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The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Immune to Drugs]]
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]: The relentlessly enthusiastic and naive Norbert the Nark.
* [[Inherent in Thethe System]]
* [[Jury Duty]]: Fat Freddy gets called for jury duty and eagerly anticipates the easy money, but his roommates warn him that potential jurors are sometimes dismissed based on their looks - so he slicks down his hair and puts on a suit to look super-straight...and the freak defense attorney dismisses him over his looks.
* [[Malignant Plot Tumor]]: Every story usually starts off with the Brothers attempting to score drugs. By three quarters of the way through, they may be in the middle of a gold rush, trying to find their parents, or attempting to foil a military coup of the planet.
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* [[Police Are Useless]]: Fortunately they are also the villains.
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: How the Brothers' escape every sticky situation.
* [[Shout -Out]]: During Fat Freddy's wake, we see several comics creators mourning his death. Some of these, including [[Robert Crumb]], Aline Kominsky-Crumb and Spain Rodriguez, are drawn in the artists' trademark styles (which makes sense considering that Crumb and Kominsky are known for their autobiographical work).
* [[Sinister Surveillance]]: Every rooftop bristles with antennae and dishes, and the narks [[Palantir Ploy|are always listening in]].
* [[The Smart Guy]]: [[Ambiguously Jewish|Phineas]], who once became the most powerful man on Earth [[Everything Is Online|through the use of a modem]].
* [[Snarky Non -Human Sidekick]]: Fat Freddy's cat, who in between sleeping on his master's face and [[Urine Trouble|defecating in his clothes]] wages war with the fascist cockroaches living under the fridge.
* [[The Stoic]]: Franklin, although such are the situations he regularly finds himself in he's [[Not So Stoic|less stoic than he'd like to believe he is]].
* [[Strawman Political]]: The state governor is called Rodney Richpigge.
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made Onon Drugs?]]: Nothing on the scale of the complexity and attention to detail of Shelton's artwork was ''ever'' accomplished whilst stoned.
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