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It's a standard setup to have heroes race to stop the [[The Juggernaut|nigh unstoppable]] villain ''before'' he becomes all-powerful, unseals his true potential, or [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|gets released.]] However; more often than not, the [[You Can't Thwart Stage One|heroes fail]]. So, how's the average [[Farm Boy]] hero supposed to take on [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Excruciant, the Omnipotent!]] without getting turned to a fine red mist within five seconds of opening the door?
Give the baddie a Drama Preserving Handicap.
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This is often a more ideal solution than using [[Deus Exit Machina]] or randomly [[Villain Decay|depowering the character]], as it can keep him in the cast with his normal [[Power Level|power intact]]. Related tactics include [[Amnesia Danger]], [[Forgotten Phlebotinum]], and [[How Do I Shot Web?]]. This is the opposite of [[Eyepatch of Power]] and [[Disability Superpower]], where the handicap ''is'' the power. Almost every [[Enemy Civil War]] story is about this, as are a lot of [[Right Hand Versus Left Hand]] stories where the heroic factions would normally be able to beat the villains if they worked together.
[[Game-Breaking Injury]] and [[Worf Had the Flu]] are subtypes. See also [[De-Power]] and [[How to Stop Thethe Deus Ex Machina]]. Contrast [[Kryptonite-Proof Suit]].
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* Jun Misugi from ''[[Captain Tsubasa]]'' is both a brilliant player ''and'' the local [[Ill Girl|Ill Boy]].
* ''[[Bleach]]'': Orihime has the power to reject physical events in a manner characters in-universe have speculated to be akin to time-space manipulation or completely rejecting the reality of the event having ever happened. The only thing controlling this power is her personality. If she doesn't believe she can do something, she can't. If she doesn't think of trying something because she's been raised or led to believe it's impossible, she doesn't even think to try it. Her kill-attack is also kept under control by her personality which is unsuited to battle in the way other characters are {{spoiler|until she takes a third option and incorporates the kill attack into her much more powerful defensive shield, making it a pretty powerful [[Attack Reflector]] and marking her evolution from [[The Medic]] to [[Combat Medic]].}} In short, her state of mind is her major limit.
* In the Ryuuguujou arc of ''[[Gintama (Manga)|Gintama]]'', Gintoki and Katsura were turned into old men before they can see any action, by Tamebako G, a device that can turn anyone into old people. The only reliable fighters at the time was Kagura and Kyuubei, and later the rest of the main characters were turned into old people as well. Had the device never exist, the arc could have easily ended in one episode. Of course, the great moment and Gintoki's [[Rousing Speech]] will never happened as well if that's the case.
* In ''[[Ranma One Half]]'', Akane Tendo [[Game-Breaking Injury|injures her hand]] before fighting the [[Giant Mook|Dojo Destroyer]]. What should have been an easy battle for her (given the foe's fighting style) ends up putting her on the defensive, all to allow Ranma (who had run out on her earlier) to come back to help her and defeat the enemy in a single panel.
** Another deliberate instance (and even lampshaded) is found in the [[Martial Arts and Crafts|Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics]] tournament. Normally, Ranma is far, far above Kodachi's league --but the rules of the sport state that contact without use of a tool is forbidden, and thus Ranma is restricted to the use of tools instead of his own style.
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** Ranma's girl form sometimes counts, as Ranma is physically weaker as a girl. However it's usually also noted that he's faster that way too, and considering Ranma's specialty is speed, this doesn't come up unless he really needs that last extra bit of strength.
*** His biggest problem in the girl form is usually shorter reach, since as a girl his (her?) arms and legs are shorter.
* ''[[Saint Seiya]]'''s Gold Saint of the House of Virgo, Shaka, is already unbelievably powerful. But he's [[Willfully Weak|constantly handicapping himself by keeping his eyes closed]], to avoid going all-out on his enemies. The [[Five-Man Band|Bronze Saints]] are explicitely warned ''not'' to let Virgo Shaka open his eyes, for they will be doomed otherwise. {{spoiler|Naturally, Phoenix Ikki proves so resilient Shaka is forced to open his eyes and stop meditating, at which point he focuses ''all'' of his attention on swatting down the bothersome pest... and Ikki then manages to turn Shaka's own attacks agqainst him in a [[Taking You Withwith Me]].}}
* Pain vs. ''[[Naruto]]'' could have been considerably one sided in Pain's favor had he been allowed to kill Naruto instead of merely capture him alive.
