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Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game): Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far...''|'''[[H.P. Lovecraft (Creator)|H.P. Lovecraft]]''', ''The Call of Cthulhu''}}
{{quote| ''Okay, now roll SAN.''}}
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Also has variations for settings and time periods including the [[The Roaring Twenties|1920s]], [[Present Day|Modern]], [[Delta Green]], [[The Gay Nineties|Gaslight]], [[Dark Age Europe|Dark Ages]], [[Ancient Rome|Roman times]] and [[In Space|space]].
Do not confuse with the video game ''Call of Cthulhu: [[Dark Corners of the Earth]]'', which is also based on the [[Cthulhu Mythos]] (specifically, on the "Raid On [[Town Withwith a Dark Secret|Innsmouth]]" campaign module of the RPG), a [[Collectible Card Game]] of the same name loosely based on (and licensed by) Chaosium's aforementioned RPG, a movie done in the black-and-white style of the 1920s about Cthulhu, the Youtube series [[Calls For Cthulhu]], or the original [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]] short story they are all named after.
=== Has examples of: ===
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* [[Apothecary Alligator]]: In the campaign ''The Fungi from Yuggoth'', adventure "The Thing in the Well", Dr. Cornwallis has a stuffed alligator hanging by wires from the ceiling of his alchemical laboratory.
* [[Bedlam House]]: Creepy insane asylums are a recurring setting. Heck, it's even possible to visit (or more likely be locked up in) the ''original'' Arkham Asylum.
* [[Big Creepy -Crawlies]]: Leng Spiders, Insects from Shaggai, and others. This is no game for the entomophobic.
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]: Intelligent flying fungoids, semi-vegetable tentacled elder things, and more.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]. One old issue of Wizard Magazine stated that ''Call of Cthulhu'' is the only game in which the player with the fastest speed lives the longest, and the only game in which ''no one'' wants the magic item. It doesn't help the original game was a ticking countdown from sanity to insanity: your character ''will'' go insane. It's just a matter of how fast.
** Not entirely true. Your character might not go insane. They have a good chance of dying before they hit that point. Needless to say, ending a Call of Cthulhu game with a living and sane character is unlikely at best.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Even the most superficially benevolent races in the game have utterly inscrutable or bizarre motives.
* [[Body Horror]]: Mostly for non-player characters, but PCs aren't safe either.
* [[Brain In Aa Jar]]: A possible fate for characters who get on the wrong side of the Mi-Go.
** Note this does not mean you've pissed them off. Then they just kill you. They stuff your brain in a jar if they ''like'' you.
** Unfortunately, the Mi-Go are just not all that good at emulating human senses (which, given they are sentient fungus-things, makes sense). One supplement posits that the use of speech software, high quality cameras, microphones, and a lot of lucky rolls would allow a brain in a jar to have a lot closer to human abilities.
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** "Each round 1D3 investigators are scooped up in Cthulhu's flabby claws to die hideously."<ref>Alternatively: "Cthulhu eats 1d6 investigators per round. No save."</ref>
* [[Deadly Hug]]: In ''Masks of Nyarlathotep'', the Cthulhu Mythos leader M'Weru likes to embrace her victim and cast the Hands of Colubra spell. When the spell changes her hands into the heads of poisonous snakes, she uses them to bite her victim and poison them.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]]: The spell Unspeakable Oath. By devoting yourself to the power Hastur, he grants you a wish or boon. However, you begin to lose charisma at a graduated rate. When your charisma score is 0, or when Hastur wills it, you become his slavering thrall
* [[Departure Means Death]]: Spectral Hunters must stay within 1 mile of the doll that was used in their creation.
* [[Dream Land]]: The Dreamlands are one of the possible settings of the game.
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** This is because when you lose too much sanity in one check, your character goes temporarily insane. You can save against that by [[Fearless Fool|failing an Idea roll]], with a success meaning your character has understood the full implications of what he is seeing.
** Also, increasing your knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos can not only cost you sanity points during the learning process, but permanently lowers your ''maximum'' Sanity.
* [[Screw Destiny]] / [[Taking You Withwith Me]]: [http://forum.spiritsoffire.com/index.php?topic=3954.0 Old Man Henderson], the guy who [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|blew up Hastur]].
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: The status of a great many (if not most) of the Great Old Ones, including the titular Cthulhu.
* [[Self-Destruct Mechanism]]: ''[[Call of Cthulhu]]'' campaign ''The Fungi from Yuggoth''.
* [[Shotguns Are Just Better]]: Also [[Short-Range Shotgun]]. Close up, they can deal about 4D6 worth of damage, enough to kill almost anything that isn't [[Immune to Bullets]]. Oh, and short range shotgun can be averted if you load them with rifle rounds.
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* [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]: Most Great Old Ones (and a few species) are described thus, possibly overlapping with outright godhood.
* [[Sundial Waypoint]]: Used in the Terror from the Stars, for the adventure "The Temple of the Moon". In the temple there is a light shaft that allows moonlight to enter, and a pool with a map on the bottom. If the Tablet of the Moon is placed atop the light shaft at midnight under the light of the full moon, the moonlight will be refracted into a bright point of light on the map, showing the location of the main temple of Shub-Niggurath.
* [[Tap Onon the Head]]: ''The Asylum and Other Tales'', adventure "The Asylum". Dr. Freygan's neck pinch. Also, typical of a "Knockout" attack.
* [[Tear Off Your Face]]: In ''Terror Australis'', the Mimi are creatures from Australian Aboriginal [[Mythology]]. When angry at a human they may eat all the flesh from his face, leaving the victim alive but horrendously disfigured.
* [[These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know]]: Disregard this warning at your own risk.
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