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* [[Aerith and Bob]]: Among our colorful cast, we have weird names like Kayron, Jow'son, Naara and Jiju. On the normal side, Robert, Simon, Ramirez, Ventura, and Jack.
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: In one sidequest, you have to blow up a bunch of malfunctioning satellites of the [[Fun Withwith Acronyms|"N.O.M.A.D" series]]. When you engage them, they scream "We are N.O.M.A.D! Resistance is futile!" as a [[Battle Cry]]. Doubles as a [[Shout-Out]] to the Borg from ''[[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]]''.
* [[Aliens Speaking English]]: At some point in the past the Terran language became the standard spoken language for all empires. Most races still use their written language in-game.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: The manual contains detailed backgrounds on each of the game's races.
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* [[Casual Interstellar Travel]]: For the most part, it would seem like this, with only pirate ambush parties to break the peace.
* [[Catastrophic Countdown]]: Used in Bronis' Arms Factory. After taking out the main generator, Eona exclaims that the place will explode at any minute. While a short cutscene plays as the Darkstar makes for the exit, several minor explosions start to line the corridor.
* [[Chain -Reaction Destruction]]: Most larger enemies, like cruisers or pirate hideouts, exhibit this. Taken [[Up to Eleven]] with Bronis' Factory and {{spoiler|the S'kaa Mothership.}}
* Cloudcuckoolander: In one sidequest, aptly named "Two Wacky Terrans," you meet two guys called Danny and Brad who had gotten themselves in trouble with an Arrack smuggler. Brad tells you in the briefing that they need your help in case the "very nasty guys" pull a fast one, but when the true nature of the situation is learnt, he slips up in negotiations (by trying to pin their crime on you) and the smugglers open fire.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Sort of. The nebulae in the background of systems owned by different races is usually a certain color. Played straight in Bronis' Factory.
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* [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]]: The Thul, a clan of human women obsessed with perfection, use nanotechnology and enhansive implants to improve their overall condition. The Terran government had possibly thought that this would cause the Thul to rebel, and had exiled them to the depths of space. Their negative view on non-Thul races probably doesn't help.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Kayron's father, Simon Jarvis, is long dead at the beginning of the game. After the first story mission, Kayron finds out more about his father's death, which sets the stage for the main storyline. Also, absolutely nothing is mentioned about Kayron's [[Missing Mom|mother.]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: {{spoiler|In the mission where you search for the Thul cruiser that was encountered in an earlier mission, Hornblower finds the cloaked warship, which then uncloaks and shreds his ship in seconds.}}
* [[Escort Mission]]: Many story missions and sidequests are this. You can also sign up as an escort pilot for a freighter.
* [[Exposition Fairy]]: Eona, your erstwhile copilot.
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** Same for pirate gangs and occupied systems. In the former, you fight a three-phase battle, with each phase being progressively difficult. The fight kicks off with a swarm of ordinary pirate Mooks, whose numbers range from four to eight. Next, you fight the Boss's bodyguards, whose numbers range from one to three. Last but not least, you fight the Boss, who is [[Boss in Mook Clothing|far stronger than his lackeys by comparison.]]
** Occupied systems are much more difficult than pirate gangs, because its all too easy to be swarmed if you get careless, and then become an instant [[Bullet Hell]]. You fight three waves of pirates, whose total number usually includes fifteen fighters. If you survive, you are rewarded with a tidy sum of credits and an artifact for the Darkstar.
* [[My Brain Is Big]]: The Oc'to are to this game as the Psilons were to ''[[Master of Orion (Video Game)|Master of Orion]]''. They indulge in many fields of science and philosophy, and have made many radical advances and achievements, ranging from teaching quantum mechanics to young children to cloning matter.
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]]: The Darkstar One's ultimate ability, the Plasma Shield, renders the ship invulnerable against any sort of damage. The same shielding is used by {{spoiler|The S'kaa Mothership.}}
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: In one story mission, you go to an Arrack system that was devastated by a savage war, in search of a Thul cruiser. The system is within a massive [[Asteroid Thicket]] of scrap metal, there are shipwrecks all around and the planet is a sickly pinkish color. The effect is greater if you come back after the mission, where you're all alone with nothing besides wreckage to keep you company.
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* [[Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale]]
* [[Shiny-Looking Spaceships]]: Any ship or station owned by the Thul, except for Thul Pirates, whose hull is a rusty brown instead of shiny chrome.
* [[Shout-Out]]: In two sidequests involving you destroying some rogue satellites and a space-mad Thul cruiser, respectively, said targets utter [[Battle Cry|Battle Cries]] that reference [[Star Trek (Franchise)|the Borg.]]
* [[Sliding Scale of Linearity vs. Openness]]: In order to travel to another star system, you will need the "key" to the system and it must be within your Field Drive's maximum range. Most keys are obtained upon entering a system, and some are rewarded in sidequests. By the end of the game, should you have gotten all of the [[MacGuffin|artifacts]] and beaten every sidequest, you should be able reach every system on the map.
* [[Snake Talk]]: The Raptors exhibit this, naturally. Eona once mocked their Snake Talk in a sidequest where you fight three Raptor cruisers.
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** In two parts of the game, you defend a research station from a drone attack by using the station's defense turret. Doubles as [[That One Level]] due to the turrets pathetic HP and energy reserves, and the massive amounts of enemies.
** Before these, there was a story mission where you had to fly through a canyon to blow up a shield generator protecting Kabro's hideout. As Ramirez reminds you, your ship will handle differently on a planet's surface. Sadly, this is the only time you ever go onto a planet.
* [[Vast Bureaucracy]]: The Arrack's government is this trope, to the point where it could rival that of the [[The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy (Literaturenovel)|Vogons]]. Most of their dialogue will include references to their civil code, such as "...In accordance with Directive X, Paragraph Y, Subsection Z." There's probably more paperwork involved in their government than there are offenses to the Raptor gods.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: The aforementioned Raptors speak in [[Snake Talk]]. The Arrack, being obsessed with their dogmatic civil code, mention a passage from said code in nearly every piece of their dialogue.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment]]: Criminal acts will earn you a spot on the wanted list, and if your crime record is at the highest, everyone in the systems that you offended will attack you, and there's a chance that a cruiser will appear if you stay too long. Doing too many criminal acts can negatively impact you in the long run. Smuggling makes patrol ships scan your cargo more often, piracy makes bounty hunters and freighters attack you, and killing civilians will make a wing of patrol ships follow you wherever you go.
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