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* Ed Bloom in ''[[Big Fish]]''.
* ''Door to Door'' was a [[Made for TV Movie]] starring [[William H Macy]] as a traveling salesman with cerebral palsy.
* Todd Woods in ''[[Duets (Film)|Duets]]'' is a traveling salesman who gives up his current life to compete in a cross-country karaoke competition.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Besides the more famous [[Lord Peter Wimsey]], [[Dorothy L. Sayers]] also wrote some stories about [[Montague Egg]], a traveling wine salesman who played detective.
* The first book in ''[[The Great Brain]]'' series had a story about a Jewish travelling peddler who decided to settle down and open a store in Adenville; he died of starvation because business was so slow. Because he was the only Jew around, he didn't have anyone to look out for him or check up on him or anything.
* In [[Stephen King]]'s ''[[The Dead Zone]]'', politican Greg Stillson used to be one in his youth, selling Bibles and books about a Communist-Jewish conspiracy against America. And indeed, once he made it a [[Farmers Daughter]].
* Al Phee in [[Spider Robinson]]'s ''[[Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (Literature)|"Did You Hear The One About..."]]'' was a con artist posing as an "Intergalactic Travelling Salesman", until he's taken down by a Farmer's Daughter. Specifically [[Time Police|time cop]] Josie Bauer, [[Stealth Pun|the daughter of]] [[Philip Jose Farmer]].
== [[Theatre]] ==
* Harold Hill of ''[[The Music Man]]'' is a [[Snake Oil Salesman]] who fits the lecherous part of the trope (until he becomes a [[Ladykiller in Love]]). Other traveling salesmen (including the villain, the anvil-toting Charlie Cowell) hate Harold for giving their profession a bad name, because when they visit towns Hill has just left, the populace generally assume they are con artists as well and give them a less than welcoming reception (read: tar and feather them).
* Ali Hakim, the peddler in ''[[Oklahoma]]''.
* Paris in ''[[The Golden Apple (Theatre)|The Golden Apple]]'' travels by balloon.
* Willy Loman, the eponymous character of ''[[Death of a Salesman]]''.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* [[Daffy Duck]] played one in "The Stupor Salesman".
* The Flim Flam Brothers from [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]. It's implied that they travel from town to town to sell their products (in this case, a giant cider-making machine on wheels). In an interesting subversion, it's also implied that they tend to simply stay in town for as long as they can exploit it, rather than migrating constantly, as indicated by their desire to either work with Sweet Apple Acres (in a rather predatory manner) or put it out of business and take over the local cider market (in a similarly predatory manner).
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