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* ''[[Shin Megami Tensei I]]'' and ''[[Shin Megami Tensei II|II]]'' play this straight, having to take out both the forces of [[Lawful Stupid|heaven]] and [[Chaotic Stupid|hell]] to get the neutral ending. In ''2'' though no matter what you have to face [[God Is Evil|YHWH]], so while you do end up killing everyone for the neutral ending in that game, you have to take down YHWH even if you're on the law path.
** [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]] has several different neutral endings. In the first, if you fight against all three Reasons, but choose to help Yuko, you will ultimately restore the world to its pre-Conception state. In the second, if you if you fight against Yuko as well, or try to help more than one Reason, the power of Kagutsuchi is wasted by your lack of a vision and the Vortex World is doomed to remain as it is for one thousand years before fading entirely. If you complete the Labyrinth of Amala, then no matter what Reasons you were previously supporting, you officially oppose ''everyone'' now, and the game ends with you ending the cycle of creation and destruction forever and marching at the head of Lucifer's army to face YHVH.
** In ''[[Devil Survivor (Video Game)|Devil Survivor]]'' you have the option of taking a neutral option by {{spoiler|following Gin's route}}, but [[Subverted Trope|you'll have to do exactly the same things as in the other endings]]: As it turns out, {{spoiler|you have to defeat the Bels either way}}. However, the ending is different; {{spoiler|the world returns to normal and all demons and angels go away. Metatron praises you for your actions and warns you never to misuse the power you've seized for yourself.}}
** ''[[Strange Journey]]'''s Neutral path requires you to {{spoiler|kill both half-angel Zelenin and half-demon Jimenez, as well as Mem Aleph, to put an end to the Scwarzwelt.}} It's less extreme than in earlier games, however; {{spoiler|you avoid having to slaughter your fellow crew (as is the case on either of the other two routes, minus the brainwashing), and you ultimately end up saving all of humanity rather than [[Mind Rape|Mind Raping]] them into soulless worshippers or demonic savages. If anything, Neutral is the ''least'' damaging of the three endings.}}
* The "Renegade" ending of ''[[Deus Ex: Invisible War (Video Game)|Deus Ex Invisible War]]'' is essentially this: Kill all three faction leaders, which frees the world from all the [[Ancient Conspiracy|Ancient Conspiracies]] that have manipulated mankind for centuries. Naturally, without the conspiracies manipulating everything from behind the scenes, [[Kill'Em All|mankind eradicates itself in all-out nuclear war.]]
** {{spoiler|Which turns out to work in the Omar's favor. Looks like the defector didn't really defect, effectively...}}
* Similarly, in ''[[Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Video Game)|Deus Ex Human Revolution]]'' the last of the four endings is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] version of this: rather than {{spoiler|telling the truth about [[My God, What Have I Done?|Hugh Darrow's gambit]], [[Sliding Scale of Libertarianism and Authoritarianism|lying on David Sarif's account, or lying on Will Taggart's account]], you can press the self-destruct button and kill everyone, including yourself.}}
* This tends to be Masamune's story path in the ''[[Samurai Warriors]]'' game - his modus operandi is to show up mid-battle, kick ass on both sides, and the declare himself the winner.
* Similarly Lu Bu's musou mode in [[Dynasty Warriors]] 6, which basically consists of him showing up to famous battles in Chinese history and ''killing everybody''. In the end Lu actually ends up unifying China, {{spoiler|every other leader in the game, living and dead, allies against him in a [[Forever War]]. Naturally he couldn't be more pleased}}.
*** Certainly has ''[[Sarcasm Mode|nothing]]'' to do with Lu Bu's well-documented [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]].
* In ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'', one subquest essentially runs like this... a neighborhood is caught in a war between two street-gangs: The 'evil' gang who take money wherever they can get it, and kill for kicks, and the 'good' gang of Robin Hood Wannabes who protect the locals and look out for one another. You can side with either, and push your [[Karma Meter]] appropriately... or you can have a chat with the True Neutral guy who's standing around in an abandoned building, who asks you to take out BOTH gangs, since 'both extremes are equally dangerous'. Taking his quest-line, you basically wipe out both gangs - at once, or one after the other.
** After which he tries to kill you to obtain balance. If you tell him you can't die, he relents.
* In ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'', there's a quest in which you fight in a war between Hippies and Frat Boys. After you defeat one side, you'll be awarded one of fourteen medals, depending on which side won and how many sidequests you completed for the winning side. Every medal boosts your attributes (from +5 to +11) and enemy item drops (from +5% to +11%), but the two stats are inversely related, and the more sidequests you completed, the higher the attribute boost but the lower the item drop boost. However, with [[Nintendo Hard|a lot of careful planning and time-consuming effort]], it's possible to finish off both sides at once, resulting in a secret fifteenth medal that provides +11 to all attributes, +11% item drops, ''and'' +11% meat drops.
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** ''[[Fallout]] 3'' allows you to maintain a [[Karma Meter|neutral karma level]] as opposed to being good or evil, and even has one perk that requires you to be neutral.
*** Just [[Stupid Neutral|not very well]]
** ''[[Fallout: New Vegas|New Vegas]]'' lets you either work with the factions in the game achieve their various ends, or screw them all and take control of the city for yourself.
*** The ''Lonesome Road'' DLC has the Courier intercept an armed nuclear missile aimed at the NCR. He can leave it be, attempt to disarm it, reroute to Legion territory...or launch another one, so that the innocent civilians of the NCR ''and'' the Legion are purged with nuclear fire. [[Omnicidal Neutral]], indeed.
*** In fact, Yes Man was created with this trope in mind so that an omnicidal player would still have a way to reach the endgame since Yes Man himself is an AI that will simply upload itself to another Securitron if killed.
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* [[Far Cry]] 2 has you killing both the APR and UFLL forces , and destroying both the factions.
** Mostly because {{spoiler|both sides are headed by [[Grey and Gray Morality|homicidal rapist maniacs and dirty looters]], and the people you're really helping as you progress in the plot are pretty much the only force of good in the game, which of whom includes the guy you were supposed to kill.}}
* ''[[Mount and Blade (Video Game)|Mount and Blade]]'' has five factions. The player character can join any of them, champion an exiled contestant to any of the five thrones, or just take over the world himself.
** Ultimately averted though when the manual specifically states that it's impossible to actually crown yourself king as none of the other factions will accept an outsider on the throne. You can still basically take over the world, though.
*** Now with the Warband expansion, they can recognize you as king. And you can either hire other lords, or just stay entirely neutral and make your companions your lords.
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