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And Now for Someone Completely Different/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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'''Basic Trope''': A [[Video Game]] switches the characters that you're playing as.
* '''Straight''': After playing as [[Boisterous Bruiser|Chance]] for some time, the first "chapter" of the game ends... and control abruptly switches to [[Cute Witch|Ichigo]], who has ''very'' different [[Little Miss Badass|strengths]] and [[Glass Cannon|weaknesses]] compared to [[Lightning Bruiser|Chance]].
* '''Exaggerated''': After playing as Ichigo for a while, the game kicks you over to [[Combat Medic|Claudia]] and her friend [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword|Lanna]] for the next chapter. Then [[Squishy Wizard|Leon]]. Then...
* '''Justified''':
** Each of the characters is one of [[The Chosen One|The Chosen Ones]] meant to help [[The Hero|Sol]] defeat Emperor Evulz.
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* '''Lampshaded''': '''Bob:''' "Do you think, Alice, that it's a bit weird how our squad leader gets replaced every time we complete an objective?"
* '''Invoked''': The last game was criticized for only having [[Lightning Bruiser|Chance]] playable.
* '''Defied''': [[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Actually, I downloaded a mod to add]] <s> [[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|Aeris]]</s> [[And Now for Someone Completely Different/Playing With|Chance]] [[It Was His Sled|back to the party]].
* '''Discussed''': "Yeah, I finally beat this game! ([[Beat]]) [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?|What ever happened to Chance]]?
* '''Conversed''': "Ah damn! I just got this far with [[Hot Chick Withwith a Sword|Lanna]], and now the game switches back to [[Combat Medic|Claudia]]!
* '''Played For Laughs:''' Bob is playing ''[[Show Within a Show|Chronicles of Troperia]]'' and enjoying tearing things up as Chance. He keeps trying to call Alice over, but she isn't paying any attention... until the game kicks him into Ichigo's shoes, and his shouts of surprise draw her over. Meaning that naturally, her first impression of the game he's been raving about involves a little [[Kawaiiko|cutesy girl]] in a [[Pimped-Out Dress|pretty red-and-pink dress with lots of frills]].
* '''Played For Drama:''' Chance has been doing well on his quest to stop Emperor Evulz' forces so far, but runs into trouble when he discovers a burning village. While trying to defend the survivors, he's surrounded, seriously wounded, and falls unconcious... and the game [[Mood Whiplash|switches focus]] to Ichigo [[Good Morning, Crono|waking up in her sweetly decorated room]].
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