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== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Erfworld (Webcomic)|Erfworld]]'': The world's rules reflect those of a traditional turn-based tabletop game. Particuarly notable because the protagonist experiments with the physical laws of the world in an effort to better understand the rules of the game and how to cheat with them. However the protagonist himself appears to have several interesting and unique properties that are a hold-over from reality (such as a lack of visible stats, normally an impossibility).
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== Film ==
* ''[[Jumanji (Film)|Jumanji]]'': The flora and fauna of Jumanji that invades the "real world" is able to do things that would be impossible for real life equivalents (monkeys that can ride a motorcycle, plants that can grow incredibly quickly, a Pelican that can fly the board game without trouble etc...)
* ''[[Last Action Hero]]'' is a quasi-example. On the one hand, when an action hero crosses over from the world of movies into the real world, he nearly dies from a gun shot he'd normally shrug off as [[Just a Flesh Wound]]; similarly, a villain who makes the same leap is delighted to discover that in the real world [[The Bad Guy Wins|the bad guy winning]] is actually possible. However, when Death crosses over into reality from the movie world, he's still able to kill people just by touching them. We also see that, when the movie hero shoots the movie villain in his cybernetic eye, it causes a ridiculously huge explosion, even when they're both in the real world.
== Literature ==
* The stories of [[H.P. Lovecraft (Creator)|HP Lovecraft]] often involve aliens that dwell in more than the traditional three dimensions and who occasionally interact with Earth. The twisting of logic and geometries involved by interacting with these alien space gods usually drives people mad as they are unable to comprehend them.
* [[Isaac Asimov]]'s ''The Gods Themselves'' is a story based around a new form of energy that arises when people discover how to exchange matter between parallel universes. The protagonist slowly realises that as they exchange matter between worlds some of the cosmological constants also change very slightly, but with potentially apocalyptic consequences.
== Live Action TV ==
* In ''[[Fringe (TV)|Fringe]]'', the space-time continuum is breaking down due to contact between the two universes, which are implied to have slightly different physical laws (the show is inconsistent on that point, though). Interesting as the bleed appears to be two-way.
== Manga ==
* In ''[[Uzumaki (Manga)|Uzumaki]]'', the inhabitants of a small fairly isolated town begin to notice a repeating spiral pattern that manifests in a number of disturbing ways. People, objects, plants, Galaxies, Space and time eventually twist into a spiral shape drawing the inhabitants in. The closing scenes show the spiral world below and the narration suggests that this spiral world invades the mundane on a regular basis, leaving only ruins behind when things return to normal.
== Tabletop Games ==
* The ''[[Witchcraft (Tabletop Game)|Witch Craft]]'' supplement "Armagedon" is described as having elements of this in areas that are captured by the enemy, such areas are changed radically into something alien and inhospitable to normal life as we know it. Victims end up fused together in collective masses of flesh and otherwise twisted beyond all recognition.
* The game ''Torg'' is explicitely this trope, in which Earth is invaded by a number of other worlds that each have their own genre-like set of laws (which are spelled out in detail for each area, so in the pre-historic themed North America technology does not work and groups of people devolve into small tribes, whilst in the Pulp themed Middle-East people people drift into stereotypes, their allegiances become easily changeable and good triumphs over evil). The playable characters are those rare individuals who are able to carry their own native laws of physics around with them and exercise them against others.
* ''[[Shadowrun (Tabletop Game)|Shadowrun]]'' has an element of this when magic (re-)enters the world, changing the limitations of what is possible.
* ''Dark Conspiracy''. Parts of the U.S. have been taken over by Dark Minions invading through portals from their home dimensions. These areas are known as "Demonground", and they're filled the corruption flowing from the portals. Common elements include bizarre vegetation and weird organic tunnels.
* ''Witch Hunter: The Invisible World''. Hellpoints are direct doorways to Hell itself. The areas around them are filled with malign influence and evil creatures. Demons may easily enter the world at these places.
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[The Longest Journey (Video Game)|The Longest Journey]]'', the technological world of Stark and the magical Arcadia are usually well-insulated from each other. However, when the Balance between them begins to falter in the beginning of the game, weird stuff begins to happen in both worlds, such as a TV show about rainforests transporting the viewers into an actual rainforest, or a handheld calculator trapping a mage tampering with it inside.
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