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Aeon Natum Engel/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Shinji Ikari ==
* [[Author Avatar]] - Shinji is, most of the time, a stand-in for [[Tropers/Earth Scorpion|Earth Scorpion]], down to being quite a good gauge for which subjects ES took in high school. [[Tropers/Earth Scorpion|Earth Scorpion]] is, however, not above loading ANE!Shinji with character flaws and keeping many of the original ones. (ES' character flaws are [[Evil Genius|very]] [[Eldritch Abomination|different...]])
* [[Expy]] - [[Tropers/Earth Scorpion|Earth Scorpion]] has admitted that Shinji has been shaped a lot by [[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Kyon]]
* [[Has Two Mommies]] - Shinji was raised by a pair of FSB agents selected by his father.
* [[Only Sane Employee]] - Lately it seems that preventing two other genius pilots from catfighting is now a part of his job.
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== Rei Ayanami ==
* [[Berserk Button]] - Rei is precognitive. When Destiny decides to [[Screw Destiny|screw]] [[Poke in Thethe Third Eye|her]], she loses her composure.
* [[Cold Sniper]] - She was chosen for the role of long-range heavy support for CATO precisely because she is cold.
* [[Combat Clairvoyance]]
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* [[Blood Knight]] - And how!
* [[Expy]] - Go on. Guess.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]
* [[Insufferable Genius]]
* [[Race Lift]] - Asuka applies makeup twice daily, wears contact lenses and dyes her hair, because of "the other girl" who may or may not simply be a skin colour she doesn't like.
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