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Yet another spinoff of the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' series, ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! R (Manga)|Yu-Gi-Oh R]]'' is written by Akira Ito, one of Kazuki Takahashi's assistants on the original manga. The story, taking place [[Interquel|between the Battle City and Memory World arcs]], kicks off with Yako Tenma, Pegasus' adopted son and protege, taking over Kaiba Corp and challenging Yugi to a duel. There, he reveals "The Wicked Avatar," one of three "Evil Gods" that Pegasus had designed before his death. After [[The Worf Effect|destroying Yugi's Osiris in one blow]], Yako kidnaps Anzu and takes her to the Kaiba Corp building, where he intends to "sacrifice" her in "Project RA" as revenge for Yugi causing Pegasus' death at the end of Duelist Kingdom.
Yugi, Jounouchi, and Honda race to Kaiba Corp to rescue Anzu, only to find that Yako has commissioned the Card Professors--thirteen professional American duelists--to block their way. Our heroes must battle their way up the tower to stop Yako before he can carry out his plans. Meanwhile, Kaiba and Mokuba, not exactly thrilled with Kaiba Corp getting taken over ''again,'' [[Storming the Castle|storm the castle, er, skyscraper]], to reclaim the company.
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* [[Badass Grandma]]: Mrs. Maico Kato, a tea-drinking, wheelchair-bound, doting grandmother... who also happens to be a highly-ranked professional Duelist.
* [[Batman Can Breathe in Space]]: Depres Scott's [[Theme Deck]] plays with this; monsters in space are assigned a number of "life stars" based on their level and [[Death's Hourglass|lose one at the end of each turn]]. Once they run out, they're automatically destroyed.
* [[Big Creepy -Crawlies]]: The [[Theme Deck]] of Mendo Cino, one of the Card Professors, consists of mantises. The Dreadscythe Harvester is larger than even the duelist who uses it.
* [[Big No]]: {{spoiler|Yuugi lets one out when he believes that he's failed to save Anzu in time.}}
* [[Blank White Eyes]]: A [[Running Gag]] in this series involves this happening to Jounouchi when he's overwhelmed with indignation. Don't worry; it's [[Played for Laughs]].
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* [[Cherry Tapping]]: The Wicked Avatar is always exactly ONE attack point stronger then the strongest monster on the field, but as Yakou points out, that one attack point makes all the difference.
* [[Cloning Blues]]: Played with, as while Yakou and Gekko are natural identical twins, flashbacks reveal that Yakou always felt like an inferior copy of his twin brother.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: At least in the Viz translation, Kaiba claims that the caliber of duelists at his company's latest sponsored tournament isn't quite to par and that perhaps he should think about [[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX|opening up a school]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Near the end of Volume Four, Yami crushes a Card Professor in a single panel with Osiris.
* [[Distressed Damsel]]: Anzu. [[Designated Victim|Mokuba]] actually gets left alone for once.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Yami has one after seeing what's become of Anzu's soul on top of how tired he was, and Kaiba has one after being defeated by Yako ({{spoiler|or so Yako thought}}).
** Kaiba had one too, after losing a duel.
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]: A very mild and non-violent example of this happened to Kirk Dixon, who, after losing his duel to Yugi, became so distraught by his loss he stumbled upon a booby trap he had set up himself and was promptly sent downstairs into the basement.
* [[Hope Spot]]: During Gekko's duel with Richie, {{spoiler|just as Gekko is about to win with a devastating direct attack, there is a sudden flash of light and Richie has won. A quick flashback next chapter reveals what happened, and leads into a nasty Tearjerker.}}
* [[I Have Your Wife|I Have Your Non-Girlfriend:]] Yako kidnapping Anzu drives the entire plot
* [[It's All Upstairs From Here]]: ''Of course'' Yako's going to wait for Yugi on the top floor of the Kaiba Corp building. Jou and Honda have it even worse, since they fell through a [[Trap Door]] early on and ended up in the basement. Subverted with Kaiba and Mokuba, who [[Dungeon Bypass|came in through the roof]].
