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More often than not, the core of [[Fan Fiction|Fan Fictions]] written by teenage girls, when they don't want their self-insert [[Relationship Sue|Relationship Sues]] to become a [[Love Martyr]].
Also, an interesting [[Double Standard]] can be pointed out in light of this trope: men can be redeemed with a woman's love and become faithful, loving, protective husbands and good fathers, nevermind their criminal pasts. On the other hand, women wih a criminal record or, worse, [[My Girl Is Not a Slut|who have known several men sexually]] are irredeemable, which is why no good man would ever bother with them in the first place. The [[Hooker Withwith a Heart of Gold]] may defy this but, in most cases, she's at best a [[Temporary Love Interest]].
Compare [[Ladykiller in Love]], a more realistic take on this issue, and [[Female Angel, Male Demon]] for a metaphor of this trope when the two aforementioned characters are in love.
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* Rod of ''[[Out There]]'' offers this. [http://outthere.keenspot.com/d/20090326.html\]
** And Wally ''does'' it...after being married a while. [http://outthere.keenspot.com/d/20070427.html\]
* Naveen from ''[[The Princess and Thethe Frog]]'', after he marries. Considering he says that [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?|he's dated thousands of women]]...
* There's a romance novel titled ''Stranger In My Arms'' that actually [[Deconstruction|deconstructs]] this trope: The heroine's husband has been presumed dead for years, and she isn't too sad about it because he was unfaithful to her and never seemed to enjoy having sex with her. Then, out of the blue, he returns [[Back From the Dead]], says that he's a changed man, and proceeds to be passionate and devoted to her in a way he never was before. The heroine is pleasantly surprised, but can't shake off the feeling that rakes don't reform ''that'' thoroughly, and gets uneasy when her friend uses her husband's changed behavior to justify [[Love Martyr|her staying with her own physically abusive husband in the hope that he'll change eventually]]. It turns out that {{spoiler|the heroine's husband ''did'' die all these years ago, and her current "husband" is actually her husband's half-brother who [[Love Before First Sight|learned about her through diaries her husband left behind]] and decided to [[Dead Person Impersonation|use his impersonation abilities to be the loving husband she never had]]}}.
* Deconstructed in "The Rake's Song" by [[The Decemberists]]. The Rake gets married, is ''apparently'' reformed, "no more a rake and no more a bachelor"...but then he realizes that sex leads to babies and discovers that the married life really isn't for him. Cue [[Offing the Offspring|infanticide]] and [[Rape Is Love|abduction]]!
* Tramp from ''[[Lady and Thethe Tramp]]''. Falling in love, being adopted into a family, and becoming a father will do that to a dog.
* One episode of ''[[Castle]]'', {{spoiler|"Food To Die For"}} has a victim that was trying to ''become'' this. {{spoiler|After he got his foster brother's girlfriend pregnant, she rejected him, telling him that she couldn't rely on a man that slept around. However, he was honestly in love with her, to the point where he planned to quit his promising career as a chef and spent two weeks going to a cafe near her job, trying to get up the nerve to propose to her. Unfortunately, the foster brother found out and killed him.}}
* ''[[Youth in Sexual Ecstasy (Literature)|Youth in Sexual Ecstasy]]'' arguably could be a reconstruction of this, the protagonist after being an [[The Casanova|expert womanizer]], ends up settling down with a more prudish and conservative girl; it is stated that his past sexual experiences still do some harm to the sex with his wife, however, despite this with [[The Power of Love]] they are able to overcome them and become [[Happily Married]].
* Deconstructed in ''A Dangerous Compromise'' by Shannon Donnelly, in which the heroine thoroughly believes this trope, and her (decidedly not a rake) love interest decides to pose as a reformed rake to win her over, while battling for her affections with an actual rake who has absolutely no intentions of reforming.
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