** Similarly, Deidara holds back against Gaara, and except for one explosive he drops on the village to divert Gaara's attention, doesn't use many powerful bombs. When he goes up against Sasuke, whom he doesn't need to take alive, he uses powerful explosives while trying to kill him.
* Zoro of ''[[One Piece (Manga)|One Piece]]'' IS this trope. He's incredibly tough, but almost every one of his significant fights has him either injured from a previous battle, not in possession of all of his weapons or even handcuffed to a friend.
* Arcueid from ''[[Tsukihime]]'' suffered the [[Up to Eleven]] version of this--in the very first scene she appears in, she gets {{spoiler|sliced into 17 pieces}}. She did recover, but she's weakened enough that she needs {{spoiler|her "killer"'s}} help to fight.
* At one point in ''[[Gokusen]]'', [[Action Girl]] and [[Badass Teacher]] Komiko catches a nasty cold. Then she makes it worse by singlehandedly beating up an entire CLASS of delinquents (her own, incidentally). So when a repeat antagonist (whom she has swept the floor with twice already) suddenly pops up, she essentially collapses from the fever halfway through the battle.
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** Bradley is over 60 and he's still that hard to beat. {{spoiler|Scar only won because he was half dead already.}} Not to mention {{spoiler|he WOULD have killed him if not for the sun, and even then [[Dying Moment of Awesome|he almost killed Scar by stabbing him using his broken sword held with his TEETH]].}}
** Envy's shape-shifting could have become a [[Story-Breaker Power]] in the more cloak-and-dagger portions of the plot, of which there are many. Good thing Envy doesn't pay much attention to detail... or have much control over [[Hair-Trigger Temper|its temper]] or [[Kick the Dog|its desire to punt puppies]].
** Hohenheim is limited by ethics. {{spoiler|At the outset, he was ''exactly as powerful as Father'', if what the latter said about how he had split the souls evenly between them was accurate, but actually using that power would have required using the tormented souls of his destroyed civilization [[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child|as an energy source]]. After taking ''centuries'' to get to know ''every single one'' of his souls, he's even ''more'' powerful because they're all working in concert, but by then Father has increased his own power.}}
* Goku from ''[[Saiyuki]]'' could beat nearly every enemy they have to fight if he took off his power limiter, however this also results in him attacking anything that moves. Hakkai too is very powerful without his limiters but can't remove them often thanks to the minus wave, and at least partly not wanting to.
* Mad hatter from ''[[Pandora Hearts]]'' would negate the rest of pandora completely as it can destroy anything from the abyss, however Break coughs up blood and keels over nearly everytime he uses it so he can't do it too often.
* In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'', Joey would have actually beaten Marik if not for the fact it was a Shadow Duel that made him pass out from the pain.
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'': Because Sanosuke would [[Curb Stomp Battle]] almost any opponent not at Kenshin or Saitou's level with his new technique, it manages to put immense strain on his hand so he has trouble facing foes weaker than he's been fighting.
* Pretty much everyone in ''[[Soul Eater]]'' has this. Black Star has his horrible showboating which prevents him from being a good assassin. Death the Kid has his symmetry fetish. Stein has his insanity. Free, who is an immortal werewolf with the eye of the most powerful witch alive manages to stop himself in his first appearance, not to mention purposefully getting himself locked up in prison for 200 years. Shinigami is tied to one spot.... The list is pretty much endless...