* [[Jerkass]]: Not like this is any sort of surprise, but Bandit Keith pretty much started this whole mess by telling Yako that Yugi killed Pegasus. Of course, this is all untrue, but Keith couldn't care less either way, {{spoiler|as long as he gets the chance to duel Jounouchi again.}}
* [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]]: Bandit Keith gets to literally be both on the giving and the receiving end of this one. The former is when he suddenly starts beating Ted Banias up and increases the amount of debt he owes him, all for losing a duel against {{spoiler|Gekko}}. The latter comes almost immediately afterwards, when Richie starts to kick Keith around for not following orders once they meet up.
* [[Law of Chromatic Superiority]]: The black Duel Disk used by the highest-ranked member of the Card Professors guild. Gekko even compares it to a black belt in martial arts.
* [[Mad Eye]]: So what was your first clue that Yako wasn't [[Incredibly Lame Pun|playing with a full deck?]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Humorous, unintentional example: one of the Card Professors is named Tilla ''[[Mook]].''
* [[Mission Control]]: Mokuba takes on this role, [[Playful Hacker|deactivating Yako's security measures,]] monitoring the Duel Server's status, and [[Voice Withwith an Internet Connection|keeping the others filled in on the current situation.]]
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Chapter 27 opens with Jounouchi and Honda beating up tons of Mooks, with a humorous [[Lampshade Hanging]] by Jounouchi about how long its been since he fought someone with his fists instead of cards. {{spoiler|Then we shift back to Yuugi and Gekko, who has just lost and thus prevented Yuugi from being able to advance and rescue Anzu. Ouch.}}
* [[Near Villain Victory]]: {{spoiler|Yakou has just defeated Seto Kaiba, Bandit Keith successfully summoned The Wicked Eraser, and now Anzu's soul is being consumed to revive Pegasus...wait, why is it stopping? Well, thanks to Keith's Revenge duel against Richie just a moment ago, the Kaiba brothers were able to force the program to stop!}}
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* [[Phantom Zone Picture]]: Anzu's soul gets placed in a playing card the same way Pegasus used to imprison his victims. Yugi can actually communicate with her by placing the card in his Duel Disk.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Most of the Card Professors don't have anything personal against Yugi or his friends--they're just in it for the pay, and they don't even try to cheat. Then again, they don't seem to have any problem with the idea of an innocent girl getting sacrificed, either...
* [[Revenge Byby Proxy]]: Yako targets Yugi by turning Anzu into a [[Human Sacrifice]] {{spoiler|so he can resurrect Pegasus.}}
* [[Schrodingers Cat]]: Bandit Keith looks remarkably healthy for somebody who was [[Mind Raped]] to death during the Duelist Kingdom finals...
** Mind you, it is revealed that {{spoiler|Bandit Keith is alive because he was the test subject for the R.A. Project, which is the source of Yako's confidence that his ambitions will be successful.}}
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** Her whole approach to dueling was passive-aggressive, really, and was effective since her deck was so broken. Jou even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this. See [[Underestimating Badassery]] for more.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: {{spoiler|Gekko.}}
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: {{spoiler|Keith, when you consider that Yakko would've succeeded if Keith hadn't decided to get revenge on Richie}}
** At the same time, {{spoiler|Keith's duel with Richie was actually necessary for Yako to summon Pegasus' soul, since he needed the energy generated from summoning the Wicked Eraser.}} The REAL spanner was {{spoiler|Seto and Mokuba Kaiba - Yako hadn't realised that Mokuba was in a place where he could do any significant damage, nor did he think that Mokuba could have used Keith's duel to shut down his program.}}
* [[Symbol Swearing]]: Bandit Keith, lovable evil foreigner that he is, gets his speech liberally peppered with this in the Viz translation.
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