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Hey, check it out! The Fandom's [[Fanfic]] is suffering from [[Sturgeon's Law]]! [[Rouge Angles of Satin|Terrible spelling]] [[Wanton Cruelty to Thethe Common Comma|and grammar]] is everywhere, [[Mary Sue|Mary Sues]] are making everyone [[OOC]] and [[Squick|Squicky]] pairings are being written! We should do something!
Except, what?
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Why of course! Bring the fanfic writers who are causing this mess into the canon itself and teach them how to write proper fanfic!
[[The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-Earth (Fanfic)|First done]] by Camilla Sandman for [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|Middle-Earth]] in 2002, now offsprings are spawning everywhere. Originally these fanfiction universities required Sandman's approval to become "official", but now you're fine writing one as long as you mention Miss Cam anywhere, and don't write a blatant ripoff.
Subsidiary of the [[Protectors of the Plot Continuum]].
* [[Fisher Kingdom]]: Any OFU for a world with nonhuman sentients will ask "race" on the entrance application. Any fanfic author who fills in [[JRRJ. TolkienR. (Creator)R. Tolkien|"Elf"]] or [[Star Trek|"Vulcan"]] on the form ''will'' be transformed into a member of that race while in attendance.
* [[Training From Hell]]: The usual educational program of an OFU
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