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More tropes present in ''[[World of Warcraft (Video Game)|World of Warcraft]]''.
* [[I Am Very British]]: Since ''Cataclysm'' brought out the Worgen race, you can spend a lot of time in Gilneas. There are two basic accents to be heard - the Aristocrats all use Received Pronunciation and sound like a bunch of snobs, while everybody else (including you) talks like they're choking on a cockney - although an occasional version is Manchestrian. Men and women alike wear rather badly treated bowler hats and top-hats, and so can you, since they're also quest rewards.
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** Awilo in Dalaran really loves serving up gnome!
** Also many/most/really any Troll tribe except the Darkspears (and Revantusk) practice cannibalism.
** One quest in Silverpine now sends you after bear meat, but due to [[Dying Asas Yourself]] we find out those bears were actually worgen druids.
** Worgen, being basically werewolves, don't seem to shy away from taking bites out of their opponents, sentient or not (This has no affect on gameplay, unlike forsaken, it's just the set up for some "I like my meat rare/bleeding" jokes several npcs, and the players, make).
** In Uldaman, [[Lost Vikings|three Dwarves]] are in a holdout position against the Troggs, an item that might appear at their camp is a cookbook suggesting they've been eating the Troggs they killed. Uldaman is a Titan installation, and an artifact there reveals that {{spoiler|Dwarves and Troggs are decendants of the Earthen.}}
** Jez Goodgrub in Winterspring warns you not to accidentally get too close to his cooking fire by mentioning a previous member of your race who fell in ... and was delicious.
** An NPC at the new Darkmoon Isle but not at the Faire itself sells items of food heavily implied to be made from each playable race.
* [[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice]]: The Vrykul do this as a warning to the Alliance in the Howling Fjord, by nailing the still-living infantrymen to the ground with their huge spears. The only thing players can do is remove the spears so they [[Mercy Kill|bleed to death fairly quickly]].
** A dragon has apparently impaled itself in the scenery of Blade's Edge Mountains in Outland.
** {{spoiler|Deathwing}} eventually does it to himself in an averted [[Bad Future]].
* [[I Need You Stronger]]: The basis of the Lich King's plan in Northrend. It works pretty well, too. {{spoiler|At least, until Tirion Fordring calls upon the power of [[Deus Ex Machina]] and destroys Frostmourne.}}
* [[Inevitable Tournament]]: The Argent Tournament, and, on a lesser scale, the Ring of Blood in Nagrand, the Amphitheater of Anguish in Zul'Drak, and the Crucible of Carnage in the Twilight Highlands.
* [[The Infiltration]]: On several quest lines, players have to infiltrate an evil group, [[Dressing Asas the Enemy|posing as a member of said group]], and then doing quests for them. In one notable case, the Knights of the Ebon Blade send you to infiltrate the Lich King's operation in Zul'Drak as yourself, as a Scourge infectee.
* [[Infinity-1 Sword|Infinity Minus One Equipment]]: Heirloom gear and weapons, see [[Purposefully Overpowered]] below. The whole point of Heirloom equipment was to help players level up new characters, by creating high-class equipment that levels up with the user, so they don't have to waste time acquiring ever newer [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Equipment]].
* [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Weapon]]: All the Legendary weapons are this, for their given expansion/patch - and most of them are [[Guide Dang It|fiendishly difficult]] to acquire, save the rare few which simply drop from a boss. The ''easiest'' ones to get that aren't boss drops can require several thousand gold on the Auction House to gain the materials - and they tend to be weapons designed for level top-level content. The two Legendaries in ''Wrath of the Lich King'' could take months of farming raids to get all the needed items to ''start'' making them, coupled with sometimes counterintuitive requirements during intensive boss battles to forge them. [[Bragging Rights Reward|And they then become outclassed]].
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* [[In the Local Tongue]]: This is one of the male draenei's jokes:
{{quote| We did not realize, but in the Naaru language, Exodar means "defective elekk turd."}}
* [[Involuntary Battle to Thethe Death]]: Being enslaved for gladatorial combat happens a few times in the universe.
** Lo'Gosh, one half of King Varian Wrynn was enslaved by orcs and fought in the Crimson Ring.
** The Naga ended up on both sides of this. The Bloodwash Naga enslaved the Rockpool Murlocs and had some of them fight for their amusement. Also, the Riplash Naga and the nearby Tuskarr were defeated by the Kvaldir, and those not sacrificed to Leviroth were forced to fight each other.
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** Overlord Agmar has one particular moment that solidifies him as a jerk. When you bring him {{spoiler|the letter of a dead troll mage [[Fake Defector]] in Malygos' army who was forced to work for him so that his sister and her family wouldn't be killed}}, he initially threatens to kill you if you waste his time, then laughs at the letter, [[Fantastic Racism|suggesting that trolls are not to be trusted]]. He concedes that Deino is a good troll, and offers to not tell her that {{spoiler|you killed her brother}}, albeit while [[Blackmail|saying that he "own(s) you" now]].
** [[General Ripper|Conquerer Krena]] takes the cake on this, her first act is to outright say you're nothing to her, regardless of your past accomplishments. A few more quests down she [[Kick the Dog|orders a troll's legs broken for using bear instead of wolf hides to fulfill an order that was physically impossible to fulfill in the given timeframe.]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|And has two blood elven eye candies who serve no other purpose.]] Your accomplishments even under her command and undermining her more ruthless orders eventually leads her to challenge you in a fight to the death in the arena, with significantly nicer sister aiding you, [[And There Was Much Rejoicing|the change in leadership when said sister took her place was appreciated by everyone in the hold.]]
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Moodle the Gorloc, who is the smartest and (one of) the rudest of the Gorlocs /and/ Wolvar you'll meet throughout Sholozar basin. He [[Pet the Dog|pets the dog]] several times through his lines during a quest to save the Mosswalker Gorlocs.
* [[Jet Pack]]: Everyone gets one to mess around with prior to the gunship battle in Icecrown Citadel. (Oh, and use them in the actual battle too.) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEBZUXhSbOA Druid bear form + jet pack = comedy gold]
* [[Jiggle Physics]]: All the females have plenty of jiggle to an ample bust, but the female Tauren and Trolls have it particuarly bad - their idle animation has them stand there breathing, while their massive boobs bounce up and down like they're busy on a trampoline.
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* [[Jungle Japes]]: Feralas, Un'Goro Crater, Stranglethorn Vale and Sholazar Basin.
* [[Kansas City Shuffle]]: {{spoiler|In the Badlands, the red dragon Rheastrasza purifies a black dragon egg, hoping to spawn a new breed of good black dragons. She blows her cover when she's talking to you, and now has to smuggle the egg out of the region. After having you kill some of the evil black dragons in the area, ending with the egg's mother, she goes to retrieve it, only to be cornered by [[Big Bad|Deathwing]], who destroys her and the egg. When players go to the cave where she was killed, they find a note saying that she swapped the egg with one of her own, knowing that the only way to save the egg was if the black dragons thought it was destroyed.}}
* [[Killed to Uphold Thethe Masquerade]]: The Westfall quest line starts with the murder of the Furlbrows, who were killed because they were the only ones who even knew Edwin VanCleef had a daughter and could identify her, something Vanessa VanCleef ({{spoiler|Hope Saldean}}) had to keep secret while she reformed the Defias Brotherhood.
* [[Killer Gorilla]]: Gorillas usually appear as aggressive enemies in [[Jungle Japes|tropical areas such as Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas, Un'Goro Crater or Sholazar Basin]]. Particularly notable ones are [[Expy|King Mukla]], [[King Kong|a giant gorilla living on an island, holding a woman captive]], and a robotic ape [[Congo|called A-ME, communicating in sign language]]. Some of them [[Donkey Kong|drop barrels on death]].
* [[Kill Sat]]: The [[Precursors|Titans]] left 4 in orbit around Azeroth as defenses after they left. Each is named for one of the 4 Keepers of Ulduar.
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* [[Last Chance Hit Point]]:
** Protection Paladin's Ardent Defender will allow them to survive a hit that would otherwise kill them, and instead heal them for 15% of their health.
** Subtlety Rogues' [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Cheat Death]] ability will give the player a boost of HP when they are hit by an attack that would otherwise kill them, it comes with a debuff that prevents Cheat Death from happening more than once every 90 seconds, so they don't become immortal.
** Fire Mages have the [[Heal It Withwith Fire|Cauterize]] ability that will give them back 40% of their health when they die, but adding a DoT that deals 48% damage in 6 seconds.
* [[The Last of These Is Not Like the Others]]: The quest leading you to Rhea involves a package containing compressed blasting powder, a tempered mithril bomb casing, and some safety goggles; being Goblins, the safety goggles were the hardest thing to find.
* [[Last Second Chance]]: The "Heart of Arthas" quest chain is basically Fordring trying to determine if there's anything redeemable left in the Lich King. {{spoiler|To the surprise of few, there ''isn't''. This gives Fordring and the Argent Crusade renewed determination to defeat the Scourge.}}
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** Several Wrath of the Lich King questlines spoil events from Warcraft III, especially from the human and undead campaigns. If you stand in the Ruins of Lordaeron long enough, you can hear the scene in which Arthas kills his father.
* [[Lawful Stupid]]: Chances are that you'll feel this way at some point for some of the quests you undertake when following orders.
* [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall]]: The quest "Welcome to the Machine" where the player spends the entire quest as a quest giver.
** When players defeat Maloriak in Blackwing Descent on Heroic mode, Nefarian (boss of the Blackwing raids and infamous [[Genre Savvy]] [[Troll]]) congratulates them and temporarily grants a vanity title of the sort rewarded for completing difficult achievements. The title is "<Name>, Slayer of Stupid, Incompetent, and Disappointing Minions."
* [[Leave No Survivors]]: Lord-Commander Arete makes it clear that he won't rest until the Scarlet Onslaught is destroyed. It's not because Arete is a monster, but the Scarlet Onslaught is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|zealous anti-undead organization]] who [[Van Helsing Hate Crimes|doesn't distinguish between the Scourge and other undead]], that the Forsaken Death Knight sees no other option but to [[Kill'Em All]].
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* [[Light Is Not Good]]: The Scarlet Crusade and Blood Elves (before patch 2.4 gave them some redemption, anyway).
* [[Limit Break]]: Rage acts like this, to an extent - built by dealing and taking damage, and allowing the use of powerful attacks.
* [[Loads and Loads of Races]]: Type 2, following the example from the [[War CraftWarcraft|previous games]]
** WoW began with eight playable races, all inherited from the [[War CraftWarcraft|RTSs]], plus at least a dozen nonplayable sapient races inherited from previous games. Three expansions since [[WoW]] was first released have each added half a dozen new races or more while making some existing races that had been nonplayable playable for a total of probably around '''30''' intelligent races or more depending on how you count them.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: A lot:
** If you attacked players in neutral towns, the guards would slaughter you both, no matter who started it or if they fought back. Cue rogues and hunters griefing by stabbing or shooting a player, then throwing aggro off of them as the guards slaughter the poor victim.
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** Some classes have other resources: Death Knights (runes), Rogues (combo points), Warlocks(soul shards), Druids(combo points in cat form, solar and lunar energy for balance druids), and Paladins (holy power). There are also various proc effects that work as resources, such as Maelstrom Weapon stacks for enhancement shaman.
** Bosses often have their own unique resources, which may charge over time until being released in a single attack (The Conclave of Wind's Energy, Deathbringer Saurfang's Blood Power, {{spoiler|Fandral Staghelm}}'s Energy), or slowly be spent until being recharged in a "recharging" phase (Rajh's Solar Energy, Beth'tilac's Energy, Alysrazor's Energy)
* [[Man On Fire]]: {{spoiler|Bolvar Fordragon}} at the end of Icecrown Citadel. More generally, many attacks and spell animations involve this at some point, whether it's [[Kill It Withwith Fire|on the recipient's end]] or the caster's. The Warlock spell Hellfire is a particularly notable example as it damages the caster as well as all surrounding enemies. Demonology Warlocks also have Immolation Aura while (and only)in demon form. They are, essentially, on fire and hurting any foes nearby, though it does not affect the warlock or allies.
* [[Marathon Level]]: Taken to an extreme in many classic dungeons and raids, but toned down significantly with each expansion. Blizzard discovered that dungeon/raid participation among the player base improved dramatically as the requirement to spend multiple hours in them at a time (or per week, for raids) was reduced.
* [[Marshmallow Hell]]: A quest giver (specifically, a dryad) in Mount Hyjal is described as doing this to the player prior to giving out a quest.
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* [[Monster Modesty]]: Several creatures. The skeletal mobs in particular.
* [[Monster Sob Story]]: Murlocs are found in almost any zone with water in it, and cause no end of trouble; until players reach the Blasted Lands, and find an entire Murloc village [[Always a Bigger Fish|enslaved by the Naga]]; and no matter what players do, [[Perpetually Static|they cannot be saved]].
** And the Naga get some of their own medicine in Northrend, when they are attacked and almost wiped out by the Kvaldir; one Naga questgiver is completely unrepentant, but has no choice but to [[Enemy Mine|ask for help]] as the Kvaldir are about to awaken a [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]].
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Although it's constantly possible in an open-world game like this, it's especially noticeable in the standard Forsaken zone progression. Silverpines is a dramatic and dark war story in which the tragic plight that is the heart of the Forsaken's problems are explored... and then your character enters Hillsbrad Foothills, and things suddenly become a knockabout comedic parody.
** Within Hillsbrad's own quests, there's one notable instance of this. Meeting Orkus, he's proven himself an incompetant blowhard throughout the entire quest chain. Then while on Purgation Isle, he begins telling you things about his life, like how he met his frost wyrm mount, Horde politics, and at one point, says you're his first real friend. {{spoiler|Then he takes on three level ?? Alliance "players" and tells you to get on his mount and fly away, leaving him to fend for himself. You fly a short distance before the wyrm u-turns and picks him back up. Before reaching Tarren Mill, he asks you to take his mount somewhere cold to live before dying of his injuries. When you land, the NPC's in Tarren Mill honor him as a fallen hero and his death is treated as genuinely sad.}}
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* [[Mordor]]: There are several, but the most obvious is Icecrown, which takes its design ''directly'' from the film version of ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' and contains an area called Mor'drethar. The difference being where Mordor is mainly covered in fire and lava, Icecrown is mainly, well, icy.
* [[More Than Mind Control]]: Features regularly in [[Mind Control]] scenarios, and combined quite frequently with [[Evil Feels Good]].
* [[Motivation Onon a Stick]]: There's a trinket like this that increases mount speed.
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: {{spoiler|Uther serves this purpose in the Halls of Reflection.}}
** In ''Cataclysm'', there's a quest in Silverpine which is essentially you riding horseback next to Sylvanas while she tells you the history of Lordaeron and how the Forsaken came to be. It lasts for a good 2-3 minutes and plays out all in a cutscene.
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: The Tahret Dynasty Mallet was "crafted by the titans, blessed by the sun-kings and who knows what else", and you're going to use it to smash pygmys. [[Lampshade Hanging|The item's description says it all.]]
{{quote| '''Tahret Dynasty Mallet''': This artifact is beautifully crafted. You suspect it was intended for an activity more dignified than this one.}}
* [[Murder Byby Mistake]]: On the Lost Isles, Megs Dreadshredder goes out to stop an impending attack on the Town-in-a-Box by bringing the fight to the Naga. After killing several Naga and a [[Eldritch Abomination|Faceless One]], Megs reveals she made a mistake, the Naga weren't going to attack, and sends the player off to save the Goblins from a Pygmy attack.
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]]: Stalvan Mistmantle not only kills his student, but also, her lover.
* [[The Mutiny]]: Players take part in a few of these. It's how Tony Two-Tusk got his own pirate crew, and how Warchief Mor'ghor, a Fel Orc who makes Warchief Garrosh Hellscream look like a [[Reasonable Authority Figure]], meets his end.
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** Unholy Death Knight PC's get a minion who has one, of the [[Noun Verber]] variety. However, as the names are re-randomized every time you summon the minion, this has the potential for hilarity.
** Some races have these. The Faceless Ones and the Dreadlords come to mind.
** The [[Eldritch Abomination|Old Gods]] and their minions deserve a special notice for having names that no human should have to pronounce. Bonus points for having their name [[Shout-Out|inspired by]] a [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|very certain mythology]].
* [[Names to Trust Immediately]]: A few. One notable example in lore is Uther Lightbringer, the very first paladin.
* [[Nemean Skinning]]
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** Turalyon and Alleria, since the Second War.
** A lot of old world [[NP Cs]] after the Cataclysm.
* [[Never Mess Withwith Granny]]: {{spoiler|Grandma Wahl of Gilneas seems like a typical old lady, but don't mess with her kitty! Because she will transform into a worgen and [[Rule of Funny|beat you up with her rolling pin]]}}.
* [[New Game+]]: See [[Alt-Itis]], in [[World of Warcraft (Video Game)/Tropes A-H|A-H]]. The heirloom items available for purchase with endgame emblems are usable at any level and grow along with the character they're on at any given moment, along with generally having Superior-quality stats when your character doesn't even see useful Uncommons on a regular basis until level 20 and beyond.
* [[New World Tease]]: Sort of: In the final chamber of the Blood Furnace, you can look straight down through the floor and catch a glimpse of Magtheridon's Lair. And in Magister's Terrace, there is a scrying orb that you can click to get a glimpse of the Sunwell Plateau.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Many hats in the game, but the tophats that the citizens of Gilneas wear takes the cake.
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** Arthas plays with this, as a necromancer he wants to kill the mightiest warriors in Azeroth, and raise them as part of his undead army; so unlike other cases of this trope where the killer doesn't feel the victim is worth the time or effort to kill, he spends a lot of time and effort looking for the strongest warriors, and using challenges to make them [[I Need You Stronger|as strong as possible]] before killing them.
* [[Obvious Beta]]: A more mild example. The game was playable but there were still a lot of bugs and issues with balancing, and in some cases, the developers intentionally left things as an [[Obvious Beta]] so that they can go rework it or add more stuff in a later patch. Some of these include:
** The endboss of a lot of raids was intentionally made [[Unwinnable Byby Design|unwinnable]] so that players wouldn't storm through the dungeon so fast and be on the boards complaining that there's nothing to do. Nefarian was not even ''completely coded'' into the game yet, but when he was, it turned out to be worth the wait.
*** The initial raid dungeons were bugged; partly because they weren't completely tested. The first guild that killed Vashj had her instantly respawn and kill the raid. It was also possible to kill Arthas by throwing bombs at him, which resets the outer ring and thus makes the Valkyr unable to drop people off in Phase 2. When players are able to ignore the Valkyr, they have more freedom to position Defiles appropriately, and can spend more time [[DP Sing]] the boss, making Phase 2 shorter and easier.
** Silithus was an [[Obvious Beta]] ''zone''. The zone was left unfinished at launch with minimal quests leading into the zone and by patch 1.8, it was actually finished. (Heck, before 1.8, you couldn't even go through ''half the zone''!)
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** And because the game is controlled by a server, it doesn't always wait for the "offscreen" part; at its most extreme, a new enemy can respawn the instant the first one is killed, right on top of the first one's corpse.
* [[Oh Crap]]: The Goblin captain and navigator of Trade Prince Gallywix's ship are arguing over who got them lost in a thick fog, but when they get out of the fog, they end up in the middle of an Alliance-Horde naval battle.
* [[Oh, Wait!]]: Tony Two-Tusk, a pirate captain that you kill, comes back as a very chatty spirit and haunts you until you take him to his ex-wife to resurrect him; he may come to this [[Heel Realization]]:
{{quote| '''Spirit of Tony Two-Tusk''': They say I have a bad reputation as a pirate, but you don't see me sailing around indiscrimanately killing people just to make a profit. Oh, wait...}}
* [[Olympus Mons]]: Subdue the freaking ''Raven God'' and use him for [[Mundane Utility|a ride]]?
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* [[Only One Female Mold]]: This has been a consistent complaint. The alpha builds, while rough, often had the females look like counterparts to the males of their race, but when it came time for final builds (after receiving many complaints about ugliness) it was like the developers threw up their hands and said "Screw it, let's make them barbie dolls with bad teeth".
* [[Only Sane Man]]: At various times, Thrall, Jaina, Tirion Fordring, Cairne, Varok Saurfang, or Anduin Wrynn.
* [[Orcus Onon His Throne]]: Illidan in ''The Burning Crusade'', who does practically nothing but wait for players to come kill him. This may again be explained by the fact that he's under siege by the forces of Kil'jaeden. Arthas also gives this impression during some Northrend events, however it is eventually revealed that {{spoiler|instead of going out and attempting to kill you while you level, Arthas has merely been waiting for you to arrive so he can one-shot your entire raid and turn the most powerful heroes in all of Northrend into his Scourge minions in one masterful fait accompli. Too bad for him it doesn't work out.}}
* [[Our Angels Are Different]]: The Naaru, which are basically extremely powerful, [[Lawful Good]] shards of light.
** [[Starfish Aliens|And an alien race.]]
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* [[Our Orcs Are Different]]: They started out as the stereotypical evil [[The Incredible Hulk|ORC SMASH]] kind, but were retconned into being [[Noble Savage|noble savages]] with a shamanistic-hunter-warrior culture.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: The Darkfallen, Blood Elves that Arthas turned after Kael's failed excursion with Illidan against Arthas, are vampires, though they seem to feed off of energy as much as blood.
** [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Blood]] Death Knights are overt vampires by design. The visual of what their talent tree would actually mean in combat is nightmare fuel incarnate. A Blood Elf Blood Death Knight with the right hair could pass for Dracula himself!
** Also the Nathrezim, demons who follow some vampiric rules like having the ability to summon a swarm of bats or a "vampiric aura".
** The Blood Elves could be seen as a sort of energy vampire, and the Wretched and Felblood Elves do drink demon blood.
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** In Borean Tundra, a D.E.H.T.A. Druid became "king" of the Murlocs by wearing a Murloc disguise suit. On closer inspection, you can see a zipper in the back.
** In Loch Modan, a very blatantly drunk dwarf makes a "costume" for you so you can sneak up on a diplomat and throw murloc pee on him (it's a long story). It basically consists of holding a potted plant in front of yourself. It is ''amazingly effective.''
* [[Parachute in Aa Tree]]: This is how one first arrives in Sholazar Basin.
* [[Patchwork Map]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: If you beat [[Tragic Monster]] Deathbringer Saurfang as an Alliance race, Varian gets one when he orders Muradin to stand aside to let his (Orc) father collect his body.
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** Legendary Weapons. While not so game-breakingly powerful that you can curbstomp anything you come accross with them, the amount of time and effort you put into getting them pays off significantly with higher stats than you'd find on any equivilant item of that raid tier. Each weapon usually also has a special passive effect that adds to its already amazing strength.
** Death Knights were very strong compared to other classes on the launch of ''Wrath of the Lich King'', especially in their starting zone.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Gnomes return after a long absence, while Dark trolls disappear off the face of Azeroth.
** Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner. Originally the pair were supposed to appear in The Burning Crusade expansion, but two expansions later they have yet to make an appearance. Despite their son wandering around Honor Hold having visions of Turalyon's apparent death, [[Word of God]] says the pair are "stuck in a portal world".
* [[Pyrrhic Victory]]: Silverpine Forest in Cataclysm. {{spoiler|The Alliance forces retreat to Gilneas, but have otherwise suffered fairly small losses. The Forsaken, on the other hand, have been severely weakened; their forces have been devastated by Worgen raiding parties, a group of newly raised Forsaken rebel and seize control of Shadowfang Keep, and Sylvanas is given a harsh reminder of her own mortality.}}
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