* Kazuya, arguably the main protagonist of ''[[Freezing]]'' has the unique ability to use talents like a [[Barrier Warrior|Limiter]] without... well, limitations, including dispelling other Limiter's Freezing abilities and applying his own, which... well, freezes just about anyone in place. Unlike every other Limiter, he does not need to be linked to a [[Hot Amazon]] Pandora in order to use his abilities. Moreover, his power is considered significantly stronger than any other Limiter shown thus far, overpowering top-ranked and multiple limiters at any time. This should allow him to settle just about any problem in an instant, but he constantly seems to forget his powers even exist, to the point it drastically affects the storyline. And that's when he's around or left conscious during a fight.
* In ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', [[The Medic|Yellow]], among her arsenal of powers, can [[Super Empowering|boost her Pokemon's strength by roughly fifty levels]]. There are two reasons why she's unable to curb stomp anyone in her way: 1) [[Achilles Heel|using her powers makes her drowsy rather quickly]] and 2) she has to be properly motivated. As she is a [[Martial Pacifist]] who prefers healing to fighting, this comes rather hard to her.
* Another ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]'' example, this time from the anime. Ash could easily beat the Cerulean Gym if he used Pikachu, but he's facing Misty and Pikachu doesn't want to battle her, so he's forced to use his non-Electric Pokemon.
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* [[Batman]] pretty much ''is'' this trope. Think of how often he comes into contact with all sorts of alien technology, high-tech outfit technology, and super-scientists with all sorts of awesome nonlethal crimefighting gadgets...and consider that he still uses mostly what he can make himself. He's either incredibly arrogant or incredibly thick in order to perpetuate the [[Rule of Drama]].
** One reason given for this is that Batman doesn't want to rely on something that he doesn't know that won't go out of control. Alien technology can be manipulated by aliens, foreign tech could be a trap, and if anything happened to that tech he would be at a serious disadvantage. And given that he's a billionaire, he could make anything that he needs.
* [[Superman (Comic Book)|Superman]] can type a hundred ''pages'' a minute, and do any number of other tasks at super-speed. But he can't fight at super-speed. The in-universe explanation for this is that he [[World of Cardboard Speech|holds back to keep from injuring anyone else]]. [[Invincible Hero|The]] ''[[Invincible Hero|real]]'' [[Invincible Hero|explanation for it is simply that someone with the strength of the Hulk and the speed of the Flash could never even be challenged, let alone defeated.]]
** The real reason becomes especially evident when the villains with Superman's powers, who have no reason to hold back, also face the same problem.
* [[Spawn]] has a suit of Necroplasm that pretty much lets him do anything. However, he's only got 9999 units of power, and when they're gone, he's dragged to hell. When the creators stopped keeping track of how much power he had left, it became an [[Informed Flaw]] and drama was no longer preserved.
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** The exact same thing also happens in the book, but the fact that it's related to the other characters after the fact rather than being described in the narrative prevents it from functioning as a [[Drama-Preserving Handicap]].
* ''[[Superman Returns]]'' had Luthor threaten Superman and the lives of everyone in the North Atlantic with a [[Apocalypse How|Type 0-1]] disaster by creating a giant Kryptonite island, stabbing supes with Kryptonite (and lodging a piece of it inside of him), letting his goons beat him up, and finally [[Left for Dead|dumping him into the ocean.]] Yet still, Supes manages to lob the island into space and fly back to a Metropolis ICU. It's [[Like You Would Really Do It|arguable whether this worked for the viewers]].
* In [[Disney Animated Canon]]'s ''[[Peter Pan (Disney film)|Peter Pan]]'', Hook calls Pan a coward for flying away instead of facing him man to man. He gives his word to not fly and they fight. Although Hook gets the upper hand, Peter wins the day with his agility and quick wit.
* In ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'', the plan is to stop the completion of the second Death Star. When it all goes to hell, it's revealed that the Death Star's [[Wave Motion Gun|superlaser]] is already operational, at which point it starts picking off the Rebel Alliance's capital ships one shot at a time. Lando Calrissian then suggests engaging the Imperial Fleet directly in ship-to-ship combat, correctly guessing that the Death Star would hold its fire to avoid destroying friendly ships.
* In ''[[Rocky Balboa]]'' the odds of the fight between the current champ, the youngster Mason Dixon and the pushing "50" Italian Stallion is evened when Dixon breaks his dominant hand in the second round. Dixon chooses to put his career at risk and has to go the distance with a star that's [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|powered by a chanting crowd of baby boomers]]
* It's pretty clear in ''[[Gladiator (Filmfilm)|Gladiator]]'' that Maximus would utterly destroy Commodus in anything resembling a fair fight. So, Commodus invokes this trope with a dagger to Maximus' lung before they go out to duel in the Colosseum. Commodus ''still'' never lands a blow on him, but it at least looks like Maximus is working hard.
* In ''[[Thor (Filmfilm)|Thor]]'', the hero gets stripped of his power for being a [[Jerk Jock]]. Even after regaining them, he is reluctant to use his full power against {{spoiler|his brother}}.
* In both ''[[Iron Man (Filmfilm)|Iron Man]]'' movies, Tony is weakened before the final battle. In the first, his improved arc reactor is removed and he's forced to use the inferior prototype, severely limiting the suit's power. In the second, he uses up his best weapon on the Hammeroids before he fights Vanko.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' had a first season episode featuring a living ventriloquist dummy named Sid. They both think the other is the bad guy, but a wooden dummy versus the slayer is not so much an [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny]] as it is a curbstomp. So the writers specifically had Sid [[Falling Chandelier of Doom|drop a chandelier on Buffy]] so that she was restricted and he had somewhat of a fighting chance.
** In Season 6, Willow's power grows immensely, way before she {{spoiler|nearly destroys the world}}. But in Season 7, where she could use it to solve many if not most of the Scoobies' problems, she {{spoiler|won't because she was afraid of the dark power}}.
*** Willow was pretty powerful in Season 7, but the reason she was so powerful at the end of Season 6 was because {{spoiler|she absorbed a metric fuckton of magic and transformed into her [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]}}. Without that, she wasn't much stronger then at the end of Season 5, when she could barely manage to hurt [[Physical God|Glory]].
** A particularly satisfying example was the demon known as the Judge, whose DPH was disguised as an ancient threat: [[No Man of Woman Born|"no weapon forged can kill him."]] {{spoiler|As Buffy points out, "That was then; this is now." And she blows him apart with a rocket launcher.}}
*** Technically that still held true. He was blown up but didn't die. Were his pieces to be put back together he could reassemble and carry on. Angel took a piece of the Judge to a place where the Sun is always shining so that no vampires could get it.
* In ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]],'' Peter was given a severe handicap in Season 2 in the form of total amnesia about himself and his powers. Because, y'know, having someone who can [[Mind Probe|read minds]] and [[Time Travel]] would kind of kill the plot if the person were competent.
** Sylar got hit with this one, too; being powerless for the whole second season (we ultimately find out it's due to a virus). He's better as of season 3, but [[Word of God]] says that he lost all the extra powers he had up to that point (keeping only telekinesis) and had to start acquiring new powers from scratch.
* In the season six finale of ''[[NCIS (TV)|NCIS]]'', viewers find out {{spoiler|1=DiNozzo survived a fight with Mossad assassin Michael Rivkin because Rivkin was drunk}}.
* Sam, the [[Reaper (TV)|Reaper]], had had {{spoiler|his hand broken right before he could beat the Devil in a game of coin-tossing and win his soul back. By an angel, no less!}}. Although the drama was preserved just fine, it turned out to no purpose, as it was the last episode before the show got cancelled.
* Some of the [[Sixth Ranger|sixth rangers]] of [[Power Rangers]] get this. For example the first Green Ranger was shown to be able to fight the Red Ranger to a standstill and even take on the entire team at once. Then Rita used the Green Candle to sap his powers, forcing him to stay on the sidelines unless he was really needed. The [[Power Rangers ZEOZeo|Gold Ranger]] and [[Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue|Titanium Ranger]] had similar disabilities.
* In the ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' episode "Mommy Dearest" the villain Eve is able to suppress Castiel's angelic powers, effectively turning him into a normal human. He gets them back after Eve is killed by Dean, and proceeds to wipe out all of her remaining [[Mooks]] in about three seconds.
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== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Golden Sun (Video Game)|Golden Sun]]'', the heroes are able to fight Saturos (previously a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]) in the water tower, since the tower weakens his magic, and strengthens the water mage (who he is weak against).
* In ''[[Super Smash Bros (Video Game)|Super Smash Bros]]. Brawl'', the final boss has an attack that instantly turns all of the heroes into trophies a little while before the final battle. Right before the battle begins, {{spoiler|Sonic}} appears and attacks the boss's wings, weakening this attack considerably (though it's still almost a OHKO).
* In ''[[Metal Gear Solid (Video Game)|Metal Gear Solid]]'', {{spoiler|Gray Fox}}'s [[Redemption Equals Death|last heroic deed]] is to take out Metal Gear REX's exterior vision modes, forcing the pilot to open the cockpit in order to see and giving Snake a legitimate weak point to fire at.
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' often does this to justify players being able to kill a certain [[Big Bad]]. Some raid bosses have been weakened by another force, sometimes NPC's join the fight on the players' side, and some quests give you an item that will turn an elite mob into a normal one.
** Many of the hardmodes and achievements require you not to activate the handicap and still win the fight.
* In ''[[Dungeons and Dragons Online (Video Game)|Dungeons and Dragons Online]]'', there is a very early quest, where you are level 1 or 2, where you destroy a crystal, which was allowing a mind-flayer to control a dragon. This is a clever way to allow a low level player to defeat enemies which otherwise would curb stomp the PC in one blow.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Sluggy Freelance (Webcomic)|Sluggy Freelance]]'', you'd think Torg having a sword that can kill anything with one strike would make him pretty much unbeatable against the various aliens and demons he comes up against. It has a double-catch, however, since it (a) needs to [[Powered Byby a Forsaken Child|feed on the blood of the innocent]] to gain that power, and (b) depending on the enemy, will need to hit a specific part of their body in order to kill them. (Fortunately, unpowered, it's still a pretty sharp normal sword that will work against non-superpowered opponents.)
* ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|Order of the Stick]]''
** Ultra-powerful post-splice Vaarsuvius is literally the most powerful mage to have ever existed...as long as he/she holds on to the splices. Good thing one of them slips away BEFORE the elf goes to fight the [[Big Bad]], Xykon, or else the series would have ended in a curb stomp.
** Also happens repeatedly during [[Evil Counterpart|Linear Guild]] confrontations, as [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] by Roy [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0834.html here]. Roy seems to be outright [[Defied Trope|defying]] the trope in that comic, but it ends up being played straight again a dozen strips later, when the Linear Guild attacks immediately after Vaarsuvius is incapacitated by a trap.
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== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Danny Phantom]]'', Danny uses the [[Power Nullifier|specter deflector]] on Vlad to weaken him to make it a fair fight. Later episodes show them pummeling each other on equal terms due to Danny's [[Character Development]].
* ''[[Superman: theThe Animated Series]]'' and ''[[Justice League]]'' weakened Superman severely so he couldn't curb stomp everything and the other members of the league could be useful. This also gave most supervillains a (vague) chance against him, since he felt pain from most attacks (more [[Heroic Willpower]] than [[Nigh Invulnerability]].)
** ''[[Superman: theThe Animated Series]]'' used [[Kryptonite Factor]] [[Kryptonite Is Everywhere|everywhere]] of course. They also used the Parasite to [[Added Alliterative Appeal|sap Supes' strength]], and in one episode they removed yellow sunlight so [[Gadgeteer Genius|Luminus]] could fight [[Brought Down to Normal|Superman]] one-on-one.
** He did receive a major buff at ''[[Justice League]]'' season 2, since so many fans complained he became a superwimp. He can still be physically exhausted (see "Secret Society") but it takes a LOT more effort.
** And of course it was eventually revealed that he was [[World of Cardboard Speech|inhibited the whole time]] out of [[Your Worst Nightmare|fear of hurting others]].
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