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== Films -- Live-Action ==
* In ''[[Outbreak]],'' one of the CDC doctors contracts the disease (a hemorrhagic fever with a near-100% fatality rate), and is hanging on by a thread when she's given the antiserum. Barely a day later, the splotches on her skin have disappeared, and she's looking tired but otherwise perfectly fine. FYI, hemorrhagic fever causes massive internal bleeding and organ damage. Much of this damage should be permanent even if the disease was arrested, and certainly would not be healed in a single day.
* ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation|Star Trek First Contact]]'' uses the scientifically laughable idea of an inoculation against radiation.
* ''[[Iron Man (Filmfilm)|Iron Man]] 2''. {{spoiler|Tony Stark is dying of palladium poisoning from the Arc Reactor that powers his heart.}} Yet when he {{spoiler|invents a new Arc Reactor that doesn't use palladium, and plugs it into his chest}}, the visible symptoms recede immediately.
** He also received an injection developed by [[Fun Withwith Acronyms|SHIELD]] specifically for his case, which temporarily reverses the toxic effects.
* In ''[[Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom (Film)|Indiana Jones and Thethe Temple of Doom]]'', Indy is double-crossed and poisoned by Lao Che, so the former would return a diamond to the latter in exchange for the antidote. Chaos ensues, and all the while Indiana becomes progressively dizzier, hotter, and has difficulty breathing. When he swallows the antidote, all these symptoms disappear almost immediately.
* ''[[Batman Begins]]''. The antidote to the fear poison took mere seconds to not only undo its effects, but also conferred resistance for days. This might be a bit justified, as some drugs which counteract psychoactive substances have a very quick onset.
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{{quote| ''Bleeding and weak I reached my women, who, accustomed to such happenings, dressed my wounds, applying the wonderful healing and remedial agents which make only the most instantaneous of death blows fatal. Give a Martian woman a chance and death must take a back seat. They soon had me patched up so that, except for weakness from loss of blood and a little soreness around the wound, I suffered no great distress from this thrust which, under earthly treatment, undoubtedly would have put me flat on my back for days.''}}
* Averted in the ''[[Belgariad|Malloreon]]'' -- it takes Zakath several days to recover from [[Perfect Poison|thalot poisoning]].
* In the ''[[Time Scout (Literature)|Time Scout]]'', lots of [[Snake Oil Salesman|Snake Oil Salesmen]] sell these on Shangri La. Skeeter starts such a scam but gets interrupted. Ianira may just make the real thing. Skeeter's scheme was based on a [[Sacred Pool]] believed to have such properties near Marcus's childhood home.
* A spoonfull of an orally-taken cure for the Sickenesse in ''[[Septimus Heap (Literature)|Septimus Heap]]'' takes only a minute to awake a person suffering from it.
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* In the 2000s ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]'', receiving an infusion of blood from a half-Cylon fetus spontaneously caused President Roslyn's cancer to go in remission, at a point where she was ''hours'' away from death. {{spoiler|Though the cancer does come back a year and a half later.}}
** Averted hard during the Kobol arc, one of Tyrol's men is wounded and his lungs are slowly filling with fluid. They used the last of the medication to treat this in one of their medkits, and they left the other medkit by the Raptor crash site in their haste to evacuate the area. Tyrol, Cally and a [[Red Shirt]] [[Find the Cure|have to go back for the medkit]] before the wounded man dies. {{spoiler|After losing the [[Red Shirt]] they finally get back to the wounded man with the medkit - except now it's too late. Even though the man is still alive and concious, there's nothing they can do with any of the material in either of their medkits now, except to grant the wounded man a peaceful death}}
* ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'' is regularly guilty of this one (though they've been known to subvert it as well). Patients frequently make full and speedy recoveries once the cause is found, despite suffering what should have been irreparable damage to their bodies in the meantime.
** The most bizarre example is probably season two's "Euphoria". How on earth can {{spoiler|Foreman recover with no lasting symptoms after having been infected with a parasite that literally eats his brain cells? The only side-effects he suffers come from the "lobotomy" Cameron gave him.}}
* In ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', Angel is approaching his final moments due to a nasty poison, yet he was still able to pick up an unconscious Buffy and carry her to a hospital immediately after getting the antidote. Of course, he's already dead, so it's not clear what kind of damage the poison was doing in the first place. It's explicitly a magical poison, and the antidote, a Slayer's blood, doesn't cure him so much as magically eradicate it.
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== Web Comics ==
* Subverted in ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|Order of the Stick]]''. Varsuvius gets hit by a poisoned arrow which penalizes his/her Strength. Elan [[Chekhov's Skill|Neutralizes the Poison]]. That stops the Strength drain, but V is still weakened by the toxin.
== Western Animation ==
* Zoom in the ''[[Hot Wheels Battle Force 5]]'' episode "Man Down" fits this trope to a "T".
* In ''[[Wakfu (Animation)|Wakfu]]'' episode 7, Amalia is bitten by a devil rose, and the only cure for the poison is a very rare glowing sap from a magical tree. Note that, unlike with many other examples, the actual monetary value of the antidote outside of the current plot is implied: Ruel takes the time to fill several vials of sap that he intends to sell later. This ends up saving Amalia's life, since Yugo quickly loses the only vial he'd intended for his friend. Even though she was close to death, the effect on Amalia is instantenous, as usual.
* Averted in ''[[Korgoth of Barbaria]]'', where Korgoth must take the antidote for several seasons for it to work.
* Possibly [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] in a [[Find the Cure]] episode of ''[[Generator Rex]]''. The individuals affected by the poison are shown on IV drips after the cure is found, implied to have been there overnight, and it's never said quite how long they had to find it.
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