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== [[Film]] ==
* [[Austin Powers]] and the "Swedish-Made Penis Enlarger Pump". It's not his, despite the credit card receipt. And the warranty card. And the book about his life with it. Which he himself wrote. The pump becomes a [[Running Gag]], making a appearance as a [[Chekhov's Gun]] in the final scene with Random Task. Sure enough, Austin's still trying to claim it isn't his.
* ''[[The Mask (Filmfilm)|The Mask]]'': While being frisked by the police, the Mask says he's never before seen the pair of funny-eyeball glasses that come out of his pocket. The bazooka, on the other hand: "I have a permit for that."
* Russell Thompson, Sr., uses this line word-for-word near the end of ''[[Honey I Shrunk the Kids (Film)|Honey, I Shrunk the Kids]]'' after his wife finds a pack of cigarettes in his baseball cap.
* ''[[Death Atat a Funeral]]'': "Oh My God! [[It Makes Sense in Context|What are you doing]] [[The Fun in Funeral|in my dad's coffin?!"]]
* Subverted in the movie ''[[Gung Ho]]'' as auto manufacturing plant manager [[Michael Keaton]] feigns surprise that a not-really risque photo of a woman appears in his slide show about the plant's personnel. The woman in the photo is actually part of the management team.
* In ''[[The Hairy Bird]]'', Mrs. Dewey finds the [[Porn Stash]] planted in Mr. Dewey's briefcase.
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== [[Theater]] ==
* In ''[[The Disney Afternoon]] Live!'' show at Disneyland, as the FBI agent is briefing the heroes on their mission, he accidentally shows a picture of [[Who Framed Roger Rabbit?|Jessica Rabbit]] in his slideshow. See it [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPtS54MEumk here at the 2:47 mark].
== [[Web Comics]] ==
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'''Oran''': "Is this how Americans use the Internet?"<br />
'''Raimi''': "You should see the crap online. It's all freaky sex and dumb cartoons. [[Or So I Heard|That's what I hear, anyway.]]" }}
* ''[[Llamas Withwith Hats]]'':
{{quote| '''Paul''': Carl, there is a dead human in our house!<br />
'''Carl''': Oh, hey, how did he get here? }}
* The [[Homestar Runner (Web Animation)|Strong Bad Email]] [http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail19.html tape-leg]. (Note that it's considered the worst e-mail ever.)
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