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== [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] ==
== Slippy is one of those frogs that can change gender a la [[Jurassic Park]]. == I can't remember where I read this, but it explains the [[Viewer Gender Confusion]] well enough, as well as the change in voice between 64 and Assault. Slippy would normally be male, but the single-gender environment triggered a gender change. After Krystal joined the team, it was no longer a single-gender environment and Slippy reverted to being male.
* Hmm... unlikely, as his voice became male before Krystal joined (in Adventure).
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== Lucy Hare has a daughter with Wolf O'Donnell ==
In one of the endings for Star Fox Command, Lucy Hare (Peppy Hare's daughter) has a daughter who ends up on the new Star Fox team founded by Fox's son Marcus. A picture of the team can be seen [http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Marcus_McCloud on Marcus' Arwingpedia page]. Not only does Lucy's daughter have a familiar grey and white fur pattern, her eyes are the same color as Wolf's. Her aggressive stance also seems more like Wolf's than her mother's style.
== The canon ending of [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] (SNES) lay {{spoiler|'Out of this Dimension'}} ==
The reason that game does not marry up with the rest of the series -- which takes place in an alternate universe/reality. Fox, like his father before, got lost in an uncharted anomaly, never to be seen again. What makes this ending even more of a [[Downer Ending]] is that Fox doesn't see any of his wingmen after the incident and General Pepper is unable to contact any of the other Arwings, meaning {{spoiler|each member of the [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] team is trapped in separate dimensions.}} As for the fate of Corneria, it's anyone's guess.
* The implication more seems to be that the 'Andross' you face is a robot created by him (referred to as the "Core Brain"), and the real Andross is out there still... That said, [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] is a flight rail shooter - the story doesn't have to make complete sense! (Andross being a huge brain makes just about as much sense as him being a box inside a face made out of panels - my personal opinion is that these are both creations of Andross, at most remotely controlled by him.)
== The James McCloud in [[F-Zero]] is a [[Legacy Character]] of the original James. ==
James' adventures took him far from his home galaxy, and along the way he met a young human who he became the mentor for, maybe like a second son. When the human heard of James's demise, he took the name and a similar name for his mercenary crew, and the outfit, out of admiration.
Alternately, he's a [[Reincarnation]]. Or alternate universe counterpart. Or something.
* Alternately, Andross didn't kill James, but instead made him human and sent him to [[Earth Is the Center of Thethe Universe|Earth]] with a new ship. He started a family and modified his ship into a race craft. He races to provide for his family, and some day, Fox will discover the truth. Whether it [[Go Mad From the Revelation|drives him insane]] or does precisely nothing has yet to be discovered.
== Sending Fox 'Out of this Dimension' in the original [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] (SNES) renders him completely insane. ==
Fox ends up in a strange cosmic anomaly where he is attacked by strange two dimensional creatures that ignore the normal laws of propulsion and physics. The distant alien planets and stars undulate wildly, barely comprehensible, and he is unable to get nearer to them no matter how far he flies. In the end, he fights a giant slot machine, and it is only when he scores a 'Jackpot', symbolizing his 'victory' over his own sanity, that the creatures cease to actively fight him. Simultaneously as the distant starry background solidifies to reveal smiling, peaceful faces across the planets, welcoming him, as only then does he truly 'understand'. There is no ending, though floating letters appear to taunt him with one, eternally reset both by the denizens of this universe or his own doomed attempts to right them. Fox is doomed to forever seek his end, unable to reach it as he flies through that warped dimension for eternity. Laughing...
* Laughing...
** [[Nightmare Fuel|Laughing]]...
*** ...and then crashes.
== [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] and [[F-Zero (Video Game)/WMG|F-Zero]] take place in the same universe ==
Think about these two facts:
* They share a technology known as the "G-Diffuser" system. In [[F-Zero (Video Game)/WMG|F-Zero]], it's used to keep the race crafts off the ground (If only just); in Star Fox, it's used to keep flight craft aloft.
* One character from each series is named "James McCloud". He suffers a [[Death By Origin Story]] in [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)/WMG|Star Fox]], but he's still there in F-Zero. Maybe the two are related?
** I'll give you one more -- the original F-Zero had race craft called the Golden Fox and the Blue Falcon. [[The Hero]] and [[The Lancer]] of the Star Fox Team ''are'' a golden fox and a blue falcon. Also, in one of the endings of ''Command'', they outright join a racing league, called the G-Zero Grand Prix. Actually, this sounds less like they take place in the ''same'' universe and more like F-Zero takes place in the Lylat System in an [[Alternate Universe]].
Andross may have thought that turning him into a full-fledged human would be [[A Fate Worse Than Death]]. Sending him off to [[Earth Is the Center of Thethe Universe|Earth]], an unfamiliar place, would have been the icing on the cake. James also had his [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|memory erased]], and he only remembers his name. The squadron "Galaxy Dog" was just a cover story, implanted in his mind just to give him a reason to own the ship he was given. However, knowledge of the G-Diffuser technology has awakened some old memories, and James is now thinking to what his life was in Lylat. He will eventually uncover the truth...
== Star Fox and [[Star Wars]] have analogous characters ==
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* Falco = Han ****ing Solo
** Does this mean we're gonna see James McCloud return in armour and evil? (and to fit with the above, human?)
*** Given the WMGs of [[F-Zero (Video Game)/WMG|F-Zero]], this could be entirely possible.
== The boss of Sector X in 64 is a prototype of Andrew's Wannabe-Andross Mecha. ==
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== James is now an Energy Being or [[Reality Warper]]. ==
In the original [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] game, Pepper says that James flew into a Black Hole and was never seen again. But, in reality, James ascended after the Black Hole, he obtained new abilities, he rewrote Reality into Star Fox 64 in an attempt to raise the son he was never around, but he couldn't, so he faked his death at the hands of Andross, who tried to kill him to make sure that a [[Reality Warper]] didn't get in the way of his plot, but when Fox was in trouble, James, being his father, decided to try and help Fox in his darkest hour; afterwards, he disappeared again, trying not to make any other appearances until he's needed.
* And in the meantime, kills time by racing F-Zero in human form?
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When Krystal joined the Star Fox team, the other team members bought her story, mostly because Fox looked so hysterical when he was flustered. As time went on, however, her pretentiousness became too much to handle, but the team took it into stride anyway. Sometime after Assault, however, the truth was revealed when Krystal's old landlord saw her a news report on the Star Fox team, and demanded that Norma Goldstein pay her long-overdue rent and reparations for her apartment. Only Fox believed her story after that. This is why Krystal left the Star Fox team before Command, and why her parents are never mentioned again.
* So how did she know what was happening on Sauria during the Aparoid War?
** One possibility was that she actually gained powers during this time - kind of like what happened to Oda Mae from ''[[Ghost (Filmfilm)|Ghost]]'', where she was faking it at first, only to gain it for real later on.
* Wait, something has to explain the magic but possibly high-tech staff she was carrying around at the begining of the game. Where did she find it? Could it be a Krazoa artifact? If she didnt find it in Sauria, does that mean that the Krazoa were the previous inhabitants of Lylat?
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== James isn't dead ==
In the original [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]], there was a bonus level called 'The Black Hole', where James appeared to died, but after the level, you get teleported to Venom. I personally think it was a [[WOR Mhole]], not a [[Black Hole]]. [[BLAC Kholes]] are space vacuums, and [[WOR Mholes]] are like intergalactic highways. So essentially, {{spoiler|James's ghost didn't help his son in [[Star Fox (Video Gameseries)|Star Fox]] 64, that was James IN THE FLESH. Well, more like in the fur, but still!}}
== Fox and Fara are half-siblings. ==
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== Fox is [[Bi the Way|pansexual]] and [[Polyamory|polyamorous]]. ==
But not for [[Anything That Moves]]. He actually has a fairly passionate heart and [[Unresolved Sexual Tension|can fall in love rather easily]] if the chemistry is right. He probably has a separate [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|semi-casual]] [[Friends Withwith Benefits|non-exclusive]] [[Yaoi Guys|relationship]] each with Falco and Wolf, but probably [[The Power of Love|truly loves them]] too. There are variations of this theory with my friends -- some say just with Falco, some say just with Wolf, or some say Fox really does nail [[Anything That Moves]].
== Falco is [[Straight Gay]]. ==
I mean, there are certainly many canonical details that suggest its plausibility, but [[Fanon|my theory solidifies it]], so this has relatively more confidence than ordinary [[WMG]]. You see, he and Katt are more [[Like Brother and Sister]], and they care about each other and love each other [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|in that capacity]] -- this is [[Played Straight]]. Falco is Katt's [[Gay Best Friend]], but for a long time Katt [[Single-Target Sexuality|was strongly in love with Falco]], [[Incompatible Orientation|which he could never requite]]. Falco for his part just wants her to grow up and move on as a strong independent woman, and it appears she eventually does (and also begins to fall in love with [[Second Love|Cool]] instead). Falco is not interested in girls, nor is he interested in relationships in general. Now getting increasingly less canonical and more fanonical. Though he's not into relationships, Falco still forms them, but may [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|downplay their significance]]. (What makes this different from Katt? Falco has no [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]] with Katt, but Fox and Falco appear at times to have [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]], probably with plenty of [[Slap Slap Kiss]].) Since Fox and Falco are the [[Fan-Preferred Couple]] in Japan, I'm going to say that they actually are a couple -- not formally committed, and not merely [[Friends Withwith Benefits]], but more like Best Friends With Best Benefits, [[Like an Old Married Couple]]. Falco refuses to quantify these things, and Fox doesn't even try to make him (he probably [[Not So Different|isn't one]] [[Polyamory|to talk]]), but their relationship simply takes the paths it takes. Falco could be there all the time, or away for a long time (even years, such as after ''Farewell''), and it's not like this [[Status Quo Is God|upsets Fox's life too much]]. The love may be epic, but the romance is not.
* This should so be said in the games somewhere. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.
** Really? On some forums I've been to, the notion that ''[[Values Dissonance|any]]'' of the characters could be gay is immediate [[Flame Bait]]. Even [[Manly Gay|Wolf]] and [[Camp Gay|Leon]], even when you show them [[Super Smash Bros|proof]]. Strangely, there is little [[Flame Bait]] when someone suggests that [[Americans Hate Tingle|Slippy]] is either gay or a woman or both, when Slippy is the one character furthest away from tripping my [[Gaydar]]. Or [[The Scrappy|Andrew]]. Basically, [[Unfortunate Implications|any character they don't like]]. Makes me wanna bang my head against a wall repeatedly. It appears the Japanese and [[Eagle Land|American]] fandoms have very, very little in common culturally.
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== The shopkeeper will be the new primary antagonist of the series. ==
She was secretly planning on warping herself into an [[Eldritch Abomination]], the likes of which only seen by [[Pathways Intointo Darkness]]. She only was staying in that store to collect scarabs. She had no intention of helping Fox out at all, she only wanted him to give her scarabs. Scarabs with which to further her perverse plan. This plan will involve taking innocent people from the Lylat system and then separating their bodies, mind, and soul from each other, twisting them into an [[Eldritch Abomination]]. Their bodies will be twisted into mechanical constructs that would be worthy of an H.R. Giger or [[Darkseed]] style mindscrew. (Albeit with less phallic emphasis). Some people will have parts removed from their bodies, and she is not one to waste them. She will graft them onto the ''next'' [[Eldritch Abomination]] she creates. The minds of her victims are twisted with the pain of being separated from the soul, and are sewn into other abominations of her creation... the very scarabs that Fox was giving to her in exchange for the items she had. It is a [[And I Must Scream|fate worse than death]], as these scarabs will have their will removed, only being able to think about how much they must pay her. The soul, however, from the pain inflicted on it by being separated from the mind and body, are used as the building blocks of her own dimension, an [[Eldritch Location]]. From there, the evil witch plots her next move...knowing fully well that she cannot be traced into this dimension at all, and if anyone dares follow her, they will be forced to withstand the most ''brutal'' deconstruction of the [[Nostalgia Filter]] of all time. Not only will you be forced to see your own childhood, but every trauma will be replayed to you, and any joy you had when you were a child will be twisted, perverted, and demented into a tempest of incredible horror. Even when Fox enters, he will relive everything, from the fight against Andrew to Pigma twisted into a giant monster by the Aparoids. The people who are trapped in this dimension eventually lose all semblence of humanity or anthro-nity, and their sanity, too. They are reduced to a shell of their former self, almost reduced into toys or other such stuff. Fox will encounter other expeditions sent into this dimension, with only stuff like a plush toy moaning to themselves, a deflated pool toy that was once somebody else, an expedition leader turned into an [[Unobtanium]] statue out of fear, insane people who have merely frozen in place, twisted clockwork people, people who have, out of fear, been reanimated into zombies after taking their own lives, or risking a pain worse than death, forced into a quantum immortality even as their physical form is warped into that of a demented toy or worse. The evil shopkeeper by this point had merged with this dimension, becoming something that would be most comparable to Giygas or Cthulhu. She tugs at his own sanity, as well as the sanity of everyone else, as they are forced to stand up to her, separated from their friends and comrades and forced to fight the evil demented goddess of this hellish dimension all by themselves. In their mind? Fox, Krystal, Falco, Slippy and the others? They're ''dead''. [[Deader Than Dead]]. But they do not know where they truly are... And yet Fox will be bothered because, after all, he could have prevented this, if only he had just taken out that staff and ''killed that witch'' back on Dinosaur Planet. But on the plus side, [[The Scrappy|Prince Tricky]] will have been twisted into a deliberately annoying abomination and will be a mid-game boss, so I guess that balances all of the horror out.
* You seem to have thought about this for some time.... Actually, when you think of it, Star Fox Command may be part of her sick-mind games that she inflicts on Fox. Also it could also be that the Krazoa Spirits were collaborating with the shopkeeper from the start, along with General Scales, to deliberately set Fox onward on his quest on Dinosaur Planet. General Scales, as the shopkeeper's right-hand man, threatened Dinosaur Planet in order to lure the Star Fox team to Dinosaur Planet; while the Krazoa Spirits set Fox upon a complex quest to gather scarabs for there master, disguised as a quest to save Krystal and bring Dinosaur Planet back together. In the end, the shopkeeper used some of the newly amassed scarabs to draw up enough power to create a decoy enemy to avert any suspession from herself, and crafted this decoy enemy in the shape of Andross from Fox's memories. In this way, General Scales could fake his death and return back to his master alive; and later to further make sure that she would not be opposed, she created the Aparoids to weaken the Lylat system's military forces. It is still up in the air if there is any hope of stopping her now at her full power though...
*** Actually I kinda just improvised that all as I went along - but your theory makes just as much sense there, heehee.
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