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The 2000-2001 entry in the ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' franchise, and first in the Heisei Era.
A group of archaeologists uncover an ancient tomb of a legendary warrior, and discover a mysterious belt-like artifact known as the [[Transformation Trinket|Arcle]]. Unfortunately, they also happen to pop the lid off of the [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]] at the same time, unleashing a race of monsters known as the Grongi. The tribe-like Grongi compete against each other in a "game" of killing humans, with the strongest Grongi winning the right to challenge their leader for domination of their race.
Enter Yuusuke Godai, your [[The Everyman|typical everyday nice guy]]. While in town visiting one of his archaeologist friends, the building they are in is attacked by one of the Grongi. Seeing the Arcle and feeling an overwhelming urge to protect everyone, Yuusuke instinctively dons the belt, which is then absorbed into his body. From that point on, he can summon the Arcle from within himself to transform into the legendary warrior known only as Kuuga.
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* [[Four Is Death]]: Subverted. Kuuga's considered "Unidentified Life Form No.4" by the police, but he couldn't be more a of heroic boyscout even if he tried.
** Played straight by Go-Jaraji-Da's killing method; it takes four days for his victims to die after being attacked, which leads to some victims to commit suicide, which forfeits part of his game.
* [[Friend Onon the Force]]: An interesting variant with Ichijo, but otherwise applies - note the number of times Kuuga needs to borrow a gun, for starters.
** And as more of the cops learn the truth, he pretty much becomes [[Friend to All Living Things|Friend To All The Force]]...
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: Happens with some of the more violent Grongi killing sprees; after all, [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?|it's still a kid's show.]]
* [[Homage]]: The Go-Bada-Ba is a reference the Showa-era Riders, most likely [[Kamen Rider (TV series)|the first one]]. In human form, he rides around on a motorcycle while wearing a red scarf. Rather than simply transforming into Grongi form, he performs the classic [[Kamen Rider (TV series)|Rider 1]] henshin pose in order to do so (and that Grongi belt that all the Grongis have is emphasized a bit, as if it were his [[Transformation Trinket]]) while still wearing the scarf. Oh, and [[Mythology Gag|he's also a grasshopper Grongi]].
** ''[[Shinzo (Anime)|Shinzo]]'' is shown in the 19th episode.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Yuusuke Godai.
* [[Hour of Power]]: Kuuga can only maintain Pegasus Form for a short time before he forcibly transforms to Growing Form and cannot transform again for two hours.
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* [[Inferred Holocaust]]: Kuuga's Rising Mighty Kick causes a gigantic explosion, which at one point happens in a heavily urban area. {{spoiler|This is the point in which the show begins to show that Kuuga becoming even more powerful isn't a good idea...}} While no one is actually killed in the blast due to Godai informing Ichijo that his kick might be too powerful, the property damage leads the police to begin doubting No.4's status as an ally.
* [[Kiss of Death]]: The Mushroom Grongi Me-Ginoga-De uses this as his murder method; he manages to deliver this on Kuuga who falls gravely ill. He gets better, but could only assume Growing Form until he fully recovered.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: Godai plays it straight in Episode 20.
* [[Lethal Joke Character]]: Yuusuke at one point succeeds at defeating a Grongi (see [[Kiss of Death]]) using Growing Form. Granted, he needed to use the considerably feeble Growing Kick ''three'' times, but it still ended in Kuuga's favour.
** It must be noted also that Growing Form isn't just "not powerful enough" (like many other [[Joke Character|Joke Characters]]), it has all the weaknesses of the other forms, and none of the advantages: slow like Titan Form, weak like Dragon Form, feeble like Pegasus form AND it doesn't have any weapon.
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* [[Masquerade]]: Subverted. The police try to cover up the first few incidents to prevent panic, but once they realize the scale of the problem they don't hesitate to reveal everything in the interest of public safety. From then on it becomes [[The Unmasqued World]], with frequent news reports warning people about the latest Grongi attacks and newspaper articles detailing Kuuga's various battles.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Kuuga's name comes from the Japanese reading for "Clear-self", but it also contains Ku(空), the Japanese symbol for "Sky" or "Void" and the fifth element in Japanese Elements, or ''Godai''.
** Also, if [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]] is invoked, the villains are called [[Guro|Gurongi]].
* [[Mid-Season Upgrade]]: As a result of his {{spoiler|resurrection after his supposed death at the hands of a Grongi}}, Kuuga's basic 4 forms are upgraded - complete with gold-trimmed armor and upgraded weaponry.
** {{spoiler|Subverted later with the last of the Go class Grongi getting multiple forms like Kuuga and Zu-Gooma-Gu.}}
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** At one point Yusuke starts wearing a T-shirt with the Kuuga symbol on it, much like Jou Shigeru and his ''[[Kamen Rider Stronger|Stronger]]'' shirts.
** Ultimate Kuuga and Daguva's face-off somewhat echoes that of [[Kamen Rider Black|Black Sun and Shadow Moon]].
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: This is ''actually'' the explanation given as to how Yuusuke unlocks some of his forms. (e.g, he doesn't unlock the agile Dragon Form until he fights a opponent who he can't reach and thinks, "I need to jump high too!")
* [[Noodle Incident]]: The cafe owner's mountaineering exploits in the Himalayas.
* [[One-Man Army]]: ''Kuuga'' still stands unique amongst the other Heisei series as being the '''only''' one to feature a single Rider. There are no other secondary, rival, or evil Riders here.
* [[Police Are Useless]]: [[Zig -Zagging Trope|Zig-zagged]], they're doubtlessly a [[Redshirt Army]] whenever they confront a Grongi face-to-face, but are extremely competent in every other aspect of their job. They're really at their most effective when serving as Kuuga's [[Mission Control]], using their resources and deductive powers to track the Grongi's movements and warning/evacuating the citizens whenever necessary in order to minimize casualties. In the end mostly subverted when they invent bullets that ''do'' work on Grongi.
* [[Recap Episode]]: Episode 17. Episode 31.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: {{spoiler|Inverted. Black-eyed Ultimate Kuuga is powered by rage, and is thus prone to becoming evil. Godai's good nature negates it and replaces the black eyes with Mighty Form's red eyes.}}
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* [[Weapon of Choice]]:
** [[Bare-Fisted Monk]]: Growing Form, All Mighty Forms, and what we see of Ultimate Form.
** [[Simple Staff]]: Dragon Form. Rising Dragon Form gets a [[Double Weapon|two-ended]] [[Blade Onon a Stick]].
** [[The Gunslinger]]: Pegasus Form. Rising Pegasus gets a [[BFG]].
** [[Cool Sword]]/[[BFS]]: Titan Form. Rising Titan gets the [[Dual-Wielding]] option.
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