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While the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' franchise [[Long Runners|has grown up]], it [[Narm|doesn't always show]] when it comes to the writing.
See also the page for moments that are [[Sonic the Hedgehog (Franchise)/Funny|truly and intentionally funny]].
* ''[[Sonic Adventure (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure]]'':
{{quote| "Oh, no! Our weapons are useless! Retreat! All personnel, fall back!"}}
** What really pushes this into Narm territory is the fact that, upon receiving this order, the kneeling police officers calmly get to their feet and proceed to ''moonwalk'' away from [[Eldritch Abomination|Chaos]].
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** During the Glyphic Canyon level, when you've got Knuckles with you, has a segment where you have to walk into this tornado to progress. What does Knuckles have to say while you're doing this? [[Large Ham|"HELP!!!]] [[Captain Obvious|WE'RE BEING SUCKED IN!!!"]] This is made much more hilarious for two reasons: the first is that Knuckles is voiced by the [[Large Ham|glorious]] [[Dan Green]], and the second is that, if you wait around on the bridge for a bit, Knuckles will ''tell you to walk into the tornado.''
** The GUN Commander's exposition rant to Shadow just before the Cosmic Fall level. Quite profound and dramatic and would be very much so in a more serious game...if not for the fact that, gun aside, the scene looks quite comical when he's ranting about this to a nearly adorable cartoon hedgehog.
* A fair amount -- no, ''all'' of ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (Videovideo Gamegame)|Sonic the Hedgehog 2006]]''. This is especially due to the contrast of the [[Uncanny Valley|kind of realistic humans]] and the furries during the drama scenes, the 4Kids voice acting, the nonsensical plot, the bad dialogue, and moments of pure silliness like Eggman pressing buttons like he was a blind man playing a piano.
** At least Eggman's [[Narm]] moments are [[So Bad It's Good|awesome]]. The scenes with him in are pretty much the only bearable bits of the game's plot.
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qyPSoZC2qc DON'T TOUCH IT!eleven!111!1!1] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUvFJZJg0QM And the remix.]
** Don't forget Mephiles' "resurrection", where he introduces himself then starts zombie walking while looking straight down. This, combined with his black and white color scheme, will make you apologize for all the times you called Shadow "Emo the Hedgehog".
*** [[Your Mileage May Vary]], as many found this to be [[Sonic the Hedgehog (Franchise)/Nightmare Fuel|just as unsettling]] as the producers intended (if not moreso).
** And speaking of Mephiles, didn't [[Dan Green]] sound like a [[Crispin Freeman]] wannabe while voicing him?
** And then there's the glorious Narm that is {{spoiler|Sonic's death scene}}. [[Tropers/Sparkysharps|This troper]] can't decide which part is the funniest: the overdramatic slow-mo fall, Princess Elise's [[Big No]], the total randomness of the murder ("Yep, just minding my own busness, enjoying the si- *BLAM*"), or the fact that being ''[[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice|impaled by a laser lance of death]]'' [[Bloodless Carnage|apparently doesn't leave a single mark on him.]]
*** Final nail in the coffin? The fact that Sonic is apparently lanced ''in the ass through to his crotch''. You may now laugh.
*** I see you all these things and raise you Mephiles's [[Large Ham|hamtastic]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_S_AZrxQGg laugh].
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** Also for Sonic '06, many of Silver's lines. Especially what he says when you're fighting him.
** Shadow using Chaos Control to round house kick Silver in the back of the head. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQwYX5YiPqY It has to be seen to be believed].
* Even though ''[[Sonic Adventure 2 (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure 2]]'' was made in America, the script apparently got translated to Japanese and then back into English, rendering lines that were only sometimes comprehensible, rarely synced to the mouth movements, and even ''overlapped each other''. "He must be using the Chaos Emerald to wa...[rp]" "[My]...name is Shadow."
** Let's not forget how some of the lines were left completely untranslated.
** This Troper always thought it was intentional. Would you honestly expect Sonic and Shadow, who during this game [[Fridge Brilliance|hate each other]], to politely let the other finish?
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** The President's in-limo conversation with Robotnik. "Just what is it that you want...Doctor Eggman?!" and that isn't a typo, he does indeed put in a small pause before "Doctor Eggman?!". The way he says Egg-botnik's name there is badly timed looking as if something happened to the doctor or he put on a rather silly hat.
* Rouge the Bat in every appearance, especially for her... [[Gainaxing|bouncing...]] In her first appearance, half of us were busy laughing at how unrealistically she moved; the other half found it... [[Fetish Fuel|interesting]].
* Let's show that creep THE REAL SUPER POWER OF TEAMWORK! Yeah, because WE'RE SONIC HEROES! Actually, the entirety of ''[[Sonic Heroes (Video Game)|Sonic Heroes]]'' was pretty Narmy.
** Let's blast through with SONIC SPEED!
** SHAA!
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* Going back to something done over 10 years ago (that isn't even a game!), we have the Sonic OVA. The voice acting alone (for Tails in particular) would be enough.
** It had its crowning moment with Junpei Takiguchi voicing Dr. Eggman.
* This gem from ''[[Sonic Shuffle (Video Game)|Sonic Shuffle]]'' ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky_HXf3PH9Q Here at 8:20-ish]).
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Void:'''}} Why was I... '''''[[Chewing the Scenery|BOOOAAARRRUUUGGGHHHNN?]]'''''}}
* The 3DS version of ''[[Sonic Generations (Video Game)|Sonic Generations]]'' attempts to convey the plot of the console versions to the best of its ability. Emphasis on "attempts". There had to be a better way to convey destroying Eggman's robots or making a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] than having 3D models slide past what appear to be ''trading cards''.
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