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'''Price''': ''Don't even think about it'', mate! We're in this together! }}
* The fate of the Czech people in MW3. Think about it; they overcame decades of Soviet oppression, including the Warsaw Pact invasion in '68, and barely managed to come out okay in the end. Then, long after the fall of the USSR, Makarov comes along and launches his invasion of Europe, which manages to brutalise the Czechs worse in a few days than the whole damn Soviet occupation did the first time around. It's not hard to imagine being an older citizen and breaking down in tears at the sight of [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111117132842/callofduty/images/f/ff/Praha.png a Soviet banner] once again flying over Prague. This, coupled with the more obvious sights of the Ultranationalists brutally murdering civilians left and right in the Prague missions, really makes you feel for the Resistance.
* From ''[[Call of Duty: Black Ops (Video Game)|Black Ops]]'', Payback. Payback Payback Payback. I cried watching a ''walkthrough''.
* If you listen closely during the background chatter during "Of Their Own Accord," you can hear a report from a pair of A-10 Warthogs who are being called in to [[Gunship Rescue|destroy a group of T-72s attacking a building with a large number of civilians in it.]] They charge in and open fire, and [[Heroic Sacrifice|get shot down by Russian anti-air weapons.]] The hammerblow comes right after, where the American spotters calling in the strafing run report [[Senseless Sacrifice|the A-10s had no effect, and the T-72s are blowing up the building.]] Then [[Mission Control|Overlord]] comes on and tells the spotters to retreat, because they don't have any more aircraft, and can't do anything else to save those people.
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