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''[[Memetic Mutation|Kill the mouse take his house.]]''
Yeah, ''[[Epic Mickey]]''. Joining the [[Nightmare Fuel]]-ish ranks of [[Nightmare Fuel (Disney film)|the family tradition.]]
Picture everything you loved as a kid about [[Disney]]. Now picture it in a broken down [[Amusement Park of Doom]]. Basically, you get this [[Video Game|game]]. [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?|We're as surprised as you are that it only got an E rating.]]
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* Warren Spector is actually aiming for [[Nightmare Fuel]] in the first place: after speaking of luring people in with nostalgia and then surprising them, he stated "On top of that, I really want to scare kids. I want to go to [[Disney Theme Parks|Disneyland]] and see a 10 year old kid crying: oh mommy, [[Foreshadowing|the clock tower's going to come to life and eat me!]] That's my fondest dream. [[Nightmare Fuel (Disney film)|Disney scared the pants off me when I was a little kid.]] [[Disney]] needs to scare kids!". Going by [[Nightmare Fuel]], the fact he's doing this on purpose makes this title, although only potentially, as scary as a ''[[Silent Hill]]'' game, especially considering the fact that this is the guy who brought us the legendary and terrifying ''[[System Shock]]'' series.
* Some of the early concept art had this effect as well, even more so when coupled with [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2U3dQBjE8Q the rumored released soundtrack] which sounds like a twisted and [[Mind Screw|mind screwing]] version of the soundtracks [[Walt Disney|Walt]] used in his older movies. [http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y24/DuelistGoku/4630880_402x410.jpg For example, there's a cyborg-like] [[Eldritch Abomination]] of a mash-up between Disney characters. Of course, [[Fan Art|fan artists]] took the concept and ran with it, [http://attacksloth.deviantart.com/art/Why-Didn-t-Daddy-Love-Me-139521712?q=sort%3Atime+gallery%3Aattacksloth&qo=1 with] [http://www.nunoxei.com/rewindawesome/wp-content/uploads/Epic_Mickey___Brainless_Mickey_by_GBlastMan-540x776.jpg very] [http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/9451/1097817-1249353002411_super.jpg predictable] [http://firecat1996.deviantart.com/art/45-Illusion-194437112 and] [http://azurawatson93.deviantart.com/art/Epic-Mickey-INKIFIED-Oswald-170139626 definitely] [http://gregthecatofgordawn.deviantart.com/art/Epic-Mickey-is-now-Inky-132618555 unsettling] [http://winter-freak.deviantart.com/art/Don-t-Forget-Oswald-139664655 results] [http://nekoama.deviantart.com/art/It-s-Oswald-Time-139594923 as] [http://xxboogiepopxx.deviantart.com/art/LOST-and-FOUND-140300347 well.] [http://sso02v.deviantart.com/art/I-m-So-Cold-139477110 Yep.]
** [http://kotaku.com/5325198/this-looks-like-art-from-warren-spectors-steampunk-disney-game The initial concept art] implied a more steampunk-style [[Disney]] [[Video Game|game]]. The twisted, blasted landscapes and run-down [[Disney Theme Parks|Disneyland]] landmarks are one thing, [http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/kotaku/2009/07/steamgoof.jpg but this] is quite another, what with the elephant-bot (which looks like it came right out of '{{color|pink|Pink}} elephants on parade') with hooks for hands, soulless dead eyes, and a skeletal, spindly torso which barely even resembles an elephant, and the equally horrifying no-eyed-one-armed [[Goofy]]-bot on the right. Also the disney-character-mashup [http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3579/3769500853_d4f52bded4_o.jpg that borders on] [[Body Horror]]. As far as official art goes, there's [http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/8427/7558epicmickey2d00cover.jpg later artwork] from the cover of Game Informer, and, for an even scarier version of the Phantom Blot, [http://www.wiitalia.it/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/phantom-blot-epic-mickey-disney-videogame-wii.jpg there's the one that wouldn't look out of place in an] [[Iron Maiden]] album cover.
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* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WtL4B-V0J4 The opening sequence] has [[Mickey Mouse]] essentially being dragged to a [[Crapsack World|hellish dystopia]] by an [[Eldritch Abomination]].
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK7k7AZVMYA The cutscene right after the opening sequence] is arguably even worse. [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]], strapped to [[Mad Scientist|the Mad Doctor's]] table, is threatened by a robot with a creepy eye, wielding giant scissors, a drill, and a chainsaw, all of which stand mere inches from his face. He then nearly has his [[MacGuffin|heart]] ripped out of his body. The terror factor is lessened somewhat by the fact that the [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|final tool]] is [[Nightmare Retardant|a toilet plunger]], but even then, [[Doctor Who]] fans familiar with [[Doctor Who/Nightmare Fuel|the Nightmare fuel they have to deal with themselves]] may argue that [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S1 E6 Dalek|being plungered to death is a legitimate concern.]]
* In [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljtl4F2xWPk another cutscene,] [[Sidekick|Gus]] has a [[Flash Back]] to the [[World -Wrecking Wave|thinner spill]] that started the whole [[Plot]] off in the first place. In the [[Flash Back]], we see four extras watching, essentially, a tsunami of thinner overtake the area they're in. Three of them run out of the way, but one stands rooted to the spot, watching. When the wave passes, he's not there anymore.
* This [http://doope.jp/media/10q3/img1825_02.jpg picture] reveals [[Eldritch Abomination|the Shadow Blot's]] true form: big enough to squash you like a bug, who {{spoiler|at the end of the game you've got to fight it from the inside}}.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUzEkepSQqg The Clock Tower] and the [[Slasher Smile|demented]] [http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/2316/clocktowerg.png grin] it sports. The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtKKDjPJVHo music] doesn't help matters, either, which in turn are made worse by [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2zwo2Vjr1s adding the lyrics being sung by children:] this idea, as a little piece of trivia, was originally going to be used in the game. Music aside, the Clock Tower is also made immensely disturbing because of how you fight it when using {{color|green|Thinner}}: {{spoiler|basically, you have to melt the {{color|blue|blue}} metal armour it has covering its brittle mechanical hands, so that when it pounds the floor to attack you, the force shatters them apart. Not only does the impact look very painful (anyone who's ever broken their arm by hitting something will concur), but the hydraulic pipes that line the exposed arm [[Ludicrous Gibs|start bleeding profusely]]. Its face even starts bleeding after intense damage; then, after breaking its arms up completely, the tower mutters a few lines about how his time is up, then, in a mini-cut-scene, one of the arms falls off, its face falls into the thinner lake, and the remaining arm stump blindly feels for its missing head before falling off itself. You then have to walk on them to leave the area. Finally, in the ending, where you see what happened to everyone after you left, you can see the clock tower still in pieces floating in the thinner lake, [[And I Must Scream|unable to move and eternally in intense pain]].}} The "[[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?]]" aspect is all over the place with this boss.
** Notice how the Clock Tower's yellow face is washed away in the beginning of the boss fight. This means that you're not only fighting a creepy [[Slasher Smile]]: you're fighting the equivalent of a smiling skull.
* [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] literally melting after being unable to escape the thinner pools. Because thinner is this game's equivalent of the Dip from [[Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Film)/Nightmare Fuel|Who Framed Roger Rabbit]], and even Oswald's kids can fall in there.
* The Asian dragon head around all the toon backdrops is [[[[Uncanny Valley]] creepily realistic.
* {{spoiler|Ortensia}}'s [[And I Must Scream|fate]]: [[Taken for Granite]]. She gets better in the end.
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* Mickeyjunk Mountain, at first, is just a cool mountain made entirely up of retro [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] merchandise; it stops being "cool" as soon as you realize that this is [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit|Oswald's]] hideout, so [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit|Oswald]] most likely built the entire thing, spending spent all that time collecting [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] stuff and trashing it to make a sort of a mocking monument. Basically, it's an unsettling Mickey-based [[Stalker Shrine]]. Then, we find out {{spoiler|that [[Eldritch Abomination|the real Shadow Blot]] is imprisoned at the peak.}} As you travel higher up the mountain, {{color|blue|blue}} smears start to appear on the ground. Take a good look at them. The ground has been stained with the paint of dead bunny kids. You can still see their terrified expressions. In the highest outside level of Mickeyjunk Mountain, where you turn and see on the side of the mountain what essentially is a colossal [[Mickey Mouse]] skull. And if you go over to the bars separating you from the thinner river, it's staring right at you.
** Said Mountain is also made unsettling by the disembodied Mickey heads (like the [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] spray cans you have to paint in), thanks to their venture on [[Uncanny Valley]] with their giant, black, unblinking eyes.
* The {{spoiler|true}} Shadow Blot is eerily reminiscent of [[Fantasia (Disney)|Chernabog.]] Additionally, towards the end, he takes over Dark Beauty Castle and thus also decides to imitate [[Sleeping Beauty|Maleficent]], with his horns curving and ink oozing from his arms to resemble long robed sleeves.
* [[The Mad Doctor]] himself. The things that he implied for cutting up [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] (scissors, drill, chainsaw) [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|before settling for a plunger]] is funny at first, but had he not needed his heart, he probably would have gone for the first three methods [[For Thethe Evulz|just to satisfy his own sadistic interests]], the same as he did when he tried to cut off Pluto's head so he could stick it to a chicken's body in [[The Mad Doctor|the original short]].
* In the Ticket Booth area after Slalom, at the very beginning of [[Epic Mickey|the game]], one might notice that some of the dolls are arranged like either some of the dolls jumped off a building and others are looking at their broken bodies from the top of the building, or the dolls on the building have pushed the broken dolls off.
* The Bloticles worm their way around, and through, everything you see, as well as suck up all the paint around them by merely existing. And {{spoiler|you see them in every friendly region you've been to. That is, they've invaded every corner of Wasteland. Nowhere is safe. Everywhere you go, the Bloticles are there.}}
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