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** That's an interesting question. It begs the question of whether moe anthropomorphism is caused by [http://wiki.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?title=Magath Magaths] who ate a spirit of something completely different from them but then manipulated their idea back into the world and reclaimed their identity. One can imagine a [[wikipedia:BigDog|BigDog]] spirit eating a femininity spirit and turning into [http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7872/bigdog.jpg this thing]. On the other hand, maybe moe anthropomorphisation is just expanding the sphere of influence of spirits and keeping them from becoming Magaths. In that case, moe anthropomorphisation is preventing cancer!
** You should be aware that [[Moe Anthropomorphism]] is not nearly as popular as [[TV Tropes]] would make you think.
*** I don't know what TV Tropes suggests about how popular it is... but it is pretty popular. It hasn't hit the mainstream deeply yet, but you can find Moe Anthropomorphic art of everything from browsers to [[O Ses]] to [[Big Dog]] to a weird barely-anthropomorphic deer in a yellow swimsuit. And [[Catgirl|Cat Girls]] and other [[Petting Zoo People]] are moe anthropomorphization of animals, and cats and bunnies at least ''have'' become relatively mainstream. There's even entire manga and anime about [[Moe Anthropomorphism]]. ''[[Chobits (Manga)|Chobits]]'' revolves around what are essentially Moe Anthropomorphized PCs, ''[[Akikan]]'' is Moe Anthropomorphic cans, and there are probably more I'm not aware of.
*** The examples you gave are either Japanese (properties or art from Japan) or from people inspired by Japanese trends who made their own Moe Anthropomorphs, Kemonomimi (people with animal ears/tail, ect) included. This hardly makes them universal, and I believe the second-most above comment meant "popular" in the sense of "common outside a specific type of fan/fandom" which as we know isn't exactly the standard for gaging what is normal, common, and/or generally accepted. The only exception might be Furries, the fandom of which sprung up long before Japan was trendy; however, they are less Moe Anthropomorphs than their Eastern cousins the catgirls (puppygirls, wolf-girls, kitsune, ect).
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** Did you read the part where that's a rumor? At all? Also, note that the rumor about the blood of fetch-children being poisonous to the Fae makes just as little sense. And yet the two rumors complement each other — it would make sense for a fetch-spawn to be inimical to the Fae in ''some'' manner, sinkholes of Glamour that they are, just as it would make sense that fetch-children might have something significant happen involving the Hedge at some point in their lives, living Hedge-keys that they are. It seems to be intended as a deliberate blurring of the lines between the two rumored offspring of fetches.
*** What's more, it would sort of fit into the blatantly contradictory nature of the True Fae anyhow.
* In ''[[Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)|Changeling: The Lost]]'', the [[Karma Meter|Clarity Meter]] is said to measure the Changeling's ability to walk the fine line between the two worlds of Earth and Arcadia, and degeneration comes less because of any particular morals and more because of sudden reawakenings of buried mental traumas (impassioned, impulsive crimes reminding the Changeling of the cruelly mercurial Others that enslaved them, for example) or disruptions to their delicate balance between their human and fae selves. In theory, this makes sense and is all well and good; [[Werewolf: The Forsaken|Werewolves]] have similar reasons for using Harmony instead of Morality. In '''practice''', however, the Clarity meter comes off as punishing the Changeling for using their faerie side at all. At the highest levels of Clarity, the changeling is forbidden from entering the Hedge, dreamwalking, using magic items or tokens, or even choosing to attend to faerie-related matters over attending to human-related matters (for example, brushing off a date with a human girl to go and stop a hobgoblin rampaging through the streets).
** Did you happen to pay any attention to the parts where it mentions that high Clarity is just as problematic as low Clarity for different reasons? Or that fae matters are notoriously bad for sanity? Or that Clarity is basically a [[Sanity Meter]]? The Lost need stability if they're to maintain their Clarity, and faestuff is bad for that -- hell, low Clarity actually ''benefits'' some rolls involving fae magic. It's a choice you make. Wyrd, like all the other supernatural power stats in [[Wo D]], is not equivalent to "levels" á là ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''; you can always spend your experience on other things. Werewolves use Harmony because ''they're not human.'' Changelings use Clarity as a gauge to ''keep their human side relevant.'' If you're spending experience on high Clarity and continuing to favor fae matters over human concerns, you really don't have room to complain.
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