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''Pandora's Star ''is a 2004 novel, written by [[Peter F Hamilton|Peter F. Hamilton]]. It is the first book in the [[Commonwealth Saga]] with its sequel, ''[[Judas Unchained (Literature)|Judas Unchained]]''.
''Pandora's Star'' presents a [[Loads and Loads of Characters|multifacted]] view of a future where [[Portal Network|wormhole technology]] has allowed mankind to colonize the universe, and genetics technology have made people practically immortal via rejuvenation treatments. Although the plot diverges in several directions, all of the story threads eventually become interwoven in a cliffhanger climax.
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* A [[Inspector Javert|genetically engineered detective]] chases an [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|interstellar terrorist]], Bradley Johansson. Said terrorist is a conspiracy nut who constantly warns humanity of an unknown alien infiltrator.
* One of the co-inventors of the wormhole technology seeks the wisdom of [[Proud Scholar Race Guy|intergalactic]] [[Recycled in Space|space elves]] regarding the Dyson pair, and gets stranded in the far corners of the galaxy, with an [[Starfish Alien|unknown alien]] and a young kid as his companions.
* The explorers sent to the Dyson stars discover a [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|gigantic force field]] encompassing Dyson Alpha. Their arrival coincides with its shutting down for the first time in millennia {{spoiler|(it's not a coincidence)}}.
* Bad shit happens, setting up innumerable Cliffhangers for the next book, ''[[Judas Unchained (Literature)|Judas Unchained]]''.
[[Doorstopper|It's a long damn book]], and it's only the first half of the story.
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** MorningLightMountain can only talk to the SI after the SI hacked into its communications network and by utilizing the knowledge gained while interacting with Bose.
* [[All Planets Are Earthlike]]: Averted. In one chapter, a planet is methodically reached, explored, and rejected for settlement potential in the course of several hours.
* [[Brain In Aa Jar|Brain In An Immotile]]: {{spoiler|What happens to Dudley Bose}}.
* [[Can't Argue Withwith Elves]]: The space hippie Silfen comprehend the universe in a way so different that they are barely able to communicate meaningfully with humans.
* [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhov's Wormhole]]: Ozzie's personal asteroid and wormhole generator can get to almost anywhere in the Commonwealth, but is effectively useless for most of the book since Ozzie is outside Commonwealth space. Turns out to be important when {{spoiler|Mellanie and the SI hack it to evacuate Randtown refugees}}.
* [[Cloning Blues]]: touched upon briefly by Wilson, as this is how the citizens of the commonwealth maintain their scientific immortality. It's implied that this is largely a vestige of the people who were alive pre rejuvenation, and that the younger generations have no problem with it.
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* [[Orphan's Plot Trinket]]: The Silfen Friendship pendant given to Orion by his parents. Helps him and Ozzie out on the Silfen paths a few times by pointing them in the right direction.
* [[Ramming Always Works]]: A colossal invasion by an alien fleet that outnumbers the human fleet tens of thousands of times over is thwarted when one human ship hijacks an alien wormhole to their staging post and rams it. At twenty percent of the speed of light. [[Earthshattering Kaboom|Hilarity ensues]]. Missiles are later developed to exploit this idea.
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|Sealed Evil In a Dyson Forcefield]]}}: The Primes.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Remember that space yuppie that was vapid and boring for the first 9/10ths of the book? Yeah. {{spoiler|She becomes the avatar of the Sentient Intelligence and single-handedly annihilates an alien invasion fleet.}}
* [[The Watson]]: Hoshe Finn to Paula Myo and Orion to Ozzie. Orion's ignorance of Commonwealth society and tech gives Ozzie an excuse to pine for it while stuck on the Silfen paths and Hoshe gives Paula a chance to explain her super detective reasoning. At one point their relationship is lampshaded when [[Fan of the Past|they briefly mention having read Sherlock Holmes books.]]
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