt. The place the snobs always told us that we'd end up. Face in the dust, humiliated all the more for having tried. So pitifully hard. Well, to ''hell with that!'' We're not going to let that happen, either of us. We're going to show those bums, we're going to make 'em choke on our continued success. Our continued headlines! Our continued awards! And power! And glory! We are gonna make those mother fuckers ''choke!''...Am I right?<br />
'''Frost:'''...You are. Except only one of us can win. |''[[Frost/Nixon]]''}}
{{quote|''(Terry as Batman knees Joker in the stomach)''<br />
'''Joker''': ''(Groaning)'' What are you doing?<br />
'''Batman''': Fighting dirty.<br />
'''Joker''': The 'real' Batman would never...''(Groans as he gets kneed in the stomach again)''<br />
'''Batman''': Told ya you didn't know me.<br />
'''Joker''': Funny guy.<br />
'''Batman''': Can't say the same for you.<br />
'''Joker''': ''(Growling)'' Impudent brat. Who do you think you're talking to?<br />
'''Batman''': Not a comedian, I'll tell you that.<br />
'''Joker''': Shut your mouth!<br />
'''Batman''': The 'real' Batman never talked to you much, did he? That's probably why you were so fixated on him.<br />
'''Joker''': Don't play psychoanalyst with me, boy!<br />
'''Batman''': Oh, I don't need a degree to figure ''you'' out. ''(Takes out the lights)'' The real reason you kept coming back was you never got a laugh out of the old man.<br />
'''Joker''': I'm not hearing this!<br />
'''Batman''': Get a clue, clowny! He's got no sense of humour. He wouldn't know a good joke if it bit him in the cape... not that you ever had a good joke.<br />
'''Joker''': Shut up... Shut up!<br />
'''Batman''': I mean, joy buzzers? Squirting flowers? LAME! Where's the A-material? Make a face, drop your pants, something!<br />
'''Joker''': Show yourself!<br />
'''Batman''': You make me laugh. But only because I think you're kinda pathetic. ''(Starts laughing)''. <br />
'''Joker''': Stop that!<br />
'''Batman''': ''(Still laughing)'' So you fell in a tank of acid, got your skin bleached and decided to become a supervillain. What, you couldn't get work as a rodeo clown? <br />
'''Joker''': Don't you DARE laugh at me!<br />
'''Batman''': Why? I thought the Joker always wanted to make Batman laugh!<br />
'''Joker''': ''[[Villainous Breakdown|(enraged as he starts throwing grenades)]]'' YOU'RE NOT BATMAN! |''[[Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker]]''}}
|''[[Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker]]''}}
{{quote|'''Miko Miyazaki:''' Vile unnatural abomination! You shall never succeed in your evil quests!<br />
'''Xykon:''' Meh. As last words go, I've heard better. Time to die, paladin! [[Beat|...]] Hey, just a tip: if you want to start begging for mercy, now's probably the time to go for it.<br />
'''Miko Miyazaki:''' I shall not give you the satisfaction. I have no fear. The blessing of the Twelve Gods has removed all traces of fear, magical or otherwise, from their paladins. Death does not scare me.<br />
'''Redcloak:''' Wow. And you have the cajones to call Xykon, "unnatural abomination"? With a straight face?<br />
'''Miko Miyazaki:''' Excuse me?<br />
'''Redcloak:''' Think about it. Is there anything more natural than the fear response? "Fight or Flight," it's one of the most basic instinctsinstinct there is. But thanks to your meddling gods, you've got no fear at all. Which leaves you with, what, "Fight or Fight Some More"? No wonder you're so angry. Maybe that's why you paladins are so full of yourselves. You're immune to the fear that you might be wrong. Immune to the fear of becoming tyrants. You know what else has no fear? Constructs. You're at least as unnatural as Xykon.<br />
'''Miko Miyazaki:''' You dare compare me to the undead??<br />
'''Xykon:''' [[I Take Offense to That Last One|You dare compare me to a paladin??]]<br />
'''Redcloak:''' Hey, sure, Xykon might be a skeleton stripped of its dead flesh and forced into an unholy semblance of life by arcane powers too terrible to even consider, but at least he cops to it!<br />
'''Xykon:''' Amen, brother! Preach it!<br />
'''Redcloak:''' Face it, human. You're every bit as much of an "unnatural abomination" as he is, with the extra added bonus of being a myopic hypocrite. Now if you'll excuse me, this [[Hypocrite|100% all-natural goblin]] has an army to lead. <br />
'''Xykon:''' Well, damn. I was gonna just kill you, but now I think it might be more evil to let you stew on that for a while.<br />
'''Miko Miyazaki:''' Meh. As indignant speeches go, I've heard better.|''[[The Order of the Stick]]''}}
|''[[The Order of the Stick]]'' #372 }}
{{quote|''You still here, elf? Or did you cut and run? Let's play Hide-and-Seek, just to be sure. I'm "It." [[Ambiguous Gender|Actually, so are you, as near as I can tell.]] You seem to have an interest in power, so let me educate you a little while I search for you. It's sort of this thing I like to do sometimes, especially for learned wizards such as yourself. Power, it isn't something you put on or take off like a jacket. It's something you just ARE. If you can lose it by blowing two Will saves, you never really had any power in the first place, you knowsee what I'm saying? Hell, the idiot paladin understands better than you do, 'cause he got every one of those hit points I burned off of him the hard way: he earned them. 'Course, now he's also earned an upgrade to PrisonersPrisoner First Class for daring to touch my pretty little bauble. It's sort of the same as how we've already been treating him, only now we get serious about it. Anyhoo, where was I? Oh, right. Your soul shenanigans are real flashy, but they had one weakness: they were still shackled to your lame mid-level ass! I used to think spells equaled power, too, back when I was alive. I've learned a lot since then. You know what does equal power? Power. [[Shaped Like Itself|Power equals power]]. Crazy, huh? But the type of power? Doesn't matter as much as you'd think. It turns out, everything is oddly balanced. Weird, but true. For example:'' [Xykon reaches out and grabs Vaarsuvius, who is invisible, and begins strangling him] ''...Right now, power takes the form of a +8 racial bonus to Listen skill checks. So, Uncle Xykon, what's the moral of the story? A big pile of spells isn't enough when the other guy has a big pile of spells AND the strength to crush your windpipe with his bare phlanges. And they died happily ever after. The End.''|'''Xykon''', ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'' }}
|'''Xykon''', ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'' #657 }}
{{quote|'''Annie:''' "Britta's right; you're the most selfish person alive! And all that is going to end right now, because I'm telling him what kind of friend you ''really'' are."<br />
'''Jeff:''' "Maybe you should tell him you're hopelessly in love with him. ''[Annie is stunned]'' High school must have been tough, huh? Waiting for a superstar to notice you. But ''here'', he's all alone, and he needs ''so much'' help! Did you enroll in ''all'' of his classes, or were you worried [[Stalker with a Crush|that might freak him out]]? The important thing is that you are ''there'' for him. The ''important'' thing is that you are the ''only'' one there for him. And you don't really care what he wants, just as long as you don't have to share him with the rest of the world. Because ''really'', you're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet."<br />
'''Annie:''' ''[Hurt]'' "You're right. [[Shut UP, Hannibal|I could never be as good as you. Probably because I actually care.]]"<br />
'''Jeff:''' ''[Flippantly]'' "Profound, but technically meaningless. ''[Upset, Annie storms off]'' And don't bother trying that thing that women do when they walk away and make the guy feel like crap because it's not going to happen! Yeah! ''[Guilty]'' Damn it!"|''[[Community]]'', "[[Community/Recap/S1 E06 Football Feminism and You|Football, Feminism and You]]"}}
|''[[Community]]'', "[[Community/Recap/S1/E06 Football, Feminism, and You|Football, Feminism and You]]"}}
{{quote|"You're really getting worked up over this, aren't you? Quit trying to kid yourself into thinking you can help any of them. You know that they're going to wind up dead no matter what you do. And then what happens? You're left with nothing, that's what. The smart thing to do - the ''only'' thing - take whatever's important to you and run as far away as you possibly can. You act like you have a conscience, but you're just being sentimental. Isn't that right, ''Hohenheim?'' You think you can change things? You honestly believe that one act of caring will make you human? How could it - look at your own face! Humans are nothing but a resource, and if we don't use them they'll spread like weeds. You can't change reality, only your perception! Tell me what you think you could actually change, the nature of their ''species?'' They will ''always'' be weak and frightened creatures!"|'''Father''', ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]''}}
|'''Father''', ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]''}}
{{quote|'''Ed''': Shut up! Do you really think you'll get away with this?! Messing around with someone's ''life'' like that! ''Your own daughter!!''<br />
'''Tucker''': Someone's life? ''HAHAHAHAHAAA!'' Fullmetal alchemist, look at your leg! Your arm! Your ''brother!'' Those things are also the result of 'messing around' with somebody's life, aren't they?<br />
'''Ed''': SHUT UP! *WHACK*<br />
'''Tucker''': [[Not So Different|We are the same!]] We're the same, you and me!<br />
'''Ed''': WE'RE NOT!<br />
'''Tucker''': Oh, but yes we are! The opportunity was right in front of us and we took it! We had to, even though we knew it was against the rules!<br />
'''Ed''': [[Big No|NO!]]|[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]}}
|[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]}}
{{quote|''"Do they know you're a fraud, Ted? Have you told them there wasn't any money, and no great home on the Shore drive, no speedboat and no wonderful cabin cruiser that could sleep twelve and a crew of six? Do they know? Have you let them in on your other secrets, Ted? Are they ready to gut you, to torture half as well as I can, just to find out the secrets? Heh heh. Maybe I'll rat you out, sweetheart!"''|'''AM''', ''[[I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream|I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (game version)]]''
|'''AM''', ''[[I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream|I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (game version)]]''}}
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