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** Given his statement of "I live, I breathe, I feel" he might have been differentiating between himself and {{spoiler|the people on Prozium, who aren't "alive" in the same way as the [[Big Bad]] and Preston.}} Of course, he took a fraction of a second to think it over, so still not very effective.
*** If anything, the speech just ''motivated'' Preston, because the [[Big Bad]] is demonstrating how much he needs to go by marginalizing the soldiers who are {{spoiler|on Prozium}} while he himself is being the consummate hypocrite dictator.
* In ''[[Spider -Man: Web of Shadows]]'', you're often given a Light Side or Dark Side choice after defeating each boss. The Dark Side choice typically results in you beating the crap out of (but not killing) the boss (who's still in fighting condition, by the way). Somehow this is considered an "evil" act, despite the incredible pummeling you'd inflicted on the boss during the boss fight itself.
** Except that there is a slight difference between ''doing what you must in order to stop a dangerous man from harming innocent people'' and ''using excessive force in order to turn someone into pudding [[For the Evulz]]''. That's the whole point of morality; it's not what you do, it's the way that you do it and why.
*** Of course this issue is subverted... averted...? It does a triple axel backflip before hitting the ground at mach three, at least. One of the particularly bizarre morale "quandries" is thus; Dark Side - Rough up Electro and call him a loser for dying. He -gets up- out of pure rage and survives to help with the symbiote invasion. Light Side - Handle Electro with kids gloves, he dies peacefully in your arms. DIES. What's the moral of this story exactly??
* In ''Condemned: Criminal Origins'', the player character must bludgeon dozens of homeless people to death in order to hopefully prove his innocence in the murder of two police officers. It must be said, however, that the bluedgeonings were pretty much done in self-defense. Then again, they ''are'' homeless people. [[Truth in Television]] and all that.
* Your [[Voice Withwith an Internet Connection]] in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' gets very upset if you massacre animals (even attack dogs). Nobody bats an eye if you kill guards, even if you do something [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|horrible]] to them. Except in MGS3, where {{spoiler|The Sorrow}} will [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment|punish you]] quite frighteningly.
** Well, the people you run into in ''[[Metal Gear]]'' games typically are either enemy soldiers or [[Ax Crazy]] supervillains; you're an agent sent to stop their plans (in effect: Kill them before they nuke something), so killing them is precisely the goal that your supervisors want done. Meanwhile, gunning down rats does nothing except waste ammo and demonstrate sadism.
** Actually, Liquid speculates that Snake ''does'' enjoy the killing, and [[Hannibal Lecture|calls him out for this]] at the end of ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]''. Snake claims that Liquid's plot to catapult the world into a chaotic, war-torn state is insane; Liquid argues that it was their father's dream to create a world where soldiers are respected. Snake claims he doesn't want that world, and Liquid counters by [[Not So Different|pointing out most of FoxHound and many mooks were killed by Snake]]; this is presumably intended to make the player think about their actions.
** It goes further in MGS4, where offing too many people causes Snake to have a flashback to Liquid's "you like the killing" speech, after which he loses a healthy chunk of Morale.
* ''[[Runescape]]'', like many other MMORPGs, is particularly heavy offender thus making your main character extremely hypocritical. That is [[Lampshaded]] quite often in this game.
* Averted in ''[[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]]''. Main character Lloyd does ''not'' consider any one life to be more important than another, from the lowliest Mooks to the Big Bad himself, and his biggest goal in the game is to avoid deaths on both sides of the war. Mind you, he'll still kill endless hordes of enemies [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|if the player is so inclined,]] but he'll at least feel bad about it later.
** Furthermore, it's [[Lampshaded]] by Genis, who says he has no right to condemn Regal for being a self-admitted murderer when he's [[Random Encounters|had to kill several dozens, if not hundreds, of people to get to this point in the story]].
** That said, that skit about bearing the responsibility for Magnius's life seems a bit awkward, as you've fought quite a few humans by that point. Also, Lloyd doesn't seem to care about having taken out the Desians that saw his face at the Human Ranch very early in the game.
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** Also, ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' in spades, where an important subplot is the [[Knight in Shining Armor]] Flynn, who believes that justice is something that needs to be worked through its own rules, and Yuri, who is a vigilante. Especially comical when Flynn, then Yuri's party, call him out on {{spoiler|the murders of two corrupt nobles}}. Because all the knights crawling the capitol and all the bandits you meet on the road don't count as much. And the everyone else ''helped'' with those.
*** Those knights and thieves were ''actively trying to kill the party''. Ragou and Cumore were defenseless and could have been caught and brought in to the (horribly flawed) justice system.
** ''[[Tales of the Abyss (Video Game)|Tales of the Abyss]]'' also plays a bit with this trope: There are no [[Random Encounters]] with human enemies until Luke kills a human in a cutscene and suffers a [[Heroic BSOD]] for it: Barring cheating, it is virtually impossible for Luke to have killed a human in a battle up until that point.
* ''[[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|The World Ends With You]]'': Neku and Beat must kill at least a dozen [[Red Shirt|Red Shirts]] in the third week. {{spoiler|ALL the Reapers are brainwashed by O-pins, except one lucky bastard who missed the memo requiring him to wear his.}} Yet Beat and Neku only spare the three that are identified NPCs, 777, Usuki, and Kariya. When Neku suggests that they erase the latter two he says something along the lines of, we can't kill them because they're [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]. Especially egregious because Uzuki and Kariya were the only Non-Game Master Reapers actively trying to erase them at any point in the game, while the rest just made you buy stuff or fight Noise. Even if it took them till Day 6 to realise that the Reapers were brainwashed on day seven he goes back to erasing hapless [[Red Shirt|Red Shirts]]. Of course... The Red Shirts in question were all of the Harrier (player-erasing) variety rather than Support (fetch-quest-assigning) variety, and Kariya had been erratically nice to Neku. Of course, Uzuki was still pretty violent for pretty much the whole game.
** 777 doesn't even have that excuse, this was back when the reapers were attacking you for promotions. 777's way of saying "thank you" for running around Shibuya for him, apparently.
* In ''[[Arcanum]]'' one can streak through town all they like and get no real lasting penalties from it, but when you do it for a quest everyone reacts and you get a bad reputation out of it.
* In ''[[Fable (Videovideo Gamegame series)|Fable]]'' you can slice, magic, and shoot through hordes of NPC enemies, villagers, town guards, and the like. You can kill your best friend in the arena, defeat her brother for the hand of an evil woman and kill an ex-hero. You can steal from shops, break into homes, cheat at bar games, and sacrifice villagers for better weapons and still be able to repent for all that. Murder your sister for the ultimate power? Its implied that you are a heartless bastard and go on to be a tyrant.
** Used in a ridiculous way in the original ''[[Fable]]''. Generally, you get good Karma Points for killing bandits and monsters, the explanation obviously being that you rid society of evil and that they can't do any more harm. However you get Evil Karma Points for killing the Bandit Chief Twinblade. Sure, he has surrendered, but it's not like you redeemed or anything, leaving him alive would just lead to him eventually doing more evil. It should be the other way round, really.
*** Especially since one the quests you DO get good alignment for, revolves around you helping the Bowerstone guards drag a bandit prisoner up the hill to be beheaded as he cries and screams and begs for mercy (once you are within sight of the bloodstained chopping block in a cutscene).
* ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade (Tabletop Game)|Vampire: The Masquerade -- Redemption]]'' consists mainly of the ever-pious Christof cutting a swath of violence through one dungeon after another. He invariably says something along the lines of "can't we work this out peacefully?" upon reaching the boss. Y'know, because ''we're all God's children''... except for those of us whose names happen to be "[[Mooks|Setite]]".]
* ''[[Hitman]]: Blood Money'' - The newspaper articles quite clearly say that dead guards just aren't that important; logical when you off a drug baron, not so much at the Paris Opera.
** It actually serves a more pragmatic reason; the police simply assume that any guards that were killed were murdered so the assassin could get to his real target. As such, it just makes sense to try to solve who killed the main target; it's not like the guard was specifically targeted for death, he was just in the way.
* ''[[Scarface the World Is Yours (Video Game)|Scarface the World Is Yours]]'': Tony's whole 'morality' is built on not screwing anyone who didn't give him grief. However, optional side missions with hired guns encourage the murders of civilians. No mention of anything is made if the driver goes on a decapitation rampage in a bank.
* At the end of ''[[Fallout 3]]'', you have to option of sparing the life of Colonel Autumn, [[The Dragon]] whose only shown redeeming feature is that he doesn't want to use the modified FEV, who shot a defenseless female scientist just to encourage the rest of the team, and who willfully ordered the soldiers at Raven's Rock to attack you even after his ''superior'' had ordered them to stand down so he could talk to you. Meanwhile you don't spare a single thought for every drugged-up raider, every feral ghoul, every supermutant and every Enclave soldier following his Colonel's order that you've shot, burned, stabbed and vaporised over the course of the game. Even at the start of the game you're condemned by Amata if you kill the Overseer, but not a single word is said about all his guards you killed on the way out. ''People you've known all your life.''
** Justified in that the guards really want you dead (they actively look for you and attack on sight {{spoiler|with one exception}}) while the Overseer does not show such bloodthirsty tendencies and can be reasoned with.
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