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'''Individual Wrestlers'''
* [[The Big Show (Wrestling)/Awesome|The Big Show]]
* [[Bob Holly/Awesome|Bob Holly]]
* [[Bret Hart (Wrestling)/Awesome|Bret Hart]]
* [[Bryan Danielson (Wrestling)/Awesome|Bryan Danielson]]
* [[CM Punk (Wrestling)/Awesome|CM Punk]]
* [[Chris Jericho (Wrestling)/Awesome|Chris Jericho]]
* [[Edge (Wrestling)/Awesome|Edge]]
* [[Jerry Lawler (Wrestling)/Awesome|Jerry Lawler]]
* [[John Cena (Wrestling)/Awesome|John Cena]]
* [[John Morrison (Wrestling)/Awesome|John Morrison]]
* [[Mark Henry (Wrestling)/Awesome|Mark Henry]]
* [[Mick Foley (Wrestling)/Awesome|Mick Foley]]
* [[Randy Orton (Wrestling)/Awesome|Randy Orton]]
* [[Ric Flair (Wrestling)/Awesome|Ric Flair]]
* [[Shawn Michaels (Wrestling)/Awesome|Shawn Michaels]]
* [[Sheamus (Wrestling)/Awesome|Sheamus]]
* [[Stone Cold Steve Austin (Wrestling)/Awesome|Stone Cold Steve Austin]]
* [[The Miz (Wrestling)/Awesome|The Miz]]
* [[Dwayne Johnson (Wrestling)/Awesome|The Rock]]
* [[The Undertaker (Wrestling)/Awesome|The Undertaker]]
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* [[TNA/Awesome|TNA]]
* [[WCW/Awesome|WCW]]
* [[WWE (Wrestling)/Awesome|WWE]]
** ''[[WWE Raw/Awesome|Raw]]''
** ''[[WWE Smackdown/Awesome|SmackDown]]''
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* For many [[Fan Community Nicknames|ROHbots]], the sixty-minute time-limit-draw between CM Punk and Samoa Joe was a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for ''both'' men. This is fairly warranted, as ''The Wrestling Observer Newsletter'' gave the second of such matches (there were three in the series) a five-star rating, the first match in American pro wrestling to receive such a high honor in ''seven years''.
** This troper would argue that CM Punk's ''true'' [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] was [http://www.gamespot.com/users/sephy37/video_player?id=dXMxlmD-5bkEszfb his promo at Wrestlerave '03] on why he hates Raven so much, as it was this promo (and his feud with Raven in general) that really helped make him a legitimate name in Ring of Honor and really, in indy wrestling in general.
** And then, when he finally won the ROH World Championship, he did an immediate [[Face Heel Turn]] -- he reminded the fans that [[The Farmer and Thethe Viper|"I'm still a snake, you idiots!"]], declared his intention to take the ROH belt to the WWE, and ''signed his real WWE contract on the ROH belt''.
** An earlier moment involving Punk took place at Death Before Dishonor 2003. As part of his feud with Raven, Punk has been ragging on ECW and its fans. Punk beats Raven in a dog-collar match, ties him to the ropes, and announces that he's going to send Raven back to rehab... but then the crowd EXPLODES as he gets jumped by Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer ties Punk to the ropes, releases Raven, and the two embrace, symbolically bringing an end to their long-running ECW feud. Then Dreamer does Sandman's "bash his forehead with a beer can until he bleeds" schtick, and Raven forces Punk to drink his first beer.
** Joe, too, had really been deemed awesome long before the Joe/Punk series ever took place; for ''his'' crowning moment, odds are you're going back to his debut match against Low Ki at ''Glory By Honor.'' At that point in time Low Ki's kicks and chops were basically treated as the most lethal attcks in the promotion, so it's hard to put into words how stunning it was to watch Joe come in and not only trade strikes with Ki for the entire match, but at one point take an incredibly stiff-looking kick to the back... and barely register it beyond looking a little pissed off that he'd been kicked. Joe eventually lost the match, but it still set the tone for what a badass he would be in the years to come.
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** The inclusion of Team WWF, consisting of Demolition and the One Man Gang. Specifically, the fact that One Man Gang and "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney had [http://youtube.com/watch?v=eTSr6iZd8xs one of Sweeney's trademark strut-offs, set to "Jive Soul Bro," the theme of Gang's old manager, Slick.] Made even more awesome by the fact that thanks to a cosplayiing fan, Gang had a hat resembling his old character Akeem's for the occasion.
** Egyptian time travelers Ophidian and Amasis (collectively known as The Osirian Portal) bringing in Mecha Mummy as their teammate, who busted out [http://youtube.com/watch?v=4QLZL32f2Cs his own special counter] to opponent Mike Quackenbush's trademark palm strikes.
* The 2009 King of Trios event's biggest Crowning Moment has to go to Gran Akuma, Icarus, and Chuck Taylor, aka Team FIST ([[Fun Withwith Acronyms|Friends In Similar Tights]]), for basically the ''entire weekend:''
** First, they beat the Death Match Kings (a trio that happened to include the current-day hardcore icon Necro Butcher) in the opening round, despite being seemingly in over their heads.
** In the next round, they defeated the F1RST Family, a trio who had frequent standout matches in 2009 and 2008's Trios tournament; the team was headed by Arik Cannon, who is no stranger to going all the way in CHIKARA tourneys.
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* In July 2000, Bam Bam Bigelow received second degree burns over nearly half his body, requiring him to spend over two months in a hospital to recover. How did he get these burns? He got them rescuing three young children from a house fire near his own home.
* Back when [[Kayfabe]] was still the rule, a young John Stossel - well on his way to being the obnoxious [[Jerkass]] he later turned out to be - confronted "Dr. D" David Schultz backstage [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrX9Ca7LSyQ demanding to know if wrestling was fake]. Dr. D's response? He cuffed Stossel on the side of the head with the same power that wrestlers would normally be smacking each other, sending Stossel to the ground, and asked him "Did that feel fake?".
** Similarly, when promoting the inaugural [[Wrestlemania]], [[Hulk Hogan]] and [[Mr. T]] appeared on a talk show hosted by [[John Munch|Richard Belzer]] (yes, THAT [[Homicide: Life On the Street|Richard]] [[Law and Order|Belzer]]), who spent the entire time teasing them over the "allegedly" fake nature of wrestling. The entire time, you could see [[Mr. T]] struggling to restrain himself. Finally, Belzer goaded Hogan into trying a submission move on him. Hogan reluctantly applied a headlock, which caused Belzer to spasm, and drop unconscious (literally, he went limp and Hogan dropped him on the floor) before the show quickly cut to commercial. When they returned, Belzer was gone, but Hogan was still there, shakily trying to explain to the director that he applied the simplest hold he could think of, one that any healthy adult should have been able to handle. This either says a lot about Hogan's [[Sarcasm Mode|technical prowess]], or that Richard Belzer has never exercised a day in his life.
* In 1975, a group of wrestlers were involved in a plane crash. Johnny Valentine and Bob Bruggers had their careers ended by the crash (and the pilot of the plane died), while [[Ric Flair]], David Crockett and "Mr. Wrestling" Tim Woods eventually recovered (Flair's recovery the most astonishing of them all; doctors told him he would never be able to wrestle again, and he was back in the ring in six months). The problem with the situation was that kayfabe was still in effect at this time, and Woods was the only babyface on a plane full of heels; to make matters worse, he was even feuding with Flair and Valentine at the time. Woods used his real name in the hospital and the others tried to hide that he was there, but eventually, the rumor started to spread that he was on the plane. Two weeks later, Woods entered the ring to compete while in excruciating pain, all to "prove" that he wasn't on the plane, saving kayfabe for the time being. Flair later stated that on that day he was the man who saved professional wrestling.
* [[The Undertaker]] gets a personal off-screen CMoA for his actions after the [[Montreal Screwjob]]; after the shit had hit the fan, he pulled Shawn Michaels aside and asked him if he had anything to do with it. After getting several denials, Taker went looking for Vince, hammering on his office door until he answered. Taker then basically threatened Vince by (allegedly) telling him that "if you still want to have a company tomorrow, you'd better apologise to [[Bret Hart|Bret (Hart)]]". Given how a number of wrestlers (including Bret's brother [[Owen Hart|Owen]]) were furious at what had happened and were prepared to walk out, possibly to WCW - which might very well have completely destroyed the WWF - not only did Vince try to apologize to Bret, but Taker kept his spot on the card (instead of being buried completely) simply because he was ''that'' important to the company.
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