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*** No, because John Smith isn't even Kyon's real name.
*** It could be, theoretically. Kyon's name is never explicitly stated, and WMG has some theories about how that could be his real name.
*** But [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]] and [[Suzumiya Haruhi]] can't take place in the same universe, because the art is so different.
**** That's because Haruhi and Kyon are little kids compared to Light and L, they see the world differently. Haruhi could have made Shinigami and Death Notes ''always'' exist!
*** Also, it wouldn't stop existing. Haruhi didn't ''create'' the world; she simply ''changed'' it. I believe that's either really obvious or specified in canon (obvious because several characters point out how it isn't possible for her to have created it, and something Yuki said made me think she'd definitely changed it in some way, but Yuki didn't know if it'd all been rewritten or not.)
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*** Strange, never really noticed that one. I suppose you can use a layman's term since the Death Note seems to operate so long as it can understand the writer's intent. I supposed you could cause a person to die years later with this method. Anyone see any way around this?
**** I would also assume that the disease would progress as rapidly as possible, since the death note seems not to waste any time. For example, Light kills Aiber with liver cancer in the anime and the progression is at LEAST faster than the 2-year timeskip.
**** Does that mean you could write "die of Asbestos poisoning" and [[Portal (Video Gameseries)|die 44.6 years later?]]
** Given that I think the official name for "heart attack" is something like "cardiac arrest" and "heart attack" works, I'm guessing the layman's name is fine.
*** You never have to write out "heart attack." You can just write "Old Miss - dies in 23 days" and a heart attack is already on its way.
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** Chosen at random, or by random means, is still chosen.
** [[Rouge Angles of Satin|"Rouge shinigami"]]? That makes the red/blue symbolism make so much more sense.
** Fate? Or maybe it's just a over-dramatic way of relating the events (and if there is one trope [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]] loves, it's [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]).
* If I wrote a cause of death that is possible but extremely unlikely would it work? Say I wrote "Bob Smith: head explodes", would it be the same as if I wrote "Bob Smith: brain is infected with methane producing bacteria and while he is standing in a hot place the methane ignites causing his head to explode"?
** No. The bacteria thing is a "detail" of death. If it is not physically possible for Bob's head to just explode in the next 6 minutes 40 seconds, Bob will have a heart attack. As stated above, the Note is not very creative.
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** Well, it's almost impossible to commit suicide by that method, so it'd probably default to a heart attack.
*** If the victim had the means and state of mind, It could trigger the victim to set off a massive [[Xanatos Gambit]] ending in the stated consequences.
**** Suicide by attacking someone known to be armed with a knife? Kind of like [[Suicide Byby Cop]], but more convoluted.
** Alternately, the fell powers of the Death Note would keep the victim alive just long enough to live out all the details (you'd be surprised what you can live through) before ultimately falling victim to the stated cause.
*** How does one commit suicide from within a shark?
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** Explicitly left vague in canon.
* When controlling the actions of someone prior to their death, it has to be something the person would reasonably think or be able to do. So, when one of the criminals Light controls is made to write "Love I've never known/And dessert is always apples? This is no life, I'm better off dead." does that mean there's a prison that only serves apples or something?
** [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|It's symbolic,]] the apples are a reference to the [[The Bible (Literature)|Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil]], dessert symbolizes something one desires. The criminal is saying that even when he gets what he wants he realizes he's evil and needs to be killed.
** The criminal was physically able to write those words, so the Note forced him to do it. You don't need to understand or have an existing reason to do something that the Note will compel you to do, it only needs to be reasonably physically possible.
*** Not so. One of Light's early tests was to get a criminal to write "I know L suspects the Japanese police," which failed because he couldn't write about something he wouldn't think.
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** Furthermore, as noted above, ''...if it manipulates a persons actions prior to death, it must be possible for the person to perform those actions, either physically or mentally."'' If the target didn't actually know (i.e. have a conscious mental awareness of) L's name himself, he probably wouldn't be able to write it.
*** But the targets in the prison didn't know the Shinigami eat apples message, yet spelled it out correctly. Clearly it just has to be possible. My personal favorite phrasing of this is "stabs self in artery, which causes the blood to coincidentally write out a full and complete proof of Fermat's last theorem. Or, if you want to be more plausible, "a sudden brain tumor gives unparalleled abilities as a mathematical savant, driving them to write a full and complete proof of X, and, when finished, commit suicide."
**** The targets in the prison didn't write that shinigami eat apples, at least, not in the same message. It was broken up "L do you know/Gods of death/Love apples?" Which is possible, because it's in three separate messages (and the first word of the first one was actually 'Lord.') L just interpreted it as being aimed at him. Light also attempted to do something a little more likely "Draws L's face on the wall before dying," but since the guy didn't know what L looked like, it didn't happen, even though it ''could'' have happened. Therefore, not only does it have to be possible, it has to be ''reasonably likely'' too. Writing say "[[User:Wulf]] goes to TVTropes.org, contributes to the [[Just Bugs Me]] page for [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]], and dies of a heart attack before hitting send" would work, but not "[[User:Wulf]] slips in the kitchen, pulls out the knife drawer on the way down, and is stabbed to death," even though the latter is technically possible
**** Oh, please, that's a ridiculous assertiGTGHASRGH
**** ''Sakujo''
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