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{{quote|''When Captain America throws his mighty shield<br />
All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield!''|'''[[Captain America]]''' theme song, ''[[The Marvel Superheroes (Animation)|The Marvel Superheroes]]''}}
A [[Sub-Trope]] of [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]] and [[Improbable Use of a Weapon]], a [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|shield]] is thrown at a target. Varies from just hitting to slicing.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* The Buckler shield in ''[[Tribes: Vengeance]]'' can be thrown (and guided with the mouse) at enemies. It's ''very'' useful for killing enemies in midair.
* The ''[[Ragnarok Online]]'' ability Shield Boomerang
* [[Stone Wall|Protection-specced]] Paladins in ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' can do this with their [http://www.wowwiki.com/Avenger%27s_Shield Avenger's Shield] talent, in a clear [[Shout-Out]] to [[Captain America]], leading member of the Avengers. Warriors prefer the use of [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works|the other trope]] [http://www.wowwiki.com/Heroic_Throw instead].
* The ''[[Ghosts N'n Goblins (Video Gameseries)|Ghosts N Goblins]]'' video game had a shield... it was ''intended'' to be a short-range throwing weapon.
* In the computer game ''[[Lands of Lore]]: The Throne of Chaos'', chucking shields at a certain boss kills it faster than either throwing actual weapons ''or'' [[Face Palm|using the weapon you're supposed to kill it with]].
* The Boomerang Shield from ''[[Mega Man Zero]] 1-3''.
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* Both Sophitia and Cassandra of ''[[Soul Calibur]]'' have throws that involve shoving their opponent away and hurling their shield at them.
* Kanji Tatsumi's [[Critical Hit]] animation in ''[[Persona 4]]'' starts with him tossing his weapon (usually a shield of some sort) edge-first at the enemy, kicking it while it's stunned and then decking it with a right cross.
* In ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'', the [[Final Fantasy I (Video Game)|Warrior of Light]] starts off half of his combos by [[Improbable Use of a Weapon|throwing his shield at the enemy]], pulling them in with it, and then following up with magic or a sword slash sequence.
** And, in ''Duodecim'', he gets a HP attack that uses '''''only''''' his shield.
* Possible in ''[[Ancient Domains of Mystery|ADOM]]'' and ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'' alike. Both games allow throwing of nearly any item, with shields not being excluded. ADOM even has a single Shield skill, which matters and is trained by both blocking attacks with a shield and throwing one from the missile slot. Due to shields' high mass, severally times higher than an arrow's, and lack of reusability, it generally [[Awesome but Impractical|isn't worth]] the weight.
* Some of the Finis enemies in ''[[Devil May Cry]] 2'' fight with razor-lined shields that they throw at you.
* In ''[[Dynasty Warriors: Gundam]]'', Johnny Ridden's Gelgoog can throw its shield as a boomerang.
* ''[[Rygar]]'''s Diskarmor, a shield with a chain attached to it to use as a yo-yo attack, is the video game grandpappy of this trope.
* The Gladiatorial SRPG ''[[Gladius]]'' features this with the shield focused Myrmidon class as one of its more powerful set of skills.
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