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* [[The Big Guy]]: Chumley is a Class 3, with Class 5 tendencies. As the male Trolls have found that being Big and Dumb tends to land them lucrative jobs as hired muscle, the entire male half of his race consists of Class 3 Big Guys.
* [[Brick Joke]]: In "M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link", the brick needed several chapters to land. Briefly, it's about a worker's union in a factory.
* [[Call a Rabbit Aa Smeerp]]: Skeeve's native world has such combination animals as spider-bears or fox-squirrels, but Skeeve is baffled by such mundane animals as cows.
* [[Cats Are Magic]]: Lampshaded in one of the books: "Cats and computers can work through dimensions."
* [[Chain of Deals]]: This is how Deveels make their fortunes.
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** A couple of firearms do appear in the later books, but are generally ineffectual or introduced purely for the incongruity.
** On Klah even demons use crossbows due to [[Masquerade]] and possibly logistics, though not everyone's too picky to use heat-seeking quarrels. Pookie was rather amused by crossbows and had something different on Perv. Then again, magic staves can send downrange all sorts of nasty things.
* [[Finger in Thethe Mail]]: In ''M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link'', {{spoiler|Skeeve gets a finger in the mail; the ring on it is one of the linking rings he used on King Roderick and Queen Hemlock, initially leading him to believe she cut off her own finger so she could kill the king and pursue her ambitions. Later in the series, we learn it's Roderick's finger, he died of natural causes, and Hemlock sent it to show she figured out that the rings were bupkis and that she still wanted Skeeve.}}
* [[Foreshadowing]]: In ''Myth-Chief'', in which Aahz and Skeeve compete over who gets to be M.Y.T.H. Inc.'s new president, Guido accidentally {{spoiler|calls Bunny "boss"}}. Guess who ends up getting the job...
* [[From a Single Cell]]: In one of the comics, Isstvan gets blown up by a spell, and then rather squishily reconstitutes.
* [[Fur Against Fang]]: In one dimension Skeeve visits, vampires are urbanites who look down on werewolves as country bumpkins.
* [[Gayngster]]: Don Bruce, the Mob's "fairy Godfather". Skeeve suspects, of course, but it's not confirmed until the books from Guido's point of view.
* [[Genie in Aa Bottle]]: Skeeve meets one of these, a Djin from the dimension Djinger. They are only three inches tall, and hire themselves out for Bottle Duty because their entire dimension is in debt. They tend to be a bit short on Phenomenal Cosmic Powers, though, despite what the salesmen say.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Chumley is a rather highly educated troll, but goes by the workname of Big Crunch, mainly because most available jobs require dumb muscle instead of smart muscle.
** Guido and Nunzio also count, but not quite as much. See [[Big Guy]] above.
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* [[Guile Hero]]: Aahz. In the early novels especially, there are very few problems that he isn't able to simply talk his way out of.
** Asprin pointed out in an afterword that the inspiration for Aahz and Skeeve was an all-night marathon of the Hope & Crosby ''[[Road To]] ...'' series.
* [[Heir Club for Men]]: Don Bruce tried to play matchmaking with Bunny and Skeeve, considering Skeeve as a potential heir. As to [[Zig -Zagging Trope|exactly how successful this attempt was]]...
* [[Hostage Spirit Link]]: Skeeve sets up {{spoiler|King Roderick and Queen Hemlock}} with unremovable magic rings, claiming that if one of them dies, so does the other, all in an attempt to keep both of them in line (and from killing one another). {{spoiler|He was bluffing; they're just normal unremovable rings. The bluff works but several books later, Hemlock catches on when Roderick dies of natural causes and nothing happens to her.}}
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: Oh Lord, yes... usually ranking F4 or F5. Fortunately, they tend to be a bit more highbrow than similar storm systems in ''[[Xanth (Literature)|Xanth]]'', so your head isn't ''as'' likely to explode.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Denizens of Perv are called Pervects. One would be wise not to forget this, lest one be the subject of percussive education. Pervert, it is explained, is actually a racial slur.
* [[Interdimensional Travel Device]]: The D-Hopper is used throughout the series to get to different universes.
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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]
* [[Long Running Book Series]]
* [[Lost Him in Aa Card Game]]: {{spoiler|Subverted. This was deliberately done on the orders of the "child" in question so as to infiltrate the hero's household.}}
* [[The Magic Poker Equation]]: Justified in ''Little Myth Marker'', as Skeeve has no skill or knowledge of the game in question, betting everything on the first hand without even looking at the cards. By reducing the game to what amounts to a coin flip, he renders skill irrelevant.
* [[Masochist's Meal]]: ''All'' of Pervian food. According to Aahz: "The biggest problem with Pervian food is to keep it from crawling away from your dish while you are eating it..."
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* [[Vocal Dissonance]]: Nunzio's a big man described with a tiny voice.
* [[Watering Down]]: The book ''M.Y.T.H. Inc. In Action'' features Mob enforcer Guido discussing this phenomena, noting it's a way for the bar owner to make more money off less product, and his customers don't mind because less alcohol per glass makes the drink "healthier".
* [[We Are Asas Mayflies]]: Skeeve's human lifespan is occasionally mentioned as being very short by Aahz's standards.
* [[We Sell Everything]]: The Deva Bazaar... which, by the way, consists of the ''entire planet''.
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: As a magic-user, Skeeve only knows a handful of basic spells. Nevertheless, he's able to use these ([[Guile Hero|along with copious amounts of cunning, negotiation, and B.S.]]) to get the reputation of a sorcerous demi-god.
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