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* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: When he first encounters Spider-man his introduction can be summed up as "vampires are real hero, get over it" before any thing else meaningful is said, suggesting he's run into this trope a lot. He was a blood drinker himself but Morbius initially did not believe in supernatural vampires.
* [[Arm Cannon]]: He once resorted to biting off his own hand. While waiting for a replacement or a new one to grow back he hooked a gun where it used to be.
* [[Asteroids Monster]]:The white worm. The solution? [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]. [[The End - Oror Is It?]]
* [[Badass Biker]]: Ghost Rider, the vampire hunter twins Mikado and Mosha.
* [[Bed Trick]]: Cilla does this to Blade, then tries to eat him, because that's what Tryks do. They usually mate with other members of the colony who willingly become meals for their queen, Blade didn't even want to have sex before he knew he was being tricked and Cilla fled when she realized she bit off more than she could chew.
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* [[Inept Mage]]: Blades attempts to use magic usually go wrong, the word sword being one of his few if only success stories. One case involved a spell that was supposed to give a vampire its soul back but instead returned vampires he killed back to life. To be fair he was tricked by Lucas Cross, who also thought it would work.
* [[It's Personal]]: Deacon Frost killed Blade's mother and is the reason he was tainted by vampire blood. Dracula killed his mentor Jamal. Vampires killed the street gang he rolled with as a kid so he has it out for them in general.
* [[Joker Immunity]]: [[In -Universe]] Dracula's died a few times, Blade was involved in at least two cases but since the guy's such a popular figure with cultists, evil religions, demons, vampires and such he keeps being resurrected. One time the X-men were the guilty party.
* [[Knife Nut]]: In Marvel Comics Presents, [[Sizeshifter]] Micro-Max tries to escape Blade by shrinking only to have his path blocked by a knife.
{{quote| "I can amputate spiders with these things Scott. I'm over a hundred years old, I've had the practice time." }}
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* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]
** Blade was human who was immune to vampire bites. However, he was bitten by Morbius (a scientifically-created vampire) and [[Ret Canon|got turned into a vampire similar to his movie counterpart]]. He was mostly involved with the [[Dracula]]-descended type of vampire so it's not too outlandish for his immunity not to cover [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink|every other vampire type in Marvel.]]
** The original 70s version still had superhumanly acute night vision, [[Blessed Withwith Suck|sensitivity to light]] (hence the goggles being part of his standard attire) and extremely retarded aging rate (his back story mentioned him being born in the late 19th century). The 90s version got upgraded with an intuitive ability to [[Detect Evil]]. Some view this as adaption induced [[Level Grinding]].
* [[Parental Substitute]]: In addition to Jamal, Blade also had Madame Vanity, who owned the brothel his mother worked at.
* [[Physical God]]: The demogorge was the [[Elder Gods]] responsible for killing off or chasing away all the others because they had become corrupt. Blade starts to become a second demogorge when he takes a page out of the Dark Hold and set out to kill everything related to magic in the Marvel Universe. The Midnight Sons are eventually able to reverse this and they had too since the Ghost Rider, the spirit of vengeance, would have been his first victim. The demogorge was ''that'' powerful.
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* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Not so, when he develops an obsessive hatred and detachment from the world in general over Dracula's inability to stay dead Blade is committed to receive treatment. He's let out early by Dr. Strange but it does lead to him mellowing out a little.
* [[Time Dissonance]]: When T'challa was in possession of the Black Knight's Ebony Blade, our hero Blade asks him to give it to him in his will. Luke Cage tries to explain to him why that's rude but he doesn't care. Also, anyone who claims Blade can't kill all the vampires will be intimately corrected, he really doesn't care how long it takes.
* [[Transhuman Treachery]]: Not the case for the most part, feeding on humans just comes naturally to vampires. Because of this, the sunwalker formula which can give them resistance to sunlight, is not very popular among them because it also brings back their since of humanity and brings the severe [[Horror Hunger]] that comes from eating your own kind alive and not being able to stop yourself. Using it drove Sage to [[Suicide Byby Cop|Suicide ByBlade]].
* [[Vampire Detective]]: He was a part of Borderline Investigations, but was really more involved in the Nightstalkers, what the same group was known as when hunting vampires and other occult elements.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Two teakwood daggers were his preferred vampire killing weapons in the beginning but he also had a crossbow. While working with the Nightstalkers Frank Drake gets him some more dangerous weaponry and his arsenal continued to expand with S.H.I.E.L.D. and when he met the twins Mikado and Mosha.